The Brotherhood's quarantine has gone on for several weeks now, and you're doing your best to limit going outside. As a result, you're running low on rations, but you've got a strange assortment of foodstuffs remaining. Do you dare go the direction of "Chopped" and create something awesome - or awful - using the meager supplies you have?
Your objective is to create a recipe for an entree using the following Star Wars items below. All items have been linked to their appropriate Wookieepedia pages for reference. You MUST use all of the ingredients in a SUBSTANTIAL WAY (no just serving an item on the side or using it as a garnish!)
The recipe should have an original name, measurements of the listed ingredients, and step by step instructions on how to prepare it.
Grading will be based on the originality of the cocktail, creativity, and just the right touch of humor. Winning entries will refer to examples such as this example to earn the highest placement.
1st place
Dr. Aru Law
2nd place
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
3rd place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
4th place
Mistress Aphotis
5th place
General Zentru'la