Twas the night before Sithmas and all through Arx not a creature was stirring, not even Evant; The Lightsabers were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that Darth Plagueis soon would be there; DBers were nestled all snug in their bunks, While visions of the Force danced in their heads;
That’s right, it’s the most wonderful time of the year again, SITHMAS! Join us once again in celebrating this majestic time of year by participating in a week and a half of festive events centered around Christmas, Hanukkah, and the holiday season in general. Enjoy the light, easy-going competitions, it’s time to come together with your dysfunctional Brotherhood family and get into the holiday spirit.
Crescents will be awarded for separate competitions, as well as for top three overall performance using a points system based on participation and placements: 1st place = 4 points; 2nd place = 3 points; and 3rd place = 2 points and 1 point for participation. Ties for overall performance will be broken by participation differentiation (comparing the number of entered competitions or most events won) and placement differentiation (comparing number of placements - i.e. a higher quantity of 1st places - as well as point value).
Title | Status | Running time | Competition Type |
[NBSR] Hitting The Hills | Finished | 2019-12-23 - 2019-12-31 (9 days) | Flash Gaming/Puzzles |
[NBSR] Holiday Spirit | Finished | 2019-12-23 - 2019-12-31 (9 days) | Flash Gaming/Puzzles |
[NBSR] Pulling Threads | Finished | 2019-12-23 - 2019-12-31 (9 days) | Flash Gaming/Puzzles |
[NBSR] Santa's Helper | Finished | 2019-12-23 - 2019-12-31 (9 days) | Flash Gaming/Puzzles |
[NBSR] Sithmas Message | Finished | 2019-12-23 - 2019-12-31 (9 days) | Flash Gaming/Puzzles |
[NBSR] Sithmas Tales | Finished | 2019-12-23 - 2019-12-31 (9 days) | Fiction |
[NBSR] Ugly Sithmas Sweaters | Finished | 2019-12-23 - 2019-12-31 (9 days) | Graphics/Multimedia |
1st place
Warlord Khryso Mallus
2nd place
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
3rd place
Jael Valsi Chi'ra