It's that time of the year again! The Halloween Terror will be available thru Nov 4th. Group up with others to defend Adlersburnn from Dr. Junkenstein and his monsters! You only get to choose from Genji, Hanzo, McCree, Torbjorn, Tracer, Solider 76, Widowmaker, Ana, Zenyatta and Brigitte. So choose your heroes wisely, especially if dare to do the harder difficulties.
*Must be grouped with at least one other DJB member.
*Do NOT submit any brawl screenshots for clusters. It is not a supported game mode.
*When taking a screenshot, make sure team score has completed tallying up all scores to get optimum score.
Winner will be selected by getting the most Zomnic Kills. Any ties will be broken by Highest Team Score.
Example screenshot is here. Must be this screen that displays all players. Anything else will be disqualified.
*If by chance it does not display zomnic kills. (Submit one that does). Two screenshot submissions will not be accepted.
Placement in this competition will be included in the GMRG score calculation for members that are Rank X and above.
1st place
Councillor Turel Sorenn