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Nikora Rhan
- Subscription time
- 03 May 2020
- Submission time
- 03 May 2020
- Time taken
(± 9 minutes)
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- Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
- Member
- Subscription time
- 30 April 2020
- Submission time
- 30 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 3 minutes)
- Textual submission
1: Leia Organa is also known as? Princess Organa
2: Jabba Desilijic Tiure is who? Jabba the Hutt
3: This admiral messed up and came out of hyperspace to close to the Hoth System. Admiral Ozzel
4: How did Han Solo get his last name? He had no family name and the Imperial recruiter gave him the name.
5: This captain was promoted to Admiral and commanded the largest star destroyer. Firmus Piett
6: This general gave a briefing about how Han's strike would land on Endor. General Crix Madine
7: This Grand Moff commanded the first Death Star. Grand Moff Tarkin
8: This general led the attack on Hoth. General Veers
9: This antagonist was mentioned in IV, briefly seen in V, was defeated in VI. Emperor Palpatine
10: This Ewok was befriended by Leia. Wickett
11: This copilot was told to fly casual. Chewbacca
12: What are the names of the main character's aunt and uncle on Tattooine. Owen and Beru Lars
13: This villain made his on-screen appearance in the first 10 min of IV. Darth Vader
14: This character was the boss of cloud city. Lando Calrissian
15: This captain personally apologized to a Sith Lord in V. Captain Needa
16: This admiral gave a briefing on how the Alliance would attack Death Star II. Admiral Ackbar
17: This little droid was known to have to be a little feisty. R2-D2
18: This droid was known as the galaxy's biggest complainer. C3-P0
19: This boyhood friend of the main character was lost at the Battle of Yavin 4. Biggs Darklighter
20: This character was first introduced as a farmboy. Luke Skywalker
- Placement
- Member
Battlelord Nefarious "NeMo" Moniker
- Subscription time
- 01 May 2020
- Submission time
- 01 May 2020
- Time taken
(± 11 minutes)
- Textual submission
1 princess leia
2 jabba the hutt
3 admiral ozzel
4 his parents
5 admiral piet
6 general crix marine
7 grand moff Wilhuf Tarkin
8 general maximillian veers
9 emperor palpatine
10 wicket w Warwick
11 chewbacca
12 owen and baru Lars
13 darth Vader
14 lando calrissian
15 captain needa
16 admiral ackbar
17 R2-D2
18 C-3PO
19 Biggs darklighter
20 Luke Skywalker
- Placement
- Member
Aedile Raistlin
- Subscription time
- 05 May 2020
- Submission time
- 05 May 2020
- Time taken
(± 16 minutes)
- File submission
- TriviaRaist.txt
- Textual submission
ID 114
- Placement
- Member
Dr. Rhylance
- Subscription time
- 29 April 2020
- Submission time
- 29 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 10 minutes)
- Textual submission
1: Princess Leia
2: Jabba the Hutt
3: Ozzel
4: Imperial recruiter
5: Piett
6: Madine
7: Tarkin
8: Veers
9: Emperor Palpatine
10: Wickett
11: Chewbacca
12: Owen and Beru Lars
13: Dart Vader
14: Lando Calrissian
15: Needa
16: Ackbar
17: R2-D2
18: C3PO
19: Biggs
20: Luke Skywalker
- Placement
- Member
Cymbre Kall
- Subscription time
- 27 April 2020
- Submission time
- 27 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 22 minutes)
- Submission
- Cymbre Kall opted out of publishing her submission.
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- Member
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
- Subscription time
- 01 May 2020
- Submission time
- 03 May 2020
- Time taken
(± 2 days)
- Textual submission
1. Leia Skywalker Organa Solo, or Princess Leia.
2. Jabba the Hutt.
3. Admiral Kendal Ozzel.
4. Given to him by an imperial officer.
5. Firmus Piett.
6. Madine.
7. Wilhuff Tarkin.
8. Maximilian Veers.
9. Sheev Palpatine.
10. Wicket.
11. Chewbacca.
12. Owen and Beru Lars.
13. Darth Vader.
14. Lando Calrissian.
15. Lorth Needa.
16. Yamarus.
17. R2-D2.
18. C-3PO
19. Biggs Darklighter.
20. Luke Skywalker.
- Placement
- Member
Moff Alethia Archenksova
- Subscription time
- 27 April 2020
- Submission time
- 27 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 2 minutes)
- Textual submission
1: Princess Leia, Bousch
2: Jabba the Hutt
3: Ozzel
4: Imperial recruitment officer
5: Piett
6: Rieken
7: Tarkin
8: Veers
9: Palpatine
10: Wickit
11: Chewbacca
12: Beru and Owen Lars
13: Darth Vader
14: Lando
15: Needa
16: Akbar
17: R2-D2
18: C-3PO
19: Biggs Darklighter
20: Luke Skywalker
- Placement
- Member
- Subscription time
- 29 April 2020
- Submission time
- 29 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 5 minutes)
- Textual submission
1) Princess Leia
2) Jabba the Hutt
3) Ozzel
4) He was alone when he enlisted and didn't know his actual name
5) Piett
6) Crix Madine
7) Tarkin
8) Veers
10) Wickett
11) Chewie
12) Beru and Owen
13) Vader
14) Lando
15) Needa
16) Ackbar
17) R2-D2
18) C3PO
19) Biggs
- Placement
- Member
Sera Kaern
- Subscription time
- 30 April 2020
- Submission time
- 30 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 15 minutes)
- Textual submission
1. Princess Leia, General Leia
2. A Hutt crime lord who rules over large swathes of Tattooine with his criminal empire.
3. Admiral Ozzel
4. He had no last name to give an imperial recruiter, as Han had no family. So, the recruiter decided upon assigning him the moniker of Solo.
5. Admiral Piett.
6. General Eggy
7. Grand Moff Tarkin
8. General Veers.
9. Emperor Palpatine, otherwise known as Darth Sidious.
10. Wicket Warwick
11. Chewbacca
12. Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen
13. Darth Vader
14. Lando Calrissian
15. Captain Needa
16. Admiral Ackbar
17. R2D2
18. C3PO
19. Biggs Darklighter
20. Luke Skywalker
- Placement
- Member
Agate Gua'lara
- Subscription time
- 26 April 2020
- Submission time
- 26 April 2020
- Time taken
(± about 1 hour)
- Submission
- Agate Gua'lara opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
General Zentru'la
- Subscription time
- 27 April 2020
- Submission time
- 27 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 9 minutes)
- Textual submission
1 - Princess Leia
2 - Jabba the Hutt
3 - Ackbar
4 - Chose it because he was alone
5 - Ozzel
6 - General Brenn Tantor (in Legends)
7 - Tarkin
8 - Veers
9 - Emperor Palpatine
10 - Wicket
11 - Chewbacca
12 - Owen Lars and Beru Lars
13 - Darth Vader
14 - Lando Calrissian
15 - Admiral Motti
16 - Ackbar
17 - R2-D2
18 - C3-P0
19 - Wedge Antilles
20 - Luke Skywalker
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- Subscription time
- 27 April 2020
- Submission time
- 05 May 2020
- Time taken
(± 8 days)
- Textual submission
1. Leia Organa is also known as Princess Leia. By the end of "Return of the Jedi" I suppose she can also be known as Leia Skywalker since she was adopted by the Organas as a little girl as a means to protect her her real biological father, Darth Vader.
2. I have never heard that characters full name like that before, I've always known "Jabba Desilijic Tiure" as Jabba the Hutt as seen in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace and Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi.
3. Admiral Ozzel was the admiral that came too close to the Hoth system
4. Han Solo was actually named "Solo" by an Imperial gate keeper when Han applied for the Imperial Academy.
5. That would be Admiral Piett who succeeded Admiral Ozzel after Darth Vader Force choked Ozzel for his blunder on Hoth.
6. That would be Admiral Ackbar
7. Grand Moff Tarkin
8. General Maximillian Veers led the attack on Hoth
9. Emperor Sheev Palpatine
10. Wicket Warrick
11. Chewbacca
12. Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru
13. Darth Vader
14. Lando Calrissian
15. "Apology accepted captain Needa" - Darth Vader
16. Admiral Ackbar once again
17. R2-D2 or BB8 could be described as being a "little feisty". Between the two of them, I would probably say R2-D2 is the feistiest.
18. C3PO, Human Cyborg relations
19. Wedge Antilles
20. Luke Skywalker
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
- Subscription time
- 02 May 2020
- Submission time
- 02 May 2020
- Time taken
(± 6 minutes)
- Submission
- Aurora "Aura" Ta'var opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Lokast Falls
- Subscription time
- 02 May 2020
- Submission time
- 02 May 2020
- Time taken
(± 14 minutes)
- Textual submission
1) Princess/ Your Worshipfulness/Highness/ Princess Leia
2) Jabb the Hutt (was known)
4) A random officer on Correlia gave it to him because he was by himself and seemed bummed he lost his beau.
5) Piet
6) General Nadeen
7) Grand Moff Tarkin
9) Sheev Palpatine
10) Jub Jub? That's the song...or it was until Disney...
11) Chewbacca
12) Uncle Owen and Aunt Barue (sp?)
13) Darth Vader
14) Lando Calrissian
16) Admiral Akbar
17) R2D2
18) CP30
19) Biggs
20) Luke Skywalker
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Lumyi Hicyl
- Subscription time
- 04 May 2020
- Submission time
- 04 May 2020
- Time taken
(± 20 minutes)
- Submission
- Lumyi Hicyl opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Boss Ragnar Kul
- Subscription time
- 26 April 2020
- Submission time
- 26 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 5 minutes)
- Textual submission
1. Princess Leia
2. Jabba the Hutt
3. Motti
4. He was by himself - he had no people
5. Piett
6. Dondanna
7. Tarkin
8. Veers
9. Palpatine
10. Wicket
11. Chewbacca
12. Owen and Baru
13. Darth Vader
14. Lando Calrissian
15. Motti
16. Ackbar
17. R2-D2
18. C3PO
19. Biggs Darklighter
20. Luke Skywalker
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Dr. Giyana Jurro
- Subscription time
- 26 April 2020
- Submission time
- 26 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 11 minutes)
- Submission
- Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Elyon de Neverse
- Subscription time
- 26 April 2020
- Submission time
- 26 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 20 minutes)
- Textual submission
1: Leia Organa is also known as?
2: Jabba Desilijic Tiure is who? Jabba Hut
3: This admiral messed up and came out of hyperspace to close to the Hoth System. Admiral Kendal Ozzel
4: How did Han Solo get his last name? because he was alone -solo
5: This captain was promoted to Admiral and commanded the largest star destroyer.
6: This general gave a briefing about how Han's strike would land on Endor. Genera Madine
7: This Grand Moff commanded the first Death Star.
8: This general led the attack on Hoth. Maximilian Veers
9: This antagonist was mentioned in IV, briefly seen in V, was defeated in VI.
10: This Ewok was befriended by Leia. Wicket W. Warrick
11: This copilot was told to fly casual.
12: What are the names of the main character's aunt and uncle on Tattooine. Beru Whitesun Lars
13: This villain made his on-screen appearance in the first 10 min of IV.
14: This character was the boss of cloud city. Lando Calrissian
15: This captain personally apologized to a Sith Lord in V
16: This admiral gave a briefing on how the Alliance would attack Death Star II Admiral Ackbar
17: This little droid was known to have to be a little feisty.
18: This droid was known as the galaxy's biggest complainer R2-D2
19: This boyhood friend of the main character was lost at the Battle of Yavin 4 Biggs Darklighter
20: This character was first introduced as a farmboy. Luke Skywalker
- Placement
No placement
- Member
- Subscription time
- 02 May 2020
- Submission time
- 02 May 2020
- Time taken
(± 14 minutes)
- Submission
- Yud opted out of publishing his submission.
- Placement
No placement
- Member
Mistress Aphotis
- Subscription time
- 26 April 2020
- Submission time
- 26 April 2020
- Time taken
(± 18 minutes)
- Submission
- Mistress Aphotis opted out of publishing her submission.
- Placement
No placement