For this competition, your goal is to amass the most Conquest points that you can during a single week. Only Conquest objectives active during the duration of this competition count, which encompasses three different weekly Conquest events. Only your single highest weekly score will be considered for placement.
The Conquest System in Star Wars: The Old Republic is one of the more unique features in the game. You can complete conquest objectives at any level, with solo or group content, and it doesn't require you to be in a guild either. The objectives each week span the entire range of activities available in game and if you are in a guild your individual activity helps your guild reach their goal as well. Finally, there are rewards for your character to earn by participating as well. has a robust guide to the Conquest system if you are unfamiliar with it, but it is fairly intuitive. While in game, hit "L" to bring up your log and navigate to the second tab from the left labelled "Conquest". The objectives are listed in the bottom left, these are the activities that will earn you Conquest points for the week. The upper left corner has the timer that displays the time left in the current Conquest, which reset Tuesday of each week.
1st place
Councillor Turel Sorenn
2nd place
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
3rd place
A deleted dossier