"You cant bring that in here!" Raistline Majere shouted while trying to run around the counter of the bar of Spanky's Too. "Sorry Mac, but we was told ta drag 'dis her thing all da way from Karufr." the large man said, dragging the capsule inside the tavern. "Now da job's done!" he exclaimed, proud of his work and slapping the capsule.
Raistline's heart wrenched, unable to react in time. The capsule lit up with bright lights and a deep voice boomed from within it's mechanical depths "Answer enough trivia and earn a free beer!" "Great," Raistline thought eyeing the empty tavern, "now I have to work."
This is a Taldryan Star Wars trivia event. Winners are based on correct answers and the time it takes to answer once subscribing to the comp. Press the magical "subscribe" button to see the questions.
1st place
2nd place
Dev'err Malren
3rd place
Cymbre Kall