The Abersyn Symbiote is one of the galaxies most dangerous parasites, targetting sentient species directly. This fact is only proven via the death of many historical empires caused directly by the symbiotes. As such, the Imperials banned them from being kept even as specimens. These vicious creatures burrow into the neck to access the brain stem where they ingest plasma and life energy itself.
Prompt: Your character is strangely immune (or just not appetizing) to an ongoing Abersyn infestation. Your home, your community, even your clan itself is under siege. How does your character cope in such a world? How will they face their friends, now turned enemy? Will they free them or cut them down?
How to submit: Write a fiction at least 500 words in length. No maximum. Preferred submission format is pdf. Anything in a Google Doc must be exported as a pdf for submission.
How it will be graded: Grading will be based on the Fiction Rubric.
1st place
Master Dracaryis
2nd place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
3rd place
General Stres'tron'garmis