Competition: Wiki Trivia Hunt Galore: Clan Plagueis

Wiki Trivia Hunt Galore: Clan Plagueis

This competition is made of 20 (twenty) questions about Clan Plagueis! Hit the subscribe button when you feel you have brushed up enough on the history of the Clan!

Remember, correct spelling is important!

Ties will be broken by most correct answers in the fastest submission time. If there is still a tie, a coin flip will determine the winner.

Have fun delving into the history and development of Clan Plagueis!

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Wiki Trivia Hunt Galore!
Organized by
Grand Inquisitor Morax Darkblade
Running time
2019-02-14 until 2019-02-23 (10 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
3 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Master Bentre Stahoes
Subscription time
18 February 2019
Submission time
18 February 2019
Time taken
1240 seconds (± 21 minutes)
Textual submission

1. according to the Wiki, both House Ajunta Pall and Karness Muur were formed in 30 ABY.


3. 110 meters

4. Jawader's Spears becomes a three-way spear when spoken to

5. Valneikian hive

6. 5

7. Supply Station Omega

8. Orian Incursion

9. Sy-Lu Xera

10. 31 ABY

11. Faethor or Chi-Long

12. 4

13. Overseer

14. 5 castes

15. Ascendancy

16. Sith

17. Adopt, Ascend and Avail

18. Ghaarm the Elder

19. Arden Karn di Plagia

20. The Shield of Plagueis

1st place
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Subscription time
20 February 2019
Submission time
20 February 2019
Time taken
2886 seconds (± about 1 hour)
Textual submission

1. Both Karness Muur and Ajunta Pall.
2. 16 (sixteen), 3 of which are former "di Plagia".
3. 110 meters.
4. A three way Spear.
5. The Valneikian hive.
6. 5 (five).
7. Supply Station Omega.
8. Horizons.
9. Sy-Lu Xera.
10. 31 ABY.
11. Chi-Long.
12. 4 (four).
13. Overseer.
14. 5 (five).
15.The Ascendancy.
16. The Sith Empire.
17. Adapt, Ascend, and Avail.
18. Tress'kar.
19. Arden Karn.
20. Karness Muur Quaestor.

2nd place
3rd place
Rian Taldrya
Rian Taldrya
Subscription time
17 February 2019
Submission time
17 February 2019
Time taken
2453 seconds (± 41 minutes)
Rian Taldrya opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place