Competition: May the 4th Be With You!: Pet Playdate

May the 4th Be With You!: Pet Playdate

Creatures are now officially part of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood possessions system, and so are a means to describe their physical characteristics or personality. In this competition, submit one (1) custom physical aspect, and one (1) custom personality aspect. Your submission must meet the requirements below, in whatever format you deem most appropriate, that I will be able to open and view:

  • A name for each Aspect.
  • The text of the actual aspect.

Reminder of what each is:

  • The Creature Personality Aspect is a non-functional aspect that defines the personality of a specific creature in a specific manner as defined by the details of the aspect with specific benefits and drawbacks noted for each personality.
  • The Creature Physical Aspect is a non-functional aspect that defines the size, life cycle or stage of physical and psychological development, and defining physical characteristics of a specific creature relative to a standard member of the species.

Scoring will be done by first looking at completeness, with only complete entries with two named aspects, one physical and one personality, being able to place. Then by awarding on a 1-5 point scale. 1-5 for creativity and 1-5 points for Star Wars realism with 1 being no attempt to be creative and original or realistic, and a 5 being completely unique and creative and fully immersed in Star Wars. Any ties after scoring will be broken by the organizer's subjective enjoyment of the tied entries.

This competition is intended to explore how pet customization will work now that they are part of the possessions system, as well as potentially some crowdsourcing of universal pre-written options on the site.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Celebration: May the 4th Be With You! 2019.
Organized by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Running time
2019-05-04 until 2019-05-12 (9 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents
19 subscribers, of which 14 have participated.
Moff Alethia Archenksova
Textual submission

# It's So Fluffy I'm Gonna Die

This creature is, in a word, cute. Perhaps nauseatingly so. Compared to others of its species, {{item_name}} displays a high degree of neoteny, with a relatively large head, large eyes, and smaller limbs. Whether covered in skin, scales, feathers, or fur, its body is also remarkably soft. If an auteur holofilm director included {{item_name}} in their film, perhaps to replace native wildlife, they would undoubtedly make a fortune on the toy rights alone. {{item_name}} gets plenty of attention wherever it goes, but even at its fiercest, it is unable to intimidate anyone or anything.

# Basically a Pokemon

While it would be unfair to call {{item_name}} mean, even {{owner}} has to concede that it is belligerent. This creature is completely fearless when it comes to sentients or other creatures, and will happy start a fight regardless of how outmatched it is physically. While it prevails surprisingly often through sheer force of will, {{item_name}} would be well advised to check itself before it wrecks itself.

1st place
Councillor Turel Sorenn
Textual submission

Creature Personality Aspect:

**I choose you!**

{{item_name}} has been trained from birth to do one thing: battle other creatures in an arena setting. Kept in cramped spaces and conditioned by fear for their entire life, {{item_name}} exhibits reckless aggression and ferocity far beyond a typical {{original_item_name}} found in the wild. They treat every confrontation as a fight to the death, which most of their life it has been.

Because of their gladiator upbringing, {{item_name}} is near impossible to socialize with other creatures or sentients other than their handler. Even with their established handler they only respond with fear and only yield to physical pain from restraining devices. {{item_name}} does not know how to respond to affection or how to show restraint.

Creature Physical Aspect:

**Do you want to know how I got these scars?**

{{item_name}} has lived a hard life fighting for their masters and it shows. Their body is covered with scars from bites, punctures, and slashes from old battles. Small sections of flesh are visibly missing from their hide and legs, taken by previous opponents in bitter duels to the death. {{item_name}} also has a lean and hungry look about them relative to other {{original_item_name}}s.

2nd place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Textual submission

Just a Baby
Physical Aspect
{{original_item_name}} is an adolescent of {{gender:his,her,its,their}} species and not yet fully grown. {{gender:He,Ser,Its,They}} is still very small and ungainly and has many of the traits typical to newborns or younglings of most {{original_item_name}}. {{gender:He,She,It,They}} cannot fully take care of {{gender:himself,herself,itself,themself}} yet due to {{gender:his,her,its,their}} still developing physical stature.

Feed Me, Slave
Personality Aspect
{{original_item_name}} is very aloof and condescending in {{gender:his,her,its,their}} manner, and shows seemingly no care at all for {{owner}}. {{gender:He,Ser,Its,They}} acts arrogant, expectant, and indifferent, seemingly only showing up when there is food from the silly sentient the {{original_item_name}} has trained to {{gender:his,her,its,their}} beck and call. Occasionally, {{item_name}} will show preference or loyalty, even allow a pet or two, from {{owner}}.

3rd place
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Textual submission

#### Personality Aspect

___Space Clawdet___

{{item_name}} is not the ideal focus, ready to follow {{owner}}'s command at a second's notice. Instead, this {{original_item_name}} is more apt to be found chasing insects or staring off into space. Training does not seem to stick with {{item_name}}, the {{original_item_name}} seems to forget each new lesson as soon as they end. Treats, toys, and even attention motivation have no effect on them as they bound energetically to absorb the rewards more than the training. While this is certainly a draw back, {{item_name}}'s spacey nature can certainly be considered lovable. {{owner}} often sighing with endearment as the {{original_item_name}} rolls their head about to look at them with their tongue lolling about.

#### Physical Aspect

__Good Ol' Bones___

{{item_name}} is getting up there in years for {{a/an}} {{original_item_name}}. Their skin is drier and cracked, their joints starting to ache and giving them a slower, pronounced gait. Their {{fur/scales/feathers}} are less shiny, dulling in color as {{item_name}}’s wisdom gained from their long life starts wearing on their vitality.

4th place
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Textual submission

Creature: Puffer Pig

Personality Aspect: “Rescue Pig” OR “Pig in the Lothal Mine”

Puffer Pig was rescued from a life of abuse at the hands of miners who took almost as much pleasure in terrifying their pigs as they did in enjoying the wealth they brought them. As a result, Puffer Pig is even more skittish than normal members of its species and will inflate at the slightest provocation. Puffer Pig can normally only be soothed by its master and rescuer. Despite the inconvenience, the trait serves as an early warning of danger long before it can be sensed by most sentients.

Physical Aspect: “A Unicorn With Curves”

Puffer Pig has had one of its forward-facing horns completely removed. The opposite, though exceptionally long for the species, has been blunted. Under close observation, one can see that the inflated base of yellow hide that once held the removed horn in place shifts to mirror the subtle movement of its twin horn. There is also now the occasional sound of whistling air when the Puffer Pig deflates from its anxious state.

5th place
Lucine Vasano
File submission
No placement
Textual submission

Personality: That's Why They Call Me Whiskers

This creature has a curiosity level commonly associated with feline species across the galaxy. In order to feed it's inquisitive nature, this creature has developed a set of skills that make it good at getting into places it normally would not have access to. However, this creature also frequently finds itself in way over it's head and often requires rescue.

Physical: Didn't Skip Leg Day

This creature has much strong legs or hind legs for a normal member of their species. This gives them extra power when using these appendages at the expense of agility with those same limbs.

No placement
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Textual submission

Creature Personality Title: Hodor
Text: Sasha has strong defensive instincts and will guard any member of its pack at any time or day. Sometimes this is particularly vocal and at other times it is disturbingly quiet. As a result, Sasha can be overly defensive and cautious towards strangers and attempt to control the lives of pack members. But for those moments when he is right, you will never have a more fierce and loyal protector than Sasha, whose watch never ends.

Creature Physical title: Not quite a baby anymore
Text: Nomi may be slightly smaller than her species but don't let the teenage polecat trick you. Still growing into her own, Nomi still has some awkward dimensions she hasn't grown into, resulting in others thinking she is often younger than she looks. Nomi promises to be lanky one day but for now she is still growing into her striped tail.

No placement
Textual submission

Personality aspect - Milk Teeth

The creature has a natural tendency to bite and chew almost anything. Whether it is animate or inanimate, it cares not. Anything worth chewing is like a toy to it, and it will do so unapologetically. However, it can invite more trouble than usual.

Physical aspect: Young at heart

The creature has seen many years and is now considered aged by the standard of its species. However, this creature does not care about that. It still thinks it is young and acts like it. Be it in regular life or in a fight, it attempts feats of agility as if it were younger. However, this makes the creature more injury-prone when it over-extends itself.

No placement
Dr. Rhylance
Textual submission

Bulldog In Practice

[Name] is a very intelligent, but free thinking being. [He,She, It] tends to pick and choose what orders and commands to follow, usually tied to how happy you [owner] [he, she, it] is. When highly upset [Name] can even be quite spiteful, destroying [owners] personal property. In the end [Name] is still a loyal companion. Just one who wants to be respected and cared for.


Some creatures are smaller than others, some larger. [Name] is considered the lowest tier of height for [his, her, their] species. While some may find this cute and worth more or less than a normal specimen, in reality it's just a regular genetic trait.

No placement
Tomora Nay'ek
File submission
No placement
Magik opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Erik Cato
Textual submission

Curiosity Kills (Creature Personality)
This creature possesses an insatiable curiosity and naivete that can often get it into trouble. Often its attention is drawn to interesting people and objects, compelling it to investigate without any sense of caution.

Rambunctious Youth(Physical Aspect)
This young creature has yet to reach full maturity yet. It's physical form is smaller than that of an adult. Although it does not possess the same level of strength as its adult counterparts, it makes up this deficiency in speed and endurance.

No placement
Mistress Aphotis
Textual submission

Best Friend Forever (Creature Personality):

{{item_name}} is inherently enthusiastic and typically gets along with all people or other creatures. {{item_name}} is more likely to jump on people since its exhilarated at the possibility of having another best friend for life. {{item_name}} can have the tendency to knock people over or appear overly brave when {{item_name}} is really just incredibly excited. {{item_name}} might need some extra attention in order to remain calm.

Chameleon (Creature Cosmetic):

{{item_name}} is able to change its colors and vary up its patterns. {{item_name}} has an underlying layer of crystals which contain a wide variety of pigmentation. {{item_name}} adjusts its hue's depending on the wavelength of light that reflects off the crystals.

No placement