Using your character(s) and any other given permission to use, write an angsty soap-opera scene involving infidelity or distrust.
Example snippet:
“I cannot go on without you, Smoddo! Please, take me with you!”
The desperate pleas of a ravishing holonovela star, begging her dashing Hutt lover not to leave her reverberated in the cool night air. Before her, Smoddo gave a withering look that struck his opposing star speechless before slithering up the ramp to his shuttle, leaving the grief-stricken woman to curse the contrived set of circumstance that had cost her the love of her life.
/End Snippet
Grading will be based on Voice fiction rubric, with a heavy emphasis on the soapiness of the opera / holonovela and gratuitous humor value. Top three placements earn Crescents. Submissions above 500 words earn Clusters of Ice. Submissions below 500 words get disqualified.
Valid submission formats: PDF, DOC or DOCX.
The overall point values for placement in this competition for the event is as follows: * 1st: 6 Points * 2nd: 5 Points * 3rd: 4 Points