Welcome to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Debates series. The intention of these competitions is to engage your character outside of fiction and get into their head. In DJB Debates, you are tasked with responding to the Presumption from the perspective of your character. You may take either the affirmative (for) or the negative (against) but you must support whichever side you take. The winners are not determined by who is “right” but instead who can can best design and support their stance (see grading below for more information). As with any debate, you are encouraged to cite examples of why you are correct but they must only be facts and circumstances that exist within the Star Wars universe. Additionally, this is an in character competition which means your submission should only include facts and circumstances that is readily available to them. Specifically, your character likely has no knowledge of the inner thoughts of any of the main characters of the series. There will be an assumption that facts about history, technical specification of older equipment and information about previous governments is readily available. Be especially cautious about information regarding “current” events and just what your character realistically is aware of and has access to. How you respond and what information you support your stance with is up to you.
"The destruction of the Empire was positive for the galaxy as a whole."
Grading will be done with the Debate Grading Rubric.
1st place
A deleted dossier
2nd place
Lontra Boglach
3rd place
Nikora Rhan