There are only a few larger attractions for the Festival, but there are still plenty of activities to entertain yourself with during the downtime between them. There's almost always some fight going on in the Arena, and although they may not be the grandiose spectacle provided by the main event, they can still be entertaining. For this competition, participate in some of the gladiatorial combat the Geonosians love by playing a flash game. The flash game is provided in the subscriber details, so once you subscribe, make sure you enjoy the carnage. Don't revel in the mayhem too much, though. While the person who achieves the highest number of stars in "The Pit" will be the winner, any ties will be broken by comparing submission times. The top three placements will all receive Fourth Level Crescents for their troubles. Along with a link to the game, I've also supplied an example screenshot so that you know what I'm looking for in grading. Good luck!
1st place
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
2nd place
Minister Cor-Hatha Vow
3rd place
Jael Valsi Chi'ra