Competition: [Rebels and Ruins] Where It All Went Wrong

[Rebels and Ruins] Where It All Went Wrong

record scratches “You may wonder how I, a member of an ancient force cult, ended up here….” video rewinds….

For every Crowning Moment of Awesome, there are moments of failure. Sometimes hilarious failure, especially in retrospect. Han running full tilt after a few stormtroopers only to find himself facing a whole platoon may have been terrifying for him at the time, but to the rest of us, it is simultaneously humorous and humanizing.

Write a fiction about one of your character's failures. Use of humor is strongly encouraged. Entries should be a minimum of 500 words, and a maximum of 1500. Grading will be based on the Fiction Rubric, found at

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Rebels and Ruins: A Clan Naga Sadow Event
Organized by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, Master Bentre Stahoes, Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Running time
2019-06-08 until 2019-06-22 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
8 subscribers, of which 5 have participated.
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
File submission
1st place
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Adept Macron Goura Sadow opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
Tasha'Vel Versea
File submission
3rd place
Malisane Sadow
File submission
Textual submission

Where it All Went Wrong

Free City
Neutral Zone
Planet Kamoris

The Deathshead touched down lightly on the landing pad. A few minutes later two figures in non de-script clothing emerged down the ramp. Lieutenant Colonel Senth studied the city, which was really just a dozen streets of prefabricated bars and shops huddled together in the otherwise empty wilderness. “This looks like the place.”
His companion looked around. “Nice,” he grunted.
The clone turned to him. “I still don't know why you are here Battelord. I did not need an escort.”
Malisane shrugged. “The Summit requested me to come as your backup. I was not doing anything important so I agreed.”
Senth turned away and set off walking. “Well remember who is in charge. I serve the Summit now, not you.”
Malisane scowled and then followed.

The Battlelord was quiet for a few minutes then asked, “So why are we here? They said something about a kidnapping.”
Senth sighed, “It's more complicated than that. The planet Kamoris is of interest to the Clan. Since we lost the Orian system we need places to repair and restock the fleet. This planet is suitable. However it's also split between two factions, the Dromair and the Estorans.”
“They have a fragile peace after centuries of war, which the Dromair who we are dealing with want to keep. However they have learnt that the Estorans have built a weapon of mass destruction. The Dromair want the plans for it to maintain the balance of power.”
Malisane shrugged. “So let these Estorans use it then deal with them after.”
The clone rolled his eyes. “Is that your first solution? Anyway they hate outsiders. But when we've helped the Dromair achieve balance the Estorans won't be able to do anything when we work with them.”
The Battlelord mulled this over. “It is your plan.”

A few hours later night had fallen. The two of them crouched on a flat roof watching a building across the street. “So this guy is who?” Malisane asked.
Senth looked through his goggles at the door of the club. “Storan Drax. Chief Designer for the Estoran military. He'll have the codes to access the plans.”
“You don't have a picture of him?”
“Unfortunately not. But he's a short blonde man with accompanied by guards. It's not uncommon for senior staff on both sides to come here. There are pleasures on offer here disapproved of in both societies.”
“I see.”
They waited. “That looks like our man,” Malisane said finally.
“Possibly,” Senth said, “we should be sure. Wait!”
“The street is empty this is our chance!” was the Battlelord's response as he leapt down landing a few metres away from their targets.

Immediately the two armoured guards turned towards the Sith, hands going to holstered blasters as the blonde man quickly backed against a wall. Malisane leapt towards them, fist swinging out and smashing the first guard with a powerful punch that rocked his head back with a sickening crack. The second guarded backed off, raising his blaster and aiming it at the Sith. A second later he felt an arm circle his neck and a blade sliced into the gap between his helmet and chest plate and across his throat. Senth gently lowered him down to the ground.
The blonde man was still flattened against the wall. “You're making a mistake!” he gasped.
“We do not have time for this,” Malisane grunted and in one movement he smashed the man's head against the wall then hoisted him over his shoulder.
Senth's eyes bore into him furiously. “That was unnecessary. He'd better be able to function.”
Malisane turned, “He is fine.”
The clone did his best to contain his anger then followed.

The blonde man slowly awoke and looked around at the alley groggily. “Where am I?”
“I told you he was fine,” a voice to his left said.
“We can hope so.” A man with a short beard moved in front of him. “We need information from you Drax. Concerning the Volaris missile.”
“The what?” the man demanded, trying to clear his head. “I have no idea what you are talking about. You had better let me go I have powerful friends.”
A second taller man loomed into view and looked coldly at him. “Are they here now? Do they know where you are? I think not.”
“I can handle this Battlelord,” the first man said quietly, “you've done more than enough.”
“I am not this Drax and I have no idea about any missile,” the blonde man told them, “let me go.”
“He lies,” the taller man grunted.
“People have a habit of doing that,” the first man replied.
“I will make him talk,” the second man said looming back into view. “We have ways.”
“Are you sure?” the first asked sounding doubtful.
The taller man ignored him and placed a hand on the blonde man's forehead. Immediately pain surged through his brain and bright colours flashed across his vision. His body began to convulse and his bladder let go as agony like he could never have imagined spread through him and he screamed before the tall man clamped his other hand over his mouth. Then suddenly a feeling of peace washed over him.

Senth took his fingers away from the blonde man's neck. “He's dead alright. Nice work.”
The Sith scowled. “He must have been unable to take the pressure. Weakling.”
The clone turned on him. “You ham fisted idiot! The Summit would have been better sending me a rancor for backup!”
Malisane met his gaze coldly. “What is done is done.”
Senth fought to regain his calm,“We should take him to the ship we may be able to use him for a biometric access into their system with the computer.”
Malisane hoisted the body up again and strode out into the street.
“Stop right there!” a voice shouted. They turned to see a group of what passed for the local police running towards them, suspicious of two men and a body.
“Damn!” Malisane cursed. As Senth dropped into a firing position the Battlelord raised and hurled the body at the startled police who scattered then opened fire. Malisane drew his own blaster and moved back joining Senth in responding.

Dromair Security Headquarters.
Sector Five

Lance Corporal Vir frowned at the flashing on his computer screen and read the display. Quickly his finger pressed the comms button. “This is station B2. We are detecting a negative signal on Trade Minister Govan's life monitor.”
There was pause, “Station B2 is that a definite?”
“Affirmative,” he replied. “It stopped transmitting two minutes ago.”
He heard footsteps behind him and rose snapping a salute. “Major.”
The Major returned his salute. “Was he in the Free City?”
“Yes sir. If he followed his usual routine he was in the Blue Wampa.”
“Any report from his security detail?”
“No sir.”
The Major frowned and looked at the screen. “Odd. The local thieves know him well enough not to interfere with him. As do the local police.”
“Major,” another soldier called as he stood and saluted. “We are detecting blaster fire and explosions in the free city. Near the Blue Wampa. No response from local police but a lot of comms chatter.”
“Send a company to investigate.”
“Into the neutral zone sir?”

Somewhere Near The Blue Wampa
Free City

“These filth are too easy,” Malisane said with satisfaction. They were surrounded but holding their own, a reasonable number of bodies on the other side testifying to this.
Senth did not reply. Unlike the Sith he did not relish open combat, preferring to strike from the shadows. Had he been alone he would have slipped away. He was still considering it.

Estoran High Command
Sector Twelve

General Kaldor studied the young officer stood nervously in front of him. “Report.”
“Sir we are detecting weapons fire from the Free City. We also detect Dromair forces crossing into the neutral zone.”
Kaldor laughed. “So much for their peace. They will pay for their treachery with their lives.”

Kamoris Orbit
Several Hours Later

Malisane sat back in his chair studying the display in front of him. He looked up as Senth entered. “They are enthusiastic but their tactics are basic at best. I am not surprised they had a stalemate after centuries.”
Senth nodded. “I guess there isn't much else to do here.”
Malisane looked back at the screen as a large heat bloom began to spread across the surface below. “That must be the Volaris missile.”
The clone sighed. “We may as well make the jump to hyperspace. The Summit will want a report of our progress.”
Malisane looked up. “Your progress. As you said you were in charge.”

4th place
Master Bentre Stahoes
File submission
Textual submission

Enclosed is the merest beginning of a rather long, drawn-out and rambling account of one Warhost pilot as he tries to give some explanation of how he came into the service of Naga Sadow. It is a bit briefer than intended, but I quickly found myself rattling against the word limit when I tried to adopt this a very different style of story telling from my norm. It was, at the least, a very interesting experiment. :D

And it should rattle in at *exactly* 1500 words if I am not mistaken

No placement