Competition: [CNS-PLA ANTIQUITY] PROLOGUE: Points of Interest


Landing on the planet, elements of both CNS and Plagueis have begun to survey the land. Be it desert, mountainous, wooded, or mostly ocean, there are locations of great interest to both clans on the surface.

Take the time to detail what your characters or NPCs find on the surface of the planet in greater detail in DJB Wiki format. You may even include some postulation or theories about a site, so long as you format it appropriately. Consult location-specific wiki articles to help you with writing out the planet's geography, climate, history, landmarks, and other elements. The more detail and the stronger the formatting, the better.

Write a Wiki page draft of at least 500 words about locations on the surface. For more information on how to create a proper wiki page layout, please consult the link below:

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[CNS-PLA] Operation: Antiquity
Organized by
General Ronovi Tavisaen, Master Bentre Stahoes
Running time
2019-02-18 until 2019-02-25 (8 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents
12 subscribers, of which 7 have participated.
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae opted out of publishing her submission.
1st place
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
File submission
Textual submission

{{Geographic location
|image= [[File:crater.jpg|thumb|left|200px|The Crater of Zyhtra]]
|name= The Crater of Zyhtra
|planet= (planet name)
|coord= (area on planet)
|kilometers= 10km diameter
|climate= arid scrubland
|terrain= rocky
|interest= Dark Side Site
|species= Rakata (destroyed)
|otherspecies= Sith
|language= none
|population= none
|cities= none
|imports= none
|exports= none
|affiliation= formerly Rakata, later Sith

==The Crater of Zhytra==

‘’’The Crater of Zyhtra’’’ is the site of the crash of a [[starwars:Rakata|Rakatan]] force-hyperdrive ship [[File:Rakataships.png|thumb|right|200px|Rakata Ships]]

known as the ‘’Zyhtra’’ that was fleeing the destruction of the [[starwars:Infinite_Empire|Infinite Empire]] around 25,000 BBY. The Rakata were attracted to the natural [[starwars:The Force|Force]] energy that resided in the planet. The [[starwars:Rakata energy cube|Rakata energy cube]] that was part of the ship’s power system exploded upon impact and left a massive ten kilometer diameter crater in the surface of the planet (name). The ship was destroyed and a large amount of the ship’s debris was blasted deep into the planet’s surface.

Later [[starwars:Sith|Sith]] explorers were attracted to the intense [[starwars:Dark Side|Dark Side]] energy that emanated from the site. They built structures and explored the area for the source of the emanations. With the destruction of the [[starwars:Sith Empire|Sith Empire]] the planet was abandoned and the Sith structures fell into ruin and desolation within the crater.

By the time of the [[starwars:Clone Wars|Clone Wars]] the planet had fallen into obscurity and had been forgotten by the galaxy at large. [[starwars:Separatist|Separatist Forces]] fought a major battle in the (name of system) near the end of the Clone Wars. Forces of both sides engaged in desperate combat in the skies above (planet name). Several ships crashed near the Crater. Although there may have been survivors none ever made it back to their respective factions to report on the site.

The Crater is a 500 meter deep depression surrounded by high rocky walls composed of sharp glassy rock. Over ten kilometers in diameter, the crater is filled with rocks and dust. The terrain is very rough and filled with loose debris, sliding rock shingles, and sand. Pieces of ship metal falling to rust from the battles during the Clone Wars are littered about randomly within the site.

Former small structures built by the Sith in antiquity dot the area. All of them have fallen completely into ruin and resemble piles of debris more than actual buildings. They are barely recognizable as structures to the naked eye. Although most of the archaeological remains found date from the time of the Sith or later Clone Wars era debris, occasionally older artifacts are found. Some of the Rakata technology and metals survived the explosion of the ship and seem to work their way to the surface on occasion. The site is a source of both ancient Rakata metals as well as potential Dark Side lore.

===Dark Side Site===
The Crater is a powerful [[starwars:Dark side of the Force|Dark Side]] site of moderate to strong intensity. The debris from the Rakata hyperdrive ship that was fueled by the Dark Side was injected into the surface of the planet when the ship crashed and exploded. As well, all the Rakata aboard the ship and their victims who had been used to fuel the energy cube and hyperdrive perished in the horrific crash. Their deaths combined with the evil technology of the Rakata left a lingering deep stain on the [[starwars:The Force|Force]] in this place.
Unlike many such places in the galaxy the Crater remains largely cloaked from Force sensitive individuals except at close range within the planetary system. This may be a result of some unknown technology of the Rakata that could remain intact below the surface of the planet. It may also simply be an effect of the unique nature of the site. Visitors to the Crater report feelings of dread, a chill in the air, and whispering voices. Susceptible individuals may be overshadowed by the lingering greed and cruelty of the souls of dead Rakata that linger in this place.

[[category:Naga Sadow Locations]]

2nd place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
File submission
4th place
Warlord Khryso Mallus
Textual submission


The planet seems fairly young in comparison to some of the others in the galaxy, at least on a cosmic scale. It has maintained its own ecosystem and biology for millennia. Roughly 4-3 thousand years ago, however, it appears a [[Sith_Order|Sith]] faction landed here, bringing along with them a fairly large slave population. They wasted no time in building a massive city-state on the south end of the mountainous region on Continent I. This society seemed to function for a few hundred years before something happened that sparked some kind of conflict, perhaps a slave revolution.

Whatever the case, the city-state was abandoned and left in ruins as the survivors of the conflict spread out over the continent. Several sects formed and seemingly some of those sect still contained Sith, as there seem to be the ruins of Sith temples scattered about the rainforests. However, eventually, what Sith there were either died off or abandoned the people without passing on their art as the remaining population splintered further, forming wandering nomadic tribes.

Some of these tribes died off, leaving scattered half-built cities here and there as markers of their legacy. However, several managed to survive and eke out a living. A few of the tribes moved so far south they reached the edge of the continent and decided to take to the sea. They managed to find their way to a few of the islands in the archipelago where they started to build somewhat stable sea-faring societies.

As the centuries went on, natural selection did its duty and weeded out the weakest of these scattered tribes and societies until only a few remained, making the best of the hands they were dealt.

The planet supports a robust [[starwars:Atmosphere/Legends#Type_I_atmospheres|Type I atmosphere]]. The outer atmosphere is heavily layered with gases, creating a strong greenhouse effect. This causes large, unpredictable, and usually violent weather patterns that constantly sweep across the planet at high velocity. It also creates a rather tropical climate and avoids heavy seasonal variation due to the minimal axial tilt of the planet.

The Eastern Hemisphere is home to the majority of the worst storms due to its large ocean coverage. Most of the storms the world experiences are tropical cyclones. The temperatures toward the liquid poles will usually range between 10 and 30 degrees Celsius depending on time of day and weather conditions while near the equator it rarely falls below 30 degrees Celsius and can occasionally reach up to 60 degrees Celsius in the worst conditions. The humidity is usually quite high planet-wide and rain happens daily in most places.


===Western Hemisphere===

The Western Hemisphere is home to the two largest landmasses on the planet, Continent I, which covers about 40% of the area of the Hemisphere, mostly concentrated around the Equator and extending up towards the Northern Pole. Continent II is a much smaller landmass, only about 60% the size of Continent I, and resides just south of the Equator, extending towards the Southern Pole. A large archipelago stretches between the two continents, forming a sort of chain between them.

====Continent I====

Continent I is covered almost entirely in rain forests, although the elevation varies quite heavily between flat plains around the equator to more mountainous regions as you go further north. Along the northern and western borders of the continent are a series of cliffs that, while not particularly jagged, are quite high and form a ridge along the ocean. Along the eastern and southern borders, however, are dark sandy beaches. A vast network of rivers runs throughout the landmass, but there appear to be no large lakes or inland seas.

The rainforests in the northern areas are mostly populated by squat trees that are several meters in width but only a few meters tall. They sit closely and large, flat leaves create a dark canopy, making navigation along the forest floor a bit difficult. The trees appear have large hollows within them in which large arthropods live. These arthropods are about a meter in length and feature a large variety of species and varieties, although none of them seem able to fly. They are the primary residents of the Northern Forests, along with some timid very small rodents. While they act hostile, they don't appear to be particularly deadly.

Moving closer to the equator, the trees become thinner and taller, developing a very rough outer bark and large networks of roots. These roots find their way into neighboring trees, completely covering the forest floor in several layers of wood both alive and dead. The arthropods here are smaller, but even more numerous and in larger varieties of types and species, however there are still no winged species. Every step one takes on the layers of stringy roots are likely to send a cascade of arthropods scurrying. The rodents seem to have not been able to migrate to this area.

=====Sith City-State=====

The Sith City-State is located on the south end of the mountainous region of Continent I. A massive city area was built along with several rings of city that encompassed a large area of land. An in-depth mining operation was built into the sides of the nearby mountains and hills and large swaths of the rainforest were cleared out to accommodate farmland and other facilities. The city-state contained several Sith temples and even a few tombs. While the place has mostly fallen into disrepair, becoming overgrown with plantlife in the thousands of years it has been abandoned, there are clear signs of destruction and conflict, making it obvious some kind of battle took place here.

=====Sith Temples=====

Scattered throughout the rainforests of Continent I are the ruins of Sith Temples. They mostly seem to have been abandoned for centuries and are overgrown with plant-life and inhabited by the local fauna. They were likely built by surviving Sith after the fall of the city-state.

=====Slave Tribes=====

Tribes of the former residents of the city-state still seem to exist, living mostly nomadic lifestyles as they have learned how best to transport their temporary settlements. However, there are still many empty settlements and ghost towns scattered throughout the rainforests that were either abandoned by their residents or housed those that weren't cut out to live.

====Continent II====

The majority of the landmass of Continent II forms an utterly massive single mountain. The mountain is rounded and smooth and more stout than tall, but is still big enough to rise into the upper atmosphere. Clouds hug the upper half of the mountain thickly and tightly, masking exactly what the peak looks like from sight. Along the slopes, however, is a wide variety of thick and sturdy vegetation. None of the flora gets particularly tall, as the heavy cloud cover at the top of the mountain produces near constant rainfall that is constantly creating winding rivers down the mountainside.

Along the base of the mountain is a wetland that houses a much wider variety of plants and a sturdier variation of the string root trees that populate the southern regions of Continent I. The softness of the ground here, however, allows the roots to easily sink down into the earth and they spread like an underground web, artificially increasing the size of the landmass by spreading into the ocean surrounding the continent and forming the silt that the rainfall carries down the mountain into more wetland areas.

These wetlands house the largest arthropods yet, and once again, of the many species, none have the capability of flight. These creatures are generally more passive than the other varieties on Continent I and appear to be mostly herbivorous.

=====Sith Temple=====

After careful observation, the ruins of a small Sith Temple were tucked into the base of the mountain. This temple appears to be only a couple centuries old, suggesting that some of the original Sith may have made it at least this far, and maybe farther.


While the geography of each island in the archipelago can vary slightly, they each share many similarities. Most of the smaller islands often find themselves underwater, which leaves them rather smooth, rocky, and covered in algae or seaweed. Depending on the tides and the weather, the number and size of islands accessible can change quickly. There appear to be hundreds of islands in the archipelago, but of those that spend all of their time in the open air, there are only about fifty.

Most of these islands are covered in soft, long grasses and vines, with not many trees or shrubbery to speak of. Most of them have also been worn smooth by the seas and weather, although a couple still boast impressive cliff-sides and hills. Amphibious shellfish and crustaceans make up most of the fauna population of the islands, although from landmass to landmass they can be found in many different varieties and species. On an island near the southern coast of Continent I, curiously, can be found a single winged species of arthropod. Though these creatures did have wings, however, they were never seen actually using them to fly. They may be vestigial in nature, leftover after the species managed to fly to this island and stopped using them.

This archipelago also is home to the most aggressive native species encountered, a species of meter-long crustaceans with powerful mandibles and large claws. They seem to be the top of the food chain in the archipelago and were found on several islands. They are not afraid to attack anything that approaches them.

=====Island Tribes=====

There are four distinct island tribes that still seem to be functioning. They each occupy their own islands, some of the largest in the chain, however, all the occupied islands are still relatively close to each other. They seem to have small cities built and also have managed to construct boats that can withstand the rough weather of the planet. They seem to be in good graces with their neighbors, but without more closely investigating how their societies function, it is impossible to determine just how peaceful they are and how they may react to outsiders.

=====Sith Temple=====

On the largest island in the archipelago is a large Sith temple. While this temple is definitely in the best condition of all that have been found, it still appears to be empty and abandoned. The Island Tribes seem to avoid this island and the water around it entirely, however, as well as the aggressive crustaceans.

===Eastern Hemisphere===

The Eastern Hemisphere is mostly water, although it contains the third and smallest continent on the planet. Due to the vast ocean in this area of the world, the storms appear to be much larger and more violent.

====Continent III====

Continent III is the smallest of the three continents, only amounting to about 70% the landmass of Continent II. It is situated about halfway between the equator and the North Pole. It is mostly covered in rainforests, featuring a wide variety of plants similar to those found in the mountainous region of Continent I, although the forests are not quite as dense on Continent III. It also shares in a common with Continent I it's large network of crisscrossing rivers that cover the area of the landmass quite thoroughly. However, this network also extends underground, where there seems to be an even bigger network of waterways.

Not all of these waterways are natural, however, which brings us to the residents of Continent III. An amphibious species of cephalopods have made this continent their home. They appear to be near [[starwars:Sentience|sentient]] in intelligence, much more so than any other native species. They move mostly through the rivers and appear to have even made some of their own as if to create a highway of rivers that move across the island. They seem mostly herbivorous, however, and the few species of arthropods that live on the island with them seem to live fine alongside them. There may be more to these cephalopods than meets the eye if they were investigated further.


The ocean is home to a wide variety of crustaceans, shellfish, and fish that all seem to coexist in their own massive ecosystems. Many varieties of algae, seaweed, and other underwater plants accompany them, and there even seem to be a few underwater mountains here and there that may rival the mountain in Continent II in size. Notably, south of the equator there appears to be a species of cephalopods distantly related to those that reside on Continent III. However, they are much bigger and much more deadly than their cousins. Many may even be the size of starships, although it is difficult to know just what variety of species there are given the vastness and deepness of the ocean.

5th place
6th place
Textual submission or
{{Competition|Operation Antiquities- Points of Interest}}
{{Quote| A self working droid factory left unattended now that's a good plan |Hilgrif of the hive}}
|name=Metalla fabrica

=== Scans of the base===
This [[starwars:CIS|CIS]]-designed base was created for the purpose of manufacturing droids. It has, since the end of the Clone Wars, fallen into disrepair. Pieces of metal originally purposed for droids have now been used as roofing and wall material. long distance scans there seem to be some remaining towers with [[starwars:J-1 proton cannon |J-1 Proton Cannon]] and a active loading crew of [[starwars:b1 battle droids|b1 battle droids]] . Some of the other towers around the base have [[starwars: DSD1 dwarf spider droid|DSD1 dwarf spider droid]] in other towers of the base. the base has a mine to the east of it. The base has, despite the clear signs of neglect, seen signs of usage as more recently create droids have been spotted around the factory. They remain on stand by, but appear to be able to be reactivated at a moment's notice. . The base looks like it keeps a set amount of active droids on stand by that include 1 [[starwars:Separatist Droid Army|Battalion]] of [[starwars:b1 battle droids|b1 battle droids]], 1 [[starwars:Separatist Droid Army|company]] of [[starwars:b2 super battle droids|b2 super battle droids]], 2 [[starwars:Separatist Droid Army|squads]] of [[starwars:droidekas|droidekas]],1 [[starwars:Separatist Droid Army|squad]] of [[starwars:sniper droideka| sniper droidekas]] and untold number of inactive droids as the scans can not read the power signature after they turn them off from there testing of the new droids. the central roof looks like it might contain a missile turret that shoots [[starwars:Pistoeka sabotage droid |Pistoeka sabotage droid ]] buzz droids at enemy fighters. Final scanners have noted the presence of an old shield generator, but field reports have suggested against the possibility of it working in good operation due to advanced age of the model used.The base is most likely ran by a super tactical droid who is the overseer of Metalla fabrica.

=== Scans of the mine===
Large network of tunnels in the mines make it easy to get lost in the red dark tunnles. the mine looks like it has some [[starwars: Autonomic crust-piercer| Autonomic crust-piercer droids]] and [[starwars:PK-series worker droid|PK-series worker droid]] moving ore to the factory using [[starwars:Hoversled| hoversled]] the scans have shown the droids do not keep good maintenance of the mine as some parts of the mine have collapse on themselves,

=== Scans Around the Base/Scans of Surrounding Area===
Around the base looks like mostly flat ground covered in large dark red rocks and light green sand for like for 200km around it but on the east side of the base is a small barren dark red mountain with the entrance of the mine in it scans have pick up some burrowed droids in the green sand in low power mode so unable to pinpoint them from what we can tell they are randomly scatter this way out of sight and looks like most of the local pirates and raiders avoided coming near this base

6th place
Tasha'Vel Versea
Tasha'Vel Versea opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement