Competition: [Celebration: Mandalorians] Become The Hunter

[Celebration: Mandalorians] Become The Hunter


The Brotherhood has obtained the location of an information broker, with close ties to the Collective. Manu Maurfai a Twi’lek, was last spotted in the Coruscant mid-levels.

It is believed that Manu has key information regarding the Collective’s future plans, as well as information regarding the current whereabouts of the Deputy Grand Master and the clan representatives captured by the Collective in the Lyra-3K-a system.

Your objective is to travel to Coruscant and apprehend Manu Maurfai. He is wanted ALIVE for questioning. Be wary of possibly Collective agents keeping an eye on Manu, as well as not attracting the attention of the Coruscant Security Forces.


  • Entries must be at least 500 words in length. There is no maximum word count.
  • Fictions must be focused on your Main Character or Alternative Character. The use of additional NPCs is allowed and encouraged.
  • A snapshot of your Main or Alternative character loadout must be submitted with your fiction (Whichever one you are focusing on in your story). This can be done by checking the box next to the loadout you wish to use in the snapshot section of the competition's submission form.
  • Submissions should be made in a .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .txt format. Any entries written in a GoogleDoc must be exported as a PDF for submission.


Grading will be done in accordance with the Fiction Grading Rubric.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Celebration: Mandalorians
Organized by
Lord Idris Adenn
Running time
2019-11-12 until 2019-12-06 (25 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
First Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
42 subscribers, of which 27 have participated.
1st place
Sera Kaern
Sera Kaern
File submission
The Second Oldest Profession .pdf
1st place
Qyreia Arronen
File submission
[Mando] Become the Hunter.pdf
2nd place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
File submission
Marick Tyris_10214-Become The Hunter.pdf
3rd place
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
File submission
Deathwatch Rising..pdf
4th place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
File submission
Mand-Oh No.pdf
Textual submission

Sorry not sorry for the in media res style, just getting something in for me

5th place
Lord Evio Nezsa
File submission
Become The Hunter.pdf
No placement
Textual submission

Hilgrif looked at target info on Manu Maurfai while sitting inside his ship the Favus 1 the clan has sent him to capture the target so they could get some info to lead them to their missing ship admire of the clan Hilgrif then command his droid pilot to land somewhere and be ready to bring the ship to leave once he grabs the target Hilgrif then pulled out the tracker the clan had given him while letting his droid keep watch for trouble. a little bit later Hilgrif then look at the info feed on his date pad the tracker had led him to this small marked and according to the info he found on the holenet their was only 3 exits to this market hilgrif then sent out his scout droids to locate the target without him finding out he was on his trail after a few minutes he found the fat Twi'lek standing in a proud stance intimidating what look like a black market weapon merchant. Hilgrif then command his droid to look around and see if he could spot any of collective or Coruscant Security Forces. After a few minutes the droid could not spot any Coruscant Security Forces bet they did find a person that looked like someone trying to blend in hiding in a corner of an alleyway to keep an eye on Manu Maurfai so Hilgrif sent his droid to slowly fly behind him and while his droid was doing that Hilgrif looked at the map on his date pad and found the other side of the alleyway and went their and after a min his droid was in place so he had it knockout the watcher with it electro-shock prods after the watcher fell down Hilgrif had his droid make sure no one saw and after no one showing no sign of see it hilgrif command his droid to go back and watch the Twi'lek for when he leaves and then Hilgrif came and dragged the body of the watcher deeper into the alleyway. After moving the body Hilgrif looked at the feed from his droid and saw the Twi'lek smiling and proudly walking away from the merchant Hilgrif then order his droid to stay out of site but still to follow him . Hilgrif slowly followed even further behind the Twi'lek and his droid after a few mins the Twi'lek went into an alleyway that was a shortcut to the casinos Hilgrif quickly sent his droid to hide in the alleyway ready to jump out and hit it with its electro-shock prods after 30 secs the Twi'lek was about to past the droid when it jumped and was able to get one of the probs to hit and that stopped Manu Maurfai long enough for the droid to hit it with the second prob and knock out the Twi’lek Hilgrif then quickly caught up and order his ship to come so they could load up the target for the clan to have their way with him

No placement
General Stres'tron'garmis
File submission
Become the Hunter.pdf
No placement
Grand Master Declan Roark
File submission
Roark Updated Entry 1121 Mando Celebration.pdf
No placement
Ranger Revs
File submission
Mando Fiction Doc.pdf
No placement
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Textual submission

Major Hector Ricmore
Clan Vizsla
Coruscant Space

CVS Centurion, a Star Courier class vessel, dropped out of hyperspace and began moving towards Coruscant. The ship entered the Coruscant atmosphere without incident, the contacts Clan Vizsla possessed within numerous bounty guilds having paid the planetary tax in advance and notifying CorSec when the ship would be arriving.

Hector Ricmore guided the ship through the atmosphere, maneuvering the vessel towards his designated landing pad. Neon lights blared from the immensely massive buildings which filled the skyline.

The Zygerian frowned puzzledly; he was not sure what to think about Coruscant. Having been raised on a series of ships with a migrant fleet Hector has always preferred living aboard a spaceship. He had found a wide variety of vegetation and wildlife found on planets to be a bit off settling at times, and even downright creepy on some planets. Coruscant was not like most of these planets. The planet has experienced centuries of construction, with one absolutely breathtaking city covering the majority of the planet. This city is split into a nearly unfathomable amount of levels, the most opulent denizens on the upper levels, and the more shadier individuals inhabiting the lower floors.

Hector landed the ship smoothly at his designated landing zone. Turning off the engine he let the ship appear to be abandoned while he headed towards the Electronic Warfare Suite. To allow for more covert operations this series of illegal communications monitoring and slicing equipment has been hooked up to Hector’s Fusion Furnace, a portable generator that provides a respectable amount of power in the field. Booting up the equipment Hector began the process of slicing into CorSec comm channels. For such a widespread security force their communication systems were not heavily encrypted. After less than 30 minutes of effort Hector had managed to breach the encryption without alerting CorSec to his presence.

“It truly is a disappointment to see what CorSec has to offer. I was looking forward to recording them as a worthy adversary, something that could help polish my own tales. I suppose that I am expecting too much; Coruscant has never recovered from centuries of Corruption and 2 violent regime changes.”

Despite his laments Hector knew better than to antagonize CorSec; He prided himself as the greatest Zygerrian pilot to ever live and a competitor for the greatest pilot in the Unknown regions. The Collective have taught him all too well the dangers of numbers, and if he drew CorSec’s attention, Hector would need to leave immediately if he wanted a chance at survival.

A smile stretched across his face as he found what he had sliced into CorSec for, the location of Collective Information Broker Manu Maurfai. The Twi’lek had built a reputation as a skilled slicer, capable of accessing information the public could only dream of knowing. Thankfully it was not Maurfai’s security that Hector had to overcome, but the corrupt and weakened CorSec that his men had no doubt paid off.

Powering off the systems, Hector grabbed his blaster sniper rifle and left his ship, walking towards the landspeeder that had been left on the platform, courtesy of Clan Vizsla’s contacts. He spent a few minutes to ensure that no sabotage had occurred; a newly formed habit after a sabotaged hyperdrive had led Hector into a bounty hunter ambush. Satisfied with the condition of the speeder Hector boarded and began flying to the lower levels of Coruscant.

Hector landed the speeder on one of Courscants many rooftops. Setting his blaster sniper to stun, he laid prone and watched the doorway of the building where Maurfai would be completing an information sale. The other members of the meeting were of no concern to Hector, who let the meeting progress until the sale was made and both parties left through separate exits. He gave the Twi’lek a false sense of security, allowing him and his two guards to exit and walk a hundred feet closer to their transport.

Pew! Pew! Pew!

Hector’s blaster rang out three times, stunning the three targets. Hector smiled to himself and went to collect his bounty.

No placement
Dr. Rhylance
File submission
My First Hunt Begins….pdf
No placement
Aylin Sajark
File submission
Become the Hunter.pdf
No placement
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
Jael Valsi Chi'ra opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Zodac Polcim
Textual submission

“You do realize with you being a fugitive means you greatly increase the chances of…” K-8-0 rambled, as he assisted in piloting the shuttle.

“I really don’t care. We goin’ to get this asshole, then imma get paid. Simple as that.”

If droids could raise a brow, K-8-0 certainly would have. “And you’re going down there? Dressed like that?” The droid said with a disgusted voice.

“Just fly the damn ship, ya hear?” Zodac growled, unboxing a brand new cloak, which covered his body from head to toe. Needed especially, since his armor was easy to identify.

“It’s a shuttle.” The droid said softly, and Zodac groaned.

“Cato. Shut it, before I disable you.”

Cato mimicked his voice childishly, even quieter than previously. Finally, the voice low enough to escape the ears of Zodac.


With their arrival on the mid-level of Coruscant, Zodac and Cato walked through the streets, both wearing large cloaks which covered most of their face and body. Cato, who looked just as silly as one could imagine, had his heavy metal steps masked by the sounds of the busy streets. Without analyzing too deeply, one could probably assume he was of a very different, tall and slender species.

“Place is littered with security, shit.” Zodac said under his breath. He looked to Cato and nodded. “You know what this guy looks like, right?” The droid nodded and his skinny fingers came out of the cloak to reveal a thumbs up.

“I can spot him from just about any distance. And if someone is following us.” He said rather confidently. “In matter of fact. Someone is following us right now. Don’t look, but they’re also hooded.”

Zodac turned around.

He, indeed, saw the hooded figures, then looked to Cato. “You’re right.”

“I know I’m right you imbecile. I just told you not to look!” Cato almost shouted, but the sounds of flying shuttles beside silenced them.

Just as they argued about what was done, a familiar face exited an alley. The Twi’lek called Manu, the person they were supposed to capture. “There!” Cato shouted and pointed, and as Manu turned to look at the suspicious looking hooded figures, blaster bolts whizzed by them. Without a second thought Zodac turned and slung his pistol out of the holster, and fired two deadly shots from the hip, killing the hooded figures that followed them. By this point Manu had already began to run, getting quite the head start on the human and the droid. “Good one, ya dumbass!” Yelled Zodac to Cato. “Ya couldn’t have been any more shy, huh!? Get his ass!” Cato obliged, and threw off the cloak. There stood an old Imperial droid, but with a great “owner” (who he hated calling owner) that maintained him well, he was seemingly brand new. The droid broke into a sprint after the Twi’lek, avoiding all the civilians with elegant side steps.

In no time at all, the KX series droid grabbed the Manu by the neck and lifted him. “Target acquired.” He said in a very robotic voice, unusually. Zodac finally caught up out of breath and he looked to the sky, hood falling off. “God dammit, why do you gotta run so damn fast? Shoulda caught him sooner, I say…” He panted.

“At least I have the asset, and now we can leave. You know, this was a lot easier than I thoug-!”

Before he can finish his sentence, lights went off just in front of them. Security had seen it all, and finally caught up to the pair.

Zodac groaned. “Had to open yer fat mouth, huh?”

Zodac threw off his cloak and grabbed his pistols, ready to fight his way out. It certainly would not be easy… But it wasn’t impossible.

“Let’s get Manu out of here. And fast.”

No placement
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
File submission
The Hunter.pdf
No placement
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
Mando Hunter.pdf
No placement
Battlemaster Karran Val'teo
File submission
Become the Hunter.docx
No placement
Dr. Aru Law
File submission
Become the Hunter.docx
No placement
Mistress Aphotis
Mistress Aphotis opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Cymbre Kall
Cymbre Kall opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Kaz Raith
File submission
Becoming the hunter.pdf
No placement
Kano Tor Tydex
Kano Tor Tydex opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
File submission
No placement
A deleted dossier
The deleted member did not want their submission published.
No placement
Boss Ragnar Kul
File submission
Catching Manu.pdf
No placement
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
File submission
Mando story - Koji.docx
No placement