With the conflict heating up on the surface of Chyron, Caelus' capital moon, Council President Kain Eriston has fled for the relative safety of Sentinel Station, the Golan Space Defense Platform in geosynchronous orbit above Chyron's Imperial Sector. Conveniently, the Eriston-aligned Caelus Patrol Fleet is headquartered above the same platform, and the Taldryan Summit has ordered the platform captured in order to cut the head off the snake. The Caelus Patrol Fleet has anticipated the move, however, and has has deployed two of its Raider I-class corvettes to augment the two squadrons of TIE Interceptors normally based on the station. In addition, the Caelus Security Force maintains one line company aboard Sentinel Station to provide security for the platform.
Format: Run-on fiction, in a thread you create in the Run-Ons section of the Dark Brotherhood Forums (https://discourse.darkjedibrotherhood.com/c/run-ons/7). Thread titles must include some obvious reference to the Unsteady Ground competition (preferably the same "[Unsteady Ground]" format used for the competition titles), and should include the names of the members who intend to participate. Links to character snapshots (mains, alts, and NPCs are all allowed) must be provided in each participant's first post.
Per the VOICE Competition Approval Guidelines, run-ons must have a minimum of two posts of 250 words each to be counted for participation.
Grading: Grading for this competition will follow the official VOICE Fiction Grading Rubric.
The three highest-scoring teams in this event will be awarded second-level Crescents, and participants will be awarded Clusters of Ice according to the policies listed on that award's Wiki page. In addition to Crescents and Clusters, participation in this event will contribute points to the member's overall score for the Unsteady Ground event as follows:
1st place
General Zentru'la
1st place
Ala'ar Rinn
1st place
A deleted dossier
1st place
Aylin Sajark