Competition: A problem like Daemmun.

A problem like Daemmun.


Despite the Clan Vizsla Headquarters being located on Zsoldos, little is known about the planets moon itself, Daemmun. With the knowledge in hand that the Collective have staged a base of operations on the moon tasked with ending the House Wren Quaestor's life, Battleteam Deathwatch has been tasked with discovering more information on the mysterious forested moon.


Create an ACC style venue based on Daemunn, the forested moon of Zsoldos. Venues are meant to be a description of a specific area that provides both combatatsnts a chance at creativity whilst having unique obstacles and restrictions.

Helpful Tips

Some helpful Venue writing tips are the following.

  • Weather
  • Terrain, obstacles, buildings etc etc
  • basically anything that your character can see that can be useful to anyone fighting there.


Submissions should be posted through the site in PDF, Word or Google Doc formats.


This competition will be graded based on the following;

  • Originality
  • Creativity
  • Detail
  • Potential as an ACC Venue for combat writing.

Good luck Battleteam Deathwatch, I look forward to seeing what your investigation uncovers about Daemunn.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Deathwatch: Chapter 1
Organized by
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
Running time
2020-01-05 until 2020-01-21 (17 days)
Target Unit
Battleteam Deathwatch
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents
5 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Mandalorian Dral Falgorth
File submission
Outpost remnants of Daemmun.pdf
1st place
2nd place
Lumyi Hicyl
Lumyi Hicyl
Textual submission

Daemmun is a forest moon that orbits around Zsoldos. It is inhabited by insects and some small, peaceful animals.
The climate itself is temperate, but the weather of the moon is always changing. It is always either chilly and raining or extremely hot, with no clouds on the sky. There are very few buildings on the moon but they are all under use by either criminal scoundrels, pirates or assassins. The resources for building are very few, most of them being wooden and stone.

Plants are mostly normal, but some plants are very poisonous and they can lead to one's death if they are just smelled. The insect-filled parts of the moon are always occupied by small animals that eat them. Wild Ysalamiri were brought on the moon by travelling pirates and they have inhabited some of the forests. There are few caves in the moon, some of them containing huge amounts of iron and golden ores.

A day takes roughly 17 hours and a night lasts 10 hours. An entire rotation around Zsoldos takes 43 Coruscant days.

2nd place
Boss Ragnar Kul
File submission
Daemmun Landing Pad.docx
3rd place