Have you ever wanted to just hop on the holonet and, instead of complaining about someone on your blog MyParentsAreDeadSithlovers.hnet, perhaps leave a review for them instead? Perhaps you have your own business that others can review? Well this is YOUR opportunity to strut your rating system! How many stars will it get?
In an image using any medium, create a review page for a character or character's business, yours or someone else's. Use of Aurebesh or other in-universe language is allowed, so long as it does not comprise the focus of the image, or detract from readability (eg. a viewer should not need to translate the core text into English). Grading will be done on a 1-5 scale (low-high respectively) according to the following criteria:
An example image can be found here. Top three placements will receive Second Level Crescents; all valid submissions will be awarded Clusters of Graphite.
1st place
Cymbre Kall
2nd place
General Stres'tron'garmis
3rd place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
4th place
Mauro Wynter
5th place
Agate Gua'lara