Competition: Evaluation time

Evaluation time

Imagine the Brotherhood as a corporation with all the related stuff, including regular evaluation of your performance. Write a minimum 500 words long story depicting a meeting with your direct superior (or one above that person). Specify what does such meeting look like and what is its outcome.

Entries will be judged based on Fiction Rubric 2.0

Competition Information
Organized by
Adept Xantros
Running time
2019-09-14 until 2019-09-30 (17 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
15 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Malisane Sadow
Textual submission

Evaluation Time

Pelta Class Frigate Light of Orian
Naga Sadow Migrant Fleet

Malisane was sat on an uncomfortable metal chair outside the Quaestor's office. He was irritated. He glanced at the time displace on his wrist communicator. It was five minutes past the appointment time. Finally the door opened and Battlelord Jades Sadow left the office and smiled grimly as she saw her fellow Sadow. “You're in next?” she asked.
Malisane nodded. “How was it?”
“Hard going,” she replied, “I'll be in the bar if you're heading down after. You might want to.”
Before he could reply the Quaestor also left the office. “Ah Malisane. Come in.”
Malisane sat in the chair opposite the House Leader's desk. DarkHawk sat as his desk and clicked the terminal in front of him. “Thank you for coming. How are you?”
“I am fine,” Malisane replied with a shrug.
“Good, good,” DarkHawk replied. He glanced at the screen. “So I see you filled in your personal evaluation which is great, so we'll just look at see what you put. Is that ok?”
Malisane shrugged. “I suppose.”
“So Question One. 'How has the last six months been? Are there any particular highs and lows you have experienced and have we seen the best from you?', and you put. “It has been alright'. Is there anything you could like to add to that?”
“Not really no,” Malisane replied, “the war went okay, we won.”
“Well that's great.” The Quaestor replied, “Anything else?”

Darkhawk scrolled the screen down. “Question Two, 'Are you living the Clan's values? Please give specific examples of your commitment to our Equality and Diversity and Staff Engagement policies and how they help you in your role.' and your response was 'Yes'”
Malisane nodded. “Yes.”
The Quaestor gave him a patient look. “Have you read the policies and taken them on board?”
Malisane shrugged. “I'm aware we have policies.”
“Well if you remember from the House meeting earlier this year we're committed to giving everyone the same opportunities regardless of personal ability, species or their own personal belief in aspects of the force to achieve their potential, and creating a wider understanding amongst the members can achieve this. As you're probably aware the Shadow Academy offers a wide range of courses to improve your knowledge.”
Malisane thought, “I did the Species Studies course a few months ago.”
DarkHawk beamed. “To achieve a greater understanding of other members?”
“No I needed the credit for a Savant Degree.”
“Well that's good as well. Anyway as you may be aware our Staff Engagement policy which everyone signed up to demonstrates your commitment to engage with other members both within and outside the Clan by taking part in activities, keeping up to date with news items and perhaps even submitting to them and contributing to discussion on the wider issues affecting the Brotherhood.”
Malisane nodded. “Yes I read the news items.”
DarkHawk nodded. “There's actually a Brotherhood wide workshop next week on Sharing Good Practice and Breaking Down Borders I'm looking for volunteers to attend.” He gave Malisane a hopeful look who in return adopted as much as a blank expression as he was able.

“Ok so moving onto Question Three. 'What do you see as your personal contribution to the House and Clan that adds value to it?' and you put 'I serve the Clan until death, I go where it says go, I defend when it says defend and I kill when it says kill. My heart, my soul and my existence is dedicated to the Final Way. All else is nothing.' which is very good but what we're trying to get you to think about is what particular personal contribution you make that really ripples out from you and has a positive effect felt by the others around you?”
Malisane frowned. “I have literally no idea what that means.”
“Well give it some thought.”

Darkhawk looked back at the screen. “So Question Four. 'Where do you see your career progressing and how can we help you achieve those aims?' and you put down. 'Career?'”
Malisane nodded. “I was puzzled by the question. I did not even know I had a career.”
Darkhawk looked at him calmly, “Well where do you see yourself in five years?”
“Alive ideally. Preferably back in the Orian system. I have a cave there.”
The Quaestor frowned. “But what about your ambitions? The Dark Brotherhood has many opportunities for someone who has perhaps had a break and is seeing a new challenge.”
“I'm not seeking a new challenge. I serve the Clan and whoever is currently Consul, where they ask and when they ask. I have no plans beyond that.
DarkHawk considered this. “So would you take an opportunity if it became available?”
“Possibly. If it suited me or if it was needed and no one else wanted it or was suitable.”
“That's good enough for me,” the Quaestor replied typing the response. “So, are you happy in the Clan?”
Malisane considered this. “That no longer has a meaning for me,” he replied, “as I said I am content to serve as long as I am wanted and able.”
“Very well,” DarkHawk replied. “Is there anything else you would like to add?”
The Quaestor studied him, then finally he said “Alright I'll send you the notes. We'll do this again in six months.”
“I can not wait,” Malisane replied. He stood and left.

1st place
Warlord Khryso Mallus
File submission
2nd place
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
Jael Valsi Chi'ra opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place