- Member
Moff Alethia Archenksova
- Subscription time
- 11 April 2020
- Submission time
- 11 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 4 minutes)
- Textual submission
1. Vratix, Thyferra
2. Thane Kyrell
3. Allows the users to pass through ray shields
4. Deathsticks
5. Storage or transportation
6. Mark Hamill was in a car crash during filming.
7, Synthflesh
8. Flexpoly bacta suit
9. Vader, because most of his limbs were hacked off and also he was on fire.
10. Medtox detector, vapro-sampler, and doppraymagno scanner.
- Placement
- Member
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
- Subscription time
- 18 April 2020
- Submission time
- 18 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 8 minutes)
- Textual submission
1. Vratix Thyferra
2. Thane Kyrell
3. To pass through electrified ray shields.
4. Death sticks
5. Back ups for the war wounded/Transplants.
6. To potentially cover Hamil's injuries/scars from girl car accident.
7. Synthflesh
8. Flexpoly Bacta suit
9. Vader, to keep him alive after Mustafar
10. Medtox detector, vapro-sampler, and doppraymagno scanner
- Placement
- Member
Sera Kaern
- Subscription time
- 15 April 2020
- Submission time
- 15 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 8 minutes)
- Textual submission
1. The Vratix, a species from Thyferra.
2. Thane Kyrell
3. When injected into a person's bloodstream, it allows them to pass through an electrified ray shield.
4. Death Sticks.
5. In order to prevent the organs from deteriorating due to rapid clone aging (also, most organs are placed on ice for long-term storage anyways.)
6. Because Mark Hamill's face had been scarred in a car accident prior to filming, and they needed a continuity reason for Luke to be scarred.
7. Synthflesh.
8. A flexpoly bacta suit.
9. Anakin Skywalker was flown to the facility, as he had been grievously burned during his duel with Obi Wan.
10. A medtox detector, a vapro-sampler, and a doppraymagno scanner.
- Placement
- Member
Mistress Aphotis
- Subscription time
- 16 April 2020
- Submission time
- 16 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 9 minutes)
- Submission
- Mistress Aphotis opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
- Member
Cymbre Kall
- Subscription time
- 13 April 2020
- Submission time
- 13 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 11 minutes)
- Submission
- Cymbre Kall opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
- Member
Kano Tor Tydex
- Subscription time
- 22 April 2020
- Submission time
- 22 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 12 minutes)
- Submission
- Kano Tor Tydex opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
- Member
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
- Subscription time
- 17 April 2020
- Submission time
- 17 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 13 minutes)
- Textual submission
1 - Vratix
2 - Thane Kyrell
3 - allows Parwan's to pass through electrified ray shields
4 - death sticks
5 - storing them for transport across galaxy
6 - allegedly to explain facial injuries Mark Hamill had suffered
7 - Synthskin
8 - flexpoly bacta suit
9 - Anakin Skywalker to be healed and made into Darth Vader
10 - medtox detector, vapro-sampler, doppraymagno scanner
- Placement
- Member
Rivio Rosan
- Subscription time
- 21 April 2020
- Submission time
- 21 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 13 minutes)
- File submission
- Trivia .txt
- Placement
- Member
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
- Subscription time
- 12 April 2020
- Submission time
- 12 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 16 minutes)
- Textual submission
1. Species Vratix on the planet Thyferra.
2. Thane Kyrell.
3. It allows certain species to pass through an electrified ray shield when injected into the bloodstream.
4. Death sticks.
5. For storage and transport.
6. Because he had surgery on his nose.
7. Synthskin.
8. A flexpoly bacta suit.
9. Darth Vader. After his duel on Mustafar.
10. A vapro-sampler, a doppraymagno scanner and a medtox detector.
- Placement
- Member
Xendar Thendaris
- Subscription time
- 14 April 2020
- Submission time
- 14 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 28 minutes)
- Submission
- Xendar Thendaris opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
- Member
Tomora Nay'ek
- Subscription time
- 10 April 2020
- Submission time
- 10 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 7 minutes)
- Textual submission
1. Vratix
2. Thane Kyrell
3. It allows a being to pass through ray shields.
4. Deathsticks
5. To survive transportation across the galaxy.
6. Mark Hamill was in a car accident between filming episodes IV and V, and they wrote his facial scarring into the plot.
7. Flexpoly bacta suit.
8. Synthflesh
9. Anakin, after losing his limbs and burning in lava.
10. Biological make-up, origin, age.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Dr. Rhylance
- Subscription time
- 11 April 2020
- Submission time
- 11 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 12 minutes)
- Textual submission
1: the Vratix planet Thyferra
2: Thane Kyrell
3: Electrolytic serum was a substance that when injected into the bloodstream of a particular species, allowed them to pass through an electrified ray shield.
4: Death sticks
5: For storage and transport across the galaxy
6: Mark Hamil was in a motorcycle accident, synthskin
7: Flexpoly Baca Suit
8: Darth Vader
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Dr. Giyana Jurro
- Subscription time
- 11 April 2020
- Submission time
- 11 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 10 minutes)
- Submission
- Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- Subscription time
- 12 April 2020
- Submission time
- 12 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 28 minutes)
- Textual submission
1. Vratix, from planet Thyferra
2. Thane Kyerll
3. To allow a certain species to pass through an electrified ray shield.
4. Death Sticks
5. To freeze cells and tissue samples for later use. To store and transport throughout the galaxy
7.? Flexpoly Bacta Suit
8. Darth Vader, after his duel on Mustafar
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- Subscription time
- 24 April 2020
- Submission time
- 24 April 2020
- Time taken
(± about 1 hour)
- File submission
- Trivia answers.pdf
- Textual submission
Answers are submitted in pdf document.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Zentru'la
- Subscription time
- 24 April 2020
- Submission time
- 24 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 4 minutes)
- Textual submission
1 - Vratix, Thyferra
2 - Thane Kyrell
3 - pass through an electrified ray shield
4 - death sticks
5 - for storage or transport across the galaxy
6 - Explain Mark Hamill’s Facial Injuries
7 - Synthskin
8 - flexpoly bacta suit
9 - Darth Vader - dying after trying to swim in lava
10 - medtox detector, vapro-sampler, and doppraymagno scanner
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Master Bentre Stahoes
- Subscription time
- 24 April 2020
- Submission time
- 24 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 6 minutes)
- Textual submission
1. Ithorian, Ithor
2. Thane Kyrell
3. to ease the effects of hang overs
4. death sticks
5. for storage or transport
6. because Mark Hamill had been in a car accident
7. synthflesh
8. flexypoly bacta suit
9. Anakin Skywalker, aka Darth Vader
10. a medtox detector, a vapro-sampler and a doppraymagno scanner are all connected units
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
- Subscription time
- 22 April 2020
- Submission time
- 22 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 7 minutes)
- Textual submission
Which species invented bacta, and what planet were they from? Vratix from planet Thyferra.
Which character asked, “Can you get rid of hangovers by dunking yourself in a bacta tank?" Thane Kyrell
What is the purpose of electrolytic serum? allowed you to pass through an electrified ray shield
What illicit substance did Elan Sleazebaggano famously try to peddle to Obi-Wan Kenobi? Death Sticks
Why were cloned organs for clone troopers placed in cryogen during the Clone Wars? So they wouldn't go bad.
Luke Skywalker was mauled by a Wampa on Hoth, but why was that scene written into Episode V? Mark Hamill had face injuries.
What was the name of the polymer-based material material resembling flesh that was used on Luke Skywalker’s cybernetic hand? bacta gel.
What kind of suit was Finn wearing at the beginning of Episode VIII? Flexpoly bacta suit
Which character was flown to the Grand Medical Facility on Coruscant on a medical capsule, and why were they flown there? Anakin Skywalker, because he didn't have the high ground and Obi-wan cut his legs off.
Name three specific elements of a bioscanner that were connected to an analysis computer while used on patients. :The array included a medtox detector, vapro-sampler, and doppraymagno scanner
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Dr. Aru Law
- Subscription time
- 13 April 2020
- Submission time
- 13 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 16 minutes)
- Textual submission
1 - Vratix from planet Thyferra
2 - Thane Kyrell
3 - When injected into particular species bloodstream, it allows them to pass through electrified ray shields
4 - Death sticks
5 - So that they could be preserved for other clones that might need them
6 - It was written because Luke had an accident and got a real scar. Synthflesh.
7 - Bomber suit
8 - Padme because she was pregnant and ill
9 - Medtox detector, vapro-sampler and doppraymagno scanner
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Marcus Armani
- Subscription time
- 14 April 2020
- Submission time
- 14 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 15 minutes)
- Submission
- Marcus Armani opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
- Subscription time
- 14 April 2020
- Submission time
- 14 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 12 minutes)
- Textual submission
1. Vratix, planet Thyferra
2. Thane
3. allowed one to pass through an electrified ray shield.
4. Death Sticks
5. for storage/transport across galaxy
6. written to explain Hamill's facial injuries
7. Synthflesh
8. flexpoly bacta suit
9. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, emergency surgery
10. vapro-sampler, doppraymagno scanner and a medtox detector
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Boss Ragnar Kul
- Subscription time
- 15 April 2020
- Submission time
- 15 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 7 minutes)
- Textual submission
1) Vratix from Thyferra
2) Han Solo
3) Alleviate dehydration
4) Deathsticks
5) To be used as transplants
6) Mark Hamill sustained a car accident scars to face
7) Synthflesh
8) Bacta suit
9) Darth Vader, burns
10) MedTox detector, vapor-scanner, and doppraymagno scanner
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
- Subscription time
- 16 April 2020
- Submission time
- 16 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 14 minutes)
- Textual submission
1. Vratix from Thyferra
2. Thane Kyrell
3. Allows organics to pass through a ray shield
4. Death Sticks
5. To maintain freshness
6. To account for injuries from a car crash
7. Synthskin
8. Flexpoly Bacta Suit
9. Darth Vader was rebuilt into his suit
10. A Medtox Detector, Vapro-Sampler and a Doppraymagno Scanner
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Agate Gua'lara
- Subscription time
- 10 April 2020
- Submission time
- 17 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 7 days)
- Submission
- Agate Gua'lara opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
- Subscription time
- 20 April 2020
- Submission time
- 20 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 11 minutes)
- Textual submission
1. Vratix from Thyferra
2. Thane Kyrell
3. IT allows the user to pass through an electrified ray shield.
4. Death Sticks
5. For transortation
6. Allegedly due to Mark Hamill's car accident which scarred his face, though stories differ :P
7. Synthskin
8. Bacta suit
9. Darth Vader after receiving sever wounds from his duel with Obi Wan
10. Medtox detector, Vapro-sampler and doppraymagno scanner
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Warlord Khryso Mallus
- Subscription time
- 10 April 2020
- Submission time
- 10 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 7 minutes)
- Textual submission
1. The Vratix from Thyferra
2. No Idea
3. It allows someone it is injected into to pass through an electrified ray shield
4. Death Sticks
5. So that they were frozen?
6. Mark Hamill had gotten into a car crash and, as a result, his facial structure had changed.
7, synthetic skin
7. Flexpoly bacta suit
8. Anakin Skywalker, he had just been delimbed and severely burned on Corsucant and Palpatine wanted to save him.
9. medtox detector, doppraymagno scanner, vapro-sampler
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
- Subscription time
- 10 April 2020
- Submission time
- 10 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 3 minutes)
- Textual submission
4 deathsticks
6 he had an accident in real life that scared his face.
7 stormtrooper
- Placement
No placement