Competition: [Rebels and Ruins] Calm Yourself

[Rebels and Ruins] Calm Yourself

Between the nighttime and dense forest, the looming temple, and the eerie quiet around the site, members of the clan are in a bit of a mood. Vent your character’s mood using the Haiku format to clear your head before getting into the thick of things.

Grading will be based 40% on mechanics (following the Haiku formula), 10% on length (at least 3 haiku), and 50% on creativity, and originality.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Rebels and Ruins: A Clan Naga Sadow Event
Organized by
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, Master Bentre Stahoes, Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Running time
2019-06-08 until 2019-06-22 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
14 subscribers, of which 13 have participated.
Malisane Sadow
Textual submission

Calm Yourself – Malisane Sadow 6169

Sitting calm and still,
My thoughts of past battles won,
And those that we lost.

Too many kin gone,
Their faces still in my mind,
With me still but not.

A new foe to face,
I find my self wondering,
Does it matter who?

Just another fight,
I will take my blade and kill,
It is all I know.

Not for glory now,
Or for fame, medals or rank,
I fight for Sadow.

And when it is done,
And others cheer, feast and drink,
I will not be there.

Instead I will go,
Until I am needed once more,
To fight for my Clan.

1st place
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
Textual submission

On the heels of loss
a temple built in exile
on the backs of slaves

In the wake of death
a simple choice: rise again
on the winds of change

On Sadow’s shoulders
a lost system to reclaim
on the eve of war

2nd place
3rd place
Seer Xolarin
Seer Xolarin
Textual submission

The temple looming
The Clan's focus is varied
The nighttime plays tricks

The noises booming
Interrupting darkness deep
Flailing 'round the mix

Our fear is blooming
With which we must fuel our might
All for our soul's sake

Forest entombing
Unless we control our wills
For tomorrow's wake

The mission zooming
Into the morrow's unknown
Restlessness grasps all

Massassi fuming
From the past of this great moon
Darkest pow'r doth fall

3rd place
4th place
Warlord Hades
Warlord Hades
Textual submission

Wind blows and birds sing,
As I clench my lightsaber,
This feeling grows deep.

As I move slowly,
The feeling very profound,
It aches my core self.

I cannot move on,
I take a knee and assess,
I am quite hungry.

4th place
Tasha'Vel Versea
Textual submission

Quiet, foreboding
Darkness surrounds casting shade
Excitement flows through

No placement
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Textual submission

The forest trees rustle
As the moon makes its descent
Calm moves my senses

I reach with my thoughts
Find discord and chaos around
Darkness takes its hold

War is within reach
Death and destruction resounds
The dark is the light

No placement
Textual submission

the moon of Endor
dark forest full of Ewoks
ruins of a fake star

the darkest of night
searching for temples of old
moss cover all things

creatures shall all burn
nature shall not slow us down
hive shall conquer all

No placement
Master Bentre Stahoes
Textual submission

our voices are low
we disciples naga sadow
such anxiety

so wracked by unease
we watch the motion of trees
as the cool wind blows

the droids have fallen
spirits linger in temples
but we shall not fail

No placement
Etah Obsidyn
Textual submission

A rustle of trees
The dreadful temple looms large
So does the clans fate

No placement
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Textual submission

shadows fall and yet
nothing kept the forest back
nothing but the dark

these old stones sing
stories of rage, hate, of hope
i can hear them still

hate grows like a weed
through the cracks, behind calm eyes

No placement
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
Textual submission

The Fog of War

Under attentive eyes
Sweltering and damp forest
Judicious soldiers tread
Embrace potential demise
Beseech glorious victory

No placement
Adept Macron Goura Sadow
Textual submission

Too long, quiet blade lurks
Waiting to be driven home
Into my foe's flesh

No placement
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
Textual submission

The Shadows Creep in
The night will consume all now
Death falls upon us

No placement