Competition: The One That Got Away

The One That Got Away

Not everything is sunshine and roses. Relationships have seen hard times, couples have gone their separate ways, and not always for the same reasons. Sometimes it is the final argument that breaks the thin string holding them together; at others, it may merely be the persons separated by distance and, gradually, the passage of time.

Whether an old fling or a recent flame, with shared feelings or unrequitted, these things happen. In a minimum of 500 words, tell us the story of your character’s trials and tribulations with the one that got away.The story should focus on your main or alternate character. Usage of NPCs and other members’ characters is authorized and encouraged; for the latter, please ensure you have their permission for usage of their character(s).

Additional Details

  • Accepted submission formats are PDF or text-box submissions. Google Doc links and other file types will NOT be accepted.
  • Grading will be done in accordance with the Fiction Grading Rubric. Ties may be broken by the parent competition co-organizer.
  • Adult content is permitted, but do NOT publish the submission if it includes such content. A friendly warning to the organizer wouldn’t hurt.
  • Second Level Crescents will be available to the top three placements, and Clusters of Ice will be applied in accordance with individual word counts.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
AVD 2020: Hindsight Is
Organized by
Qyreia Arronen
Running time
2020-02-03 until 2020-03-08 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
15 subscribers, of which 5 have participated.
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
2nd place
File submission
AVD 2020.pdf
2nd place
Agate Gua'lara
Agate Gua'lara opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place
4th place
Sulxiros opted out of publishing his submission.
4th place
5th place
Daro Vane
Daro Vane
Textual submission

Lost Sol

The past few years of Gui's life had been a turbulent set of circumstances, all outside of his realm of control. Once a young and aspiring Jedi of Odan-Urr, his future and aspirations had become muddled by the currents of change.

Bells and whistles spontaneously broke the silence of his reflection as Barry, his PIT droid pointed at the Treasure-Hunter's Navcomputer.

"Alright, alriiiight," Gui responded with irritation. "I'm aware. Just leave me alone." Acting out of character, the look on the Kid's face was somber as was his attitude.

The door to the cockpit sealed behind the tiny droid as it stormed away. If it were able to feel emotion, chastisement would've been what it felt and would be the most accurate word to use for the sake of description.

"I didn't mean-" Gui growled. "What does it matter anyway?" He questioned himself. He had grown and learned much from the Jedi of his Clan. He had even been recently charged with the guidance and protection of the younglings. The wise Masters felt that making him the Rollmaster would teach him the much needed lesson of patience he was in dire need of learning. But to Gui, he felt out of place. He was destined to be a Sentinel, a warrior, a champion of the light. Now he was tasked with wiping the noses of younglings and slapping their wrists when they made mistakes. The Knights of Allusis taught him to be more.

"They're gone," Gui sniffled as he traced his bare fingertips over a piece of metal that showed signs of carbon scoring. It was a piece of what was once a door to the training courtyard of New Tython's temple. Psychometry pointed out the things the Kiffar wanted to forget, but in keeping the scrap, he was able to look into the faces of those who fell in the wake of Lord Pravus' bloody reign. He was able to see their faces and hear their lessons once more. To feel their memory.

A single tear streaked down his face and in the midst of the chaos rampaging throughout his mind he found comfort in reciting the Jedi Code.

"I miss them all so much." He whispered in a hushed tone. "They all meant the world to me. Even when my own mother abandoned me, they were there." Anger started to well up inside as he threw the piece of scrap as hard as he could against the bulkhead across from him. "Where are they now?!" He shouted, falling back into his seat.

He wiped the tears with the back of his hand and then flipped one of his long dreads out of his face. In doing so, his hand made contact with his Aureate Hair-Clasp. A gift from his father, and he could still hear his voice.

"You'll never be alone, my son."

Gui's eyes slammed shut as he heard the voice of his father.

"As long as you have this," Gui replayed the gifting of the Hair-Clasp in his mind. "I'll always be with you. Now, go with Liam. He is wise and good, he will show you how to be a better man than I ever could. You're going to be a Jedi, Gui!"

Those words used to mean something to the young Kiffar, but now he felt alone in a Galaxy filled with people. His heart was empty and his soul felt hollow.

"Barry!" Gui, shouted to his little droid. "Turn the ship around. I need to speak to the Council, this darkness is scaring me!"

A sharp whistle resonated from beyond the durasteel hatch and the ship slowed and turned on a dime before creasing the void in the blink of an eye.

5th place