The ousting of Chancellor Ky'Lian over her association with Clan Taldryan and the ascension of openly anti-Taldryan Council President Kain Eriston as acting Chancellor of Caelus has brought the ideological argument into the public light. The people of Caelus as a whole remain undecided in their feelings about the Clan, however, forcing the two sides to compete for their support.
Objective: Create a propaganda poster (both traditional and digital media welcome) for either the pro-Taldryan or anti-Taldryan faction that would be used to sway undecided Caelans toward supporting their cause.
Submission Format: .gif, .jpg, or .png, via the DB website.
Grading: The competition will be graded according to the official Dark Brotherhood Graphics Grading Rubric.
The top three scores in this event will be awarded second-level Crescents, and participants will be awarded Clusters of Graphite according to the policies listed on that award's Wiki page. In addition, participation in this event will contribute points to the member's overall score for the Unsteady Ground event as follows:
1st place
Agate Gua'lara
2nd place
Rian Taldrya
3rd place
General Zxyl Bes'uliik