The Arconan Consul has fallen asleep in the Serpentine Throne (again) and is dreaming of tails and swaying hips (again). This time, however, the Throne's powers seem to be helping him to mentally project his...fantasies...into the minds of every Arconan.
Your character is suddenly faced with the mental image of themselves as a Ryn complete with fluff, fur, chitin nose, and tail. What do they look like? Draw it! Traditional or digital means all welcome.
Grading will be done with the Herald Graphics Grading Rubric but special consideration will be given to how noticeably Ryn'd Up you manage. If your entries contain non PG-13 elements, remember to uncheck the Publish box. You're also welcome to put a 'side by side' comparison to insure I know what your character normally looks like to see how hard you worked. Have fun!
1st place
Darth Renatus
2nd place
Qyreia Arronen
3rd place
Mistress Aphotis
4th place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
5th place
Leeadra Halcyon