Competition: CSP Blurb

CSP Blurb

The current blurb on the CSP roster at reads:

The Imperial Clan of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and followers of the ideals of Palpatine. See Wiki for more information.

This could potentially be made more exciting. Write a new paragraph for the 'about' section of our roster to very quickly give the reader a feel for what we're about. Hard limits are 50 - 100 words, but around 75 would be ideal. The paragraph should be concise, relevant, and interesting to read. Entries will be judged on these criteria.

Competition Information
Organized by
General Zentru'la
Running time
2019-01-17 until 2019-01-31 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Scholae Palatinae
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
3 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
A deleted dossier
Textual submission

The ghost of the Galactic Empire, Clan Scholae Palatinae ever stands proud, ready and able, an amalgamation of Dark Jedi and Sith, Gray Jedi and imperial loyalists, mercenaries and bounty hunters. Led by their shrewd Empress, houses Imperium and Excidium come together to form glaive and hammer, together mustering their martial might to secure their clan’s place as the third clan of the Dark Brotherhood.

1st place
Research Director Kadrol Hauen
Textual submission

Clan Scholae Palatinae is the Imperial clan of the brotherhood, and follows the ideals of Emperor Palpatine. Shrouded in secrecy, the clan attempts to gain a foothold within the Caperion System after Grand Master Pravus caused the destruction of their previous home. Scholae Palatinae welcomes all members adhering to the dark or grey paths, shunning the light.

2nd place
Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
Textual submission

Clan Scholae Palatinae traces its origins back to the Galactic Empire under Emperor Palpatine, and claims to be the only legitimate successor state. Structure and law of the predecessor have survived with little modification, the most obvious being an open door policy towards nonhumans and a greater focus on merit. The elite of the Clan are split between House Imperium who acts as paragon example to the populace, and the renegade House Excidium which eschews any and all rules in favor of results.

3rd place