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Terran Koul
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Warlord Khryso Mallus
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Sith Chic: Is that a Holocron or a Paperweight?
In this informative TED Talk, Knight Khryso Mallus of Clan Plagueis will be discussing Sith Artifacts and their relation to home decor. Supplemented by some humorous anecdotes and ancient Sith documents, Mallus will go over what kinds of Sith artifacts you might encounter in your day-to-day life. He’ll go in depth on several specific cases, giving advice on which artifacts would be safest to keep around the house as decor as well as what types of interior design they would compliment. Have a spare Sith blood-dagger that you want to display in your home? Maybe a Holocron collecting dust in a closet? This talk is the best vehicle for finding out just how quickly your decorations might kill you.
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Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
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The Dark Side: How I Blew Up Planets
TEDTalk By Aura Ta'var
From misguided justice warrior to hardcore Sith, this is the story of how the Dark Side turns well-meaning youth into galaxy-wide delinquents with a body count well over 9000. It starts innocent enough with the "easy path" but very quickly grows exponentially in darkness, much like an addiction to death sticks except that death takes on a whole new meaning. Join us for a candid talk about the true nature of the Dark Side and the impact it has on the galaxy at large. From the initial seduction to the slippery slope to the descent to madness, this story will take you down the black hole in the hopes that when you resurface you come to appreciate the light.
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The Primal You: Connecting to your Inner Animal
A lecture on the nature of instinct and primal behaviour. Explores how much of the average sapient actions, thoughts, and emotions come from the unconsciousness, and explores how this unconcious mind can be harnessed, controlled, and exploited. By learning to master and call upon these primal emotions and instincts, you can get better in touch with nature and live a more effective, happier, and freeing life.
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TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
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The Eternal Search For More Credits.
A.K.A. TUQ Talk
Everyone in the Galaxy is looking for it, from the gutter rats of Nar Shadaa to the Politicians of Coruscant. No one can escape the constant need and desire for more. We are talking about credits, and the eternal drive to get more than anyone else. Faster than anyone else.
During the course of this 2 hour long discussion with the humble, self-made investor, TuQ’uan Varick, we will discuss various get rich quick schemes and how you can join the Varick Revolution to avoid falling for other people’s schemes.
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General Ronovi Tavisaen
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A TEDTalk by Ronovi Tavisaen
In the next thirty grueling minutes of your life, I will discuss what it means to be imperfect while attempting both physical and mental perfection. I will tell my story of essentially being a half goddamn robot now and pretend that I'm cool with it, only to become more and more inebriated throughout the talk by sipping from my flask. Then I'll start crying and picking fights with members of the audience who look too much like the dude who blew off my arm, and security will have to escort me out by the wrists and ankles.
Thanks for listening.
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Dr. Giyana Jurro
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- Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
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Lucine Vasano
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- Lucine_TED_Talk.pdf
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Dr. Aru Law
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- Sabacc_me_up.docx
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Ambassador Revak K'Urr
- Textual submission
Winning a Battle before it Starts: The Art of Grand Entrances
Do you want to inspire your troops and at the same time strike fear in the hearts of your enemies? It’s all in how you present yourself on the battlefield. Jedi Veteran and ex-Commander Revak Kur will show you simple yet effective ways to make a Grand Entrance during a battle that will help propel you to victory. This lighthearted look at the psychological aspect of war will not only allow you to inspire confidence in those around you but allow you to make those who dare challenge you, run scared when they see you arrive.
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A deleted dossier
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Talk Title: The Force. Our Right To Rule
Abstract: Being able to touch the Force gives one a whole host of abilities that aren't available to the common man. Force wielder and veteran of many conflicts Andrelious Mimosa-Inahj will explain why these unique abilities are more than just a gift. With the Force one can easily elevate themselves above the rest and obtain dominance, but it is not without its risks - other Force users are often ready and waiting to usurp power.
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Master Bentre Stahoes
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How a Sith-Ideal Empire Is The Ideal for a Post-Galactic-Empire Galaxy
Some people have seen the fall of the Galactic Empire as a natural progression, with the New Republic filling the gap. However, the argument for an Empire headed by a central authority figure is still the strongest model, given you preserve the ideals of the Empire without defaulting to mindless destruction or waste that came with the corruption created by the Galactic Empire. During this talk, Bentre Sadow will explain the pros and cons between the Republic and the Empire. During the course of his lecture, this Sith head of government will outline the weaknesses of the Galactic Civil War's Galactic Empire, what lessons the failures of the Old Republic demonstrated, the short-comings of the First Order's military doctrine, and how a Sith world view is ultimately good for the galaxy.
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- Textual submission
Thunder Buddies
Ladies and Gentlemen, a thunderous welcome, to my talk tonight about thunderstorms and how you Yes you! Need a thunderstorm buddy.
Thunder can be a dangerous thing and scary, thing and if you are alive and alone in a thunderstorm, you will be darn scared, we all know the Thunder Buddy Song, from “Ted” the movie it’s so true “F” you thunder.
Dark and scary stuff comes from thunder and lighting we all know the health and Safety rule, nit to be on a Golf Course not to go under a tree.
Or you are a ginger and your gone.
Thanks to a great guy how flew a kite with a key at the end he was holding, he got a great big shock, and disappointed the world with the discovery of electricity, before nearly doubling up with shock sickness, then oh my the Thunderstorm Story of a Monstrosity, that was awesome and awkward, made of die body parts, the monster was awoken by a thunderstorm,
Anyway Thunder Buddies are there to help you through the bad parts of life and thunderstorms, we all need one we all know this so please please, get your thunderstorm and your thunder Buddy in order or you yes, will regret it!
You end up a bit of a shocking wreck and you never ever forgive yourself, if you don’t l promise you.
“A thunderstorm buddy is for life not just for Christmas”!
Thanks for listening and relaxing and kicking back at this great talk (“Get your Thunder Buddy Now”)
Constantine pin 10484
Clan Odan Urr
House Sunrider
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Master Seraine "Erinyes" Taldrya Ténama
- Textual submission
Zeltron Methods for Conflict Resolution (And Why They're Better Than Yours)
Inspired by an off-handed remark from Regent Atra Ventus, Adept Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama presents an overview of conflict-resolution methods used by the Zeltron people. Topics range from Zeltron viniculture and mixology (including the nigh-apocryphal Elixir of Infatuation) to the latest research from the Zeltros Institute for Leisure Studies, detailing on the preferred recreational activities of over a hundred different species.
Sign up now, and receive bonus access to a HoloNet special that gives audiences a rare glimpse into the closely-held secrets of “asymmetric entertainment”: the tactics employed by the people of Zeltros in defence of their homeworld for thousands of years, defeating no less than nine hostile invasions by subjecting enemy personnel to overwhelming joy and relaxation. This special offer is only available for a limited time, so reserve your ticket today!
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droid are they Sentenced or just objects
I Hilgrif of the hive from Naga Sadow have come to show you all that droids are Sentenced and should not be treated as objects for like a human who gets wiser as they live throughout life so will droids if they are not output through the inhuman treatment of a memory wipe R2-D2 is a great example of a droid of a droid learning to do more than what is in his base program as the holavids from the war has shown us and this is why i believe droids are sentenced and if you look at the info i include in the data pack I will send to you . you will come to understand why this should be
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Rivio Rosan
- File submission
- TED_Talk__DB_Style_.pdf
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Kano Tor Tydex
- File submission
- TED_Talks_Kano.pdf
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Dr. Rhylance
- File submission
- Rhylance_Ted_Talk.pdf
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