Competition: Scum and Villainy

Scum and Villainy

Being a Shadowport, Port Ol’val is frequented by a wide variety of creatures from all walks of life. We often play host to those with legally questionable trades, such as smugglers, pirates and the like. Maybe they come to Ol’val to offload their ill-gotten wares, maybe they come to find work. Or maybe they’re just here for a drink before moving on to the next port.

Who are these ne’er-do-wells? Your mission is to create NPC’s for HQD to use to populate our Shadowport. You are encouraged to create as many as you wish, but choose 1 which will be used to determine placement!!! These will have a chance at being used in upcoming fictions!!!

Grading will be determined by the most interesting, well thought out, and descriptive writing. Top three placements will be awarded fourth-level crescents. In addition to crescents, additional points will be awarded toward the parent competition. Bonuses are as follows:

  • 1st place: 2 participation points
  • 2nd place: 1 participation point
  • 3rd place: 0.5 participation point
  • Participation: 1 point

Note, this is not a fiction, this isn’t about telling a story, it's about detailing a character, what they look like, and who they are. Submissions may be in pdf or .doc form. Wiki coding is not required, nor will it influence the scoring.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
A Little Casual Piracy
Organized by
Lucine Vasano
Running time
2019-10-21 until 2019-11-04 (15 days)
Target Unit
House Qel-Droma
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
4 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae
File submission
Scum and Villainy_ Dietrich Tosh.pdf
1st place
Mistress Aphotis
File submission
Competition_ Scum and Villainy (Alaisy).pdf
2nd place
3rd place
Dr. Aru Law
Dr. Aru Law
File submission
Captain WookieBeard.docx
3rd place