Competition: It's Just a Party. Right?

It's Just a Party. Right?

The members of Arcona have been summoned back to Estle City for a party. On paper, it appears to just be a chance for Arconans to mingle with citizens of Estle City and representatives from the Severian Principate. But the wording in the invitation could be interpreted as cryptic, or even threatening. What does ‘until midnight strikes’ even mean?

Choose from one of the following prompts.

  • Yep, it’s just a party: Obviously there is nothing nefarious going on here. Write a story about your character attending the party. Do they mingle with representatives of the Severian principate and try to advance the trade talks? Rub elbows with the citizens of Estle City? Or do they simply spend a lovely evening with fellow Arconans?

  • It’s a warning: Estle City is currently at peace, but it is an uneasy one. The riots that once tore through the city are still a recent and painful memory. Furthermore, word is that discussions with the delegates from the Severian Principate are not going as well as one might think. All of these people gathered in one place might be a recipe of violence, and your character is ready to stand against any threats that arise.

  • It’s a threat: The Shadow Lady and Shadow Scion are up to something. The invitation is a threat, or even a challenge. But what are they up to? Your character is determined not to be taken by surprise. In fact, they plan to take the offensive, and kill the Shadow Lady before before she can kill them.

Write a story about one of the above prompts. It should be at least 500 words long and feature either your main or alt character. Valid submissions accepted in .pdf, .doc and .docx formats. The fictions will be graded following the Voice Fiction Grading Rubric and winning entries will be awarded Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice.

Participation and placement will also result in earning points toward the parent competition:

  • 1st place will receive 5 points
  • 2nd place will receive 4 points
  • 3rd place will receive 3 points
  • Participation will earn 1 point.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
Until Midnight Strikes
Organized by
Lucine Vasano, Master Aiden Lee Deshra
Running time
2020-02-02 until 2020-02-18 (17 days)
Target Unit
Clan Arcona
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
13 subscribers, of which 10 have participated.
1st place
Sera Kaern
Sera Kaern
File submission
Dance of Death.pdf
1st place
Aedile Tali Sroka
File submission
2nd place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
File submission
It's Never Just a Party.pdf
3rd place
Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin
File submission
Yep, it’s just a party.pdf
No placement
Dr. Aru Law
File submission
Aru at the party.docx
No placement
Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra
Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Tyga Orn Nilim
File submission
It's Just A Party, Right?.doc
No placement
Tomora Nay'ek
File submission
DJB - Just a Party, Right.docx
No placement
General Stres'tron'garmis
File submission
Just a Party.pdf
No placement
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
File submission
Paw Patrol.pdf
No placement