Competition: Your Piece of the Cake

Your Piece of the Cake

As a member of Excidium, it was your right to claim and administer a turf.
After the House's return post-war, and finding upstarts challenging the
status quo, the Quaestor encourages you to exercise that right - either by returning to your own turf or carving out a new one - and to reaffirm the resident's belief in Exidium's supremacy.

This competition gives you the chance to explore your characters in a position of authority unrelated to CSP's hierarchy. Will you be a tyrant, an extorter, a guiding light? Or anything in between? You decide!

Min. Word Count: 500
Formats: .pdf preferred, .doc, .docx, .txt
Grading: None other than the official rubric.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Operation: Hardcore Housekeeping
Organized by
Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
Running time
2019-10-04 until 2019-10-21 (18 days)
Target Unit
House Excidium
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
2 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
1st place
Ala'ar Rinn
Ala'ar Rinn
Textual submission

After the skull and bones from the Nightflyers was found in several neighborhoods in the sector, it was apparent that there was work to be done. People had forgotten who their real masters were. That in itself wasn’t a problem, as it actually translated into an opportunity, especially for a counter-intelligence member who was looking at a new life away from the imperial propaganda machine. As Scholae’s former spymaster, Calindra still had a good amount of resources at her disposal. She had eyes and ears, all over the galaxy, especially in Caperion.

With Empress Elincia’s death and Scholae’s invasion of Meraxis so prevalent in the media of late, it was only natural that people would start testing Excidium’s hold on the underground economy. The Nightflyers being one such group that had splintered off from the imperial tree within weeks of the Empress’ death. Perhaps they believed that the new empress had better things to do while she tended her garden to the northwest, or that she would be too busy with her transition to power, choosing a color palette for her new chambers. Fact was, the Empress was busy, but the other members of her inner circle as it was, carried out business as usual. The overlords, hadn’t forgotten, even if their ambitious and rebellious underlings might have decided to test their leashes.

It was obvious at the meeting of the Seraphi-Ragni (what the locals called the crime bosses that controlled the Seraph and Ragnath respectively) that some of the Seraphi and Ragnathi bosses had turned their backs on the Caperi Crime Syndicate families, not realizing that there were actual overlords to respect. 

Calindra had remained unmoving as she listened from the shadows. Unaware of the intruder in the room, the group argued with some of the loyalists, some touting the white and purple skull with Excidium’s inverted E on their jackets.

 “Vin,” grumbled a grisened Weequay, “last month we requested that you come up with some weapons deal with the Hutts, what’s the status?”

Openly defiant, a bald headed human reclined and put his feet on the table. “See that boys? The greying Weequay still thinks he’s in charge…” Calindra’s eyes smouldered as a little less than half of those gathered around the table started chuckling.

Vin, as he was called, suddenly stood up. “Times are changing, Lal’ro. It’s time you finally acknowledge the new boys in town. And we’re here to stay… in fact,” Vin started as he slowly and menacingly made his way towards the head of the table, “I think you should step down, and let someone who’s obviously got you beat take the lead.”

Lal’ro glared up at the human menacingly: “You don’t know what you’re messing with, Vin. I suggest you and your ‘boys’ get in line before a bigger fish mak-“

Whatever the Weequay was about to say, the words were suddenly cut off when Vin’s fist had hit him in the mouth, “I won’t ask you again, Lal.” A vibroknife suddenly appeared in the human’s hand, which he brandished menacingly under the Weequay’s nose.

Calindra suddenly stepped out of the shadows, her cloaked figure’s sudden appearance causing a stir around the table. “Wow, Vin..! you really won’t listen to reason?” Her footsteps echoed around the chamber as she approached the table, some relief clearly showing on Lal’ro’s face.

“Who… what… I don’t know how you got in or who you are, but you’re not gonna change anything here, girl,” Vin growled as he turned to face her with his blade.

From under her cowl, Calindra’s smooth jawline, feminine lips turned into a menacing smile as she faced off with the traitor.

“Oh… look at that boys, Vin thinks he’s in charge…”

This earned Calindra some uncomfortable groans from Vin’s supporters around the table, and a collective silence from the others. Lal’ro for his part was about to take advantage while Vin had his back turned, but he noticed Calindra’s warning not to interfere and sat back down in his chair.

“The Nightflyers are gonna take what’s rightfully theirs!” Vin growled as he stepped towards Calindra.

Calindra’s head tilted sideways, as if considering Vin before she lifted her left hand towards him. Vin was suddenly lifted in the air from where he stood, powerless in Calindra’s telekinetic grip.

“I agree, the Nightflyers are ‘gonna’ have a seat around this table, but you are not going to be heading them anymore, Vin.”

With a wave of her hand, Vin flew from where he was floating and was violently slammed against the far wall, his screams resounding around the room. He flew again across the room, over the table to everyone horrified looks, many of them ducking as Vin screamed and bellowed as he sailed in front of them. His scream was interrupted by the loud sound his body made as he hit the other wall, his vibroknife clattering to the floor. His clearly bruised and broken body sailed through the air again, and landed loudly on the table in front of his terrified supporters.

“Nightflyers,” she said menacingly to everyone in the room. “In case I did not make myself clear, Excidium will not tolerate dissent amongst the Seraphi-Ragni, or anyone else within the organization,” she said as she looked at each of Vin’s old supporters to ensure the message got through, she then turned to the rest of those assembled, taking a softer tone as she addressed them. “As of now, the Nightflyers’ leaders will report directly to me, and everyone in my organization will keep their good manners at these meetings.” 

She turned towards Lal’ro as she took Vin’s old seat, “I apologize for our former leader’s outbursts. We will report back on the Hutt Arms deal at the next meeting, Chairman.”

Lal’ro look up from the bloody body on the table, and blinked several times as he took the time to digest what just happened. He inclined his head respectfully towards Calindra, and resumed the meeting.

1st place
2nd place
Adept Xantros
Adept Xantros
File submission
Augur Xantros, 11518, It's your piece of cake.doc
2nd place