Season 16 is upon us in Sanctuary and the endless hordes of demons are ready to get annihilated in spectacular fashion once again. This is the Season of Grandeur, which grants the effect of the Ring of Royal Grandeur to everyone. This brings a new opportunity to squeeze in another Legendary power that would normally have to be excluded from an optimal build and opens up opportunites to try different things.
Insead of pushing for the highest completed greater rift this time, your task is to dust off your finest speed farming gear and complete a Greater Rift 60 (Torment XIII equivalent) solo in the shortest time possible. Once you have completed a run and are satisfied with the results, take a screenshot of the rift completion screen and upload it below. In the event of a tie, whoever submitted first will be the winner. Participants must use a seasonal character for this competition
An example screenshot can be found here
Placement in this competition will be included in the GMRG score calculation for members that are Rank X and above.
1st place
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
2nd place
3rd place
Valhavoc Ad Vizsla