Barely have we managed to drive out Dawn Conclave out of our new home, when more problems rear their heads on the horizon. Pick one of the prompts below and tell us about it! Minimum length 500 words, no maximum. Go wild!
- A merchant has paid an indecent sum to the Blind Man in order to protect their next delivery of exotic goods from rivals. As an agent of the Blind Man, you’ve been tasked with making good on this deal. You will face armed bandits, that much is a given, but what cargo has them so interested, and the merchant so insistent on its safety?
- A new club is being opened in the fledgeling entertainment district of Ol’val, but something about it isn’t quite right. House Qel-Droma made the mistake of turning a blind eye to their own backyard, but no more. Infiltrate the club opening, find out what is going on behind the scenes, and if it is of danger to Qel-Droma, ensure it is neutralized.
- An unknown source has given HQD intel that explosives are being strategically placed on the Minefield, one of the greatest (legitimate) income sources for Port Ol’Val. You are tasked with investigating whether this piece of information is valid. If it is confirmed to be true, you have to ensure minimum damage possible. How you do it is up to you.
Valid submissions accepted in text formats (.pdf, .doc, .docx) and graded according to the Voice Fiction Rubric. Top placing entries awarded Fourth level Crescents. All valid entries awarded Clusters of Ice according to Voice office guidelines.