An uneasy peace has settled over Estle City. The Shadow Lady has funded a significant number of construction projects around the city, partly to rebuild and partly to create jobs for the beleaguered citizens. The people of Estle City may not be happy, but at least they are employed.
Here’s your chance to help out with some of the construction projects. Subscribe to the competition and click the link. Play the game and submit a screenshot of your final score. The winners will be determined based on the best score, with ties being broken by submission time. The clock will start as soon as you subscribe, so don’t do so until you’re ready!
The top three placements will be awarded fourth level crescents. Participation and placement will also result in earning points toward the parent competition:
1st place
Battlemaster Karran Val'teo
2nd place
Klyn Jaxx
3rd place
Tomora Nay'ek