Idly browsing on Holo-Tinder for some potential romantic company and Oh woe! you swiped left by accident! Now you have to find this interesting individual based on their mentioned profile points! Can you find the love of your life or will they be lost to you forever?
Using the three hints per person provided, identify the three DJB members you happened to swipe left on. Valid submissions should follow an easily understandable format, such as: 1. Tali Sroka 2. Qyreia 3. Lucine Vasano
Placements based on time, so do not subscribe until you're ready to begin! Useful resources: Clans of the Brotherhood
1st place
Dr. Rhylance
2nd place
Tomora Nay'ek
3rd place
General Stres'tron'garmis
4th place
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae
5th place