Here are this month's trivia questions.
Remember, the more detailed your answers the higher you will place in a tie.
1)Who was the leader of the Empire Rebourn?
2)What distinct feature was Admiral Delak Krennel known for?
3)In what year was Palpatine first elected to represent the Naboo in the Republic Senate?
4)Who was Qui Gon Jins first apprentice?
5)In what year did the Bassadron Massacre happen?
6)In what year did Han Solo join the Imperial Academy?
7)Who was the head of The Black Sun 3 years ABY?
8)What color was Kyle Katarns light saber?
9)In What year did the Battle of Centerpoint Station take place?
10)In which Rim Section is the planet Kinyen located?
Please send your answers to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
I have the CON & PCON's permission for this.
Legion of the Scholar to First Place, and/or all who get 10/10 answers correct.
Also the top three people with the best scores at the end of the year will receive 3rd lvl cresents.