Competition: Star Wars Movie Madness OT Transports (Easy)

Star Wars Movie Madness OT Transports (Easy)

Some Star Wars transports have become as iconic as the characters that control them. Star Wars had a sense of adventure and fun, with many of the transports becoming cultural icons. This competition will be focusing on those icons. But watch out, some questions could have more than one answer to them. But for the most part, this will be an easy, simple, and fun comp. So good luck.

Please do not subscribe until you are ready! You will be judged on accuracy as well as response time, based on when you subscribed and your final submission time. You will only see the clues upon subscription, so make sure to subscribe only when you are fully prepared to start. Ties will be broken by comparing both the time it took to subscribe and the time it took to submit. Good luck to all! And may the force be with you and serve you well.

Competition Information
Organized by
Xendar Thendaris
Running time
2020-05-06 until 2020-05-22 (17 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
27 subscribers, of which 24 have participated.
1st place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Subscription time
07 May 2020
Submission time
07 May 2020
Time taken
775 seconds (± 13 minutes)
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
1st place
2nd place
Subscription time
20 May 2020
Submission time
20 May 2020
Time taken
410 seconds (± 7 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Millennium Falcon

2: Y-Wing

3: AT-AT

4: T-47 Snowspeeder

5: Tauntaun

6: Bantha

7: TIE Fighter

8: Red 5

9: Red 2 and Red Leader

10: Beating Lando at Sabaac

11: X-Wing

12: Gold Leader

13: AT-ST

14: Sail Barge

15: Alderaan

16: Geonosians

17: Slave I

18: Imperial class Star Destroyer

19: Two

20: TIE Bomber

2nd place
Aedile Tali Sroka
Subscription time
07 May 2020
Submission time
07 May 2020
Time taken
595 seconds (± 10 minutes)
Aedile Tali Sroka opted out of publishing her submission.
3rd place
Master Bentre Stahoes
Subscription time
21 May 2020
Submission time
21 May 2020
Time taken
800 seconds (± 13 minutes)
Textual submission

1: This YT-1300 was made famous as Han Solo's ship
Millenium Falcon

2: What kind of ship did Gold Squadron fly?

3: What of troop transport did the empire use at the Battle of Hoth?

4: What kind of speeder was used in the defense of Echo Base?
T-47 landspeeders

5: Han Solo was quoted as saying "I thought that they smelled bad on the outside."
about this transport.

6: This transport was used by the Sand People and were rode in single file to hide their
gonna guess banthas, and wondering if you meant (sand people walked in single file) Tusken raiders who ride banthas. Otherwise, a sandcrawler.

7: This was the standard fighter of the Empire
TIE-LN Fighter

8: What was Luke's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin?
Red Five

9: What was Wedge Antilles's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin and at the
Battle of Endor?
Red Two

10: How did Han Solo aquire the Millenium Falcon?
In a Sabaac game with Lando

11: What kind of ship did Red Squadron fly at the Battle of Yavin?
T-65 X-Wings, the fighters that killed the Death Star

12: What the Millenium Falcon's designation at the Battle of Endor?
Gold Leader

13: This walker had the unfortunate nickname of "Chicken Walker"

14: What was the transport called that Jabba rode in when he was going to have Luke
thrown into the Sarlacc Pit?
Sail Barge

15: What was the name of the first world destroyed by the Death Star.

16: Who developed the plans for the Death Star?
well, that would depend on what you mean. Poggle the Lesser designed the Death Star. Gyn Erso modified those plans.

17: The transport of Boba Fett
Slave 1, a Firespray-31-transport

18: This is the most common capital ship in the Imperial Navy
Imperial-Class destroyers

19: How many Death Stars were made?

20: This ship first appeared in Episode V, as a ship that was bombing asteroids in search
of the Millenium Falcon.

4th place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
Subscription time
11 May 2020
Submission time
11 May 2020
Time taken
164 seconds (± 3 minutes)
Textual submission

1: Millennium Falcon

2: Y-wing

3: AT-AT

4: Snowspeeder

5: Tauntaun

6: Bantha

7: TIE

8: Red 5

9: Red Leader

10: Won it in sabbaac

11: X-wing

12: Gold leader

13: AT-ST

14: Sail barge

15: Alderaan

16: Bevil Limilisk/Galen Erso

17: Slave 1

18: Imperial Star Destroyer

19: 2

20: TIE bomber

5th place
General Daniel Stephens
Subscription time
18 May 2020
Submission time
18 May 2020
Time taken
243 seconds (± 4 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Millenium Falcon
2. Y wings
4. Snowspeeder T-41
5. Tauntaun
6. Bantha
7. TIE FIghter
8. Red 5
9. Red 2
10. Sabacc
11. Xwing
12. Gold Leader
13. AT ST
14. Sailbarge
15. Aldaraan
16. Galen Erso
17. Slave 1
18. Imperial Star Destroyer
19. 2
20. TIE Bomber

6th place
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
Subscription time
19 May 2020
Submission time
19 May 2020
Time taken
458 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Milenium falcon
2 Y-wings
4. Snow Speeders
5. Taun Taun
6. Bantha
7. TIE
8. Red 5
9 Red 2
10. Won it at cards with Lando
11. X-wing
12. Gold leader
13. AT-ST
14. Khetanna
15. Alderaan
16. Archduke Poggle and Geonosians
17 Slave 1 and then Slave 2 in EU
18 Imperial Star Destroyer
19 2
20 TIE Bomber

7th place
Aedile Raistlin
Subscription time
20 May 2020
Submission time
20 May 2020
Time taken
608 seconds (± 10 minutes)
Textual submission

1 - Millennium Falcon
2 - Y-Wings
3 - At-At
4 - T-47 Airspeeder
5 - Tauntaun
6 - Bantha
7 - TIE Fighter
8 - red 5
9 - red 2
10 - sabacc game
11 - x-wing
12 - gold leader
13 - at-st
14 - khetanna
15 - Alderaan
16 - archduke poggle the lesser
17 - slave one
18 - imperial star destroyer
19 - 2
20 - tie bomber

8th place
A deleted dossier
Subscription time
21 May 2020
Submission time
21 May 2020
Time taken
643 seconds (± 11 minutes)
File submission
9th place
10th place
Lontra Boglach
Lontra Boglach
Subscription time
22 May 2020
Submission time
22 May 2020
Time taken
523 seconds (± 9 minutes)
Textual submission

1: This YT-1300 was made famous as Han Solo's ship
Millenium Falcon

2: What kind of ship did Gold Squadron fly?

3: What of troop transport did the empire use at the Battle of Hoth?

4: What kind of speeder was used in the defense of Echo Base?

5: Han Solo was quoted as saying "I thought that they smelled bad on the outside."
about this transport.

6: This transport was used by the Sand People and were rode in single file to hide their

7: This was the standard fighter of the Empire

8: What was Luke's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin?
Red 5

9: What was Wedge Antilles's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin and at the
Battle of Endor?
Red Leader

10: How did Han Solo aquire the Millenium Falcon?
Han Solo won the Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian in the card game 'sabacc'

11: What kind of ship did Red Squadron fly at the Battle of Yavin?

12: What the Millenium Falcon's designation at the Battle of Endor?
Gold Leader

13: This walker had the unfortunate nickname of "Chicken Walker"

14: What was the transport called that Jabba rode in when he was going to have Luke
thrown into the Sarlacc Pit?
LO-KD57 sail barge

15: What was the name of the first world destroyed by the Death Star.

16: Who developed the plans for the Death Star?
designed by Geonosians led by Archduke Poggle the Lesser. Sometime after the Second Battle of Geonosis, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine presented the plans to the Republic Strategic Advisory Cell, which started to build the station. Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire, Professor Galen Erso and his fellow scientists made modifications to the plans

17: The transport of Boba Fett
Slave I was a modified Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft

18: This is the most common capital ship in the Imperial Navy
Star Destroyer

19: How many Death Stars were made?

20: This ship first appeared in Episode V, as a ship that was bombing asteroids in search
of the Millenium Falcon.
TIE Bomber

10th place
Mistress Aphotis
Subscription time
11 May 2020
Submission time
11 May 2020
Time taken
46 seconds (± 1 minute)
Mistress Aphotis opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Chronicler Arcadia “Caid” Skålson
Subscription time
08 May 2020
Submission time
08 May 2020
Time taken
2107 seconds (± 35 minutes)
Textual submission

1: This YT-1300 was made famous as Han Solo's ship
A: The Millennium Falcon

2: What kind of ship did Gold Squadron fly?
A: BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter.

3: What of troop transport did the empire use at the Battle of Hoth?
A: Y-85 Titan dropship

4: What kind of speeder was used in the defense of Echo Base?
A: T-47 airspeeders

5: Han Solo was quoted as saying "I thought that they smelled bad on the outside."
about this transport.
A: Tauntaun

6: This transport was used by the Sand People and were rode in single file to hide their
A: Bantha

7: This was the standard fighter of the Empire
A: TIE/LN starfighter

8: What was Luke's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin?
A: Red Five

9: What was Wedge Antilles's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin and at the
Battle of Endor?
A: Red-Two

10: How did Han Solo acquire the Millenium Falcon?
A: In a game of Sabacc from Lando Calrissian.

11: What kind of ship did Red Squadron fly at the Battle of Yavin?
A: T-65D X-wing starfighters

12: What the Millennium Falcon's designation at the Battle of Endor?
A: Gold Leader

13: This walker had the unfortunate nickname of "Chicken Walker"
A: All Terrain Scout Walker (AT-ST)

14: What was the transport called that Jabba rode in when he was going to have Luke
thrown into the Sarlacc Pit?
A: The Khetanna - Ubrikkian Industries Luxury sail barge

15: What was the name of the first world destroyed by the Death Star.
A: Alderaan

16: Who developed the plans for the Death Star?
A: First designed by Geonosians led by Archduke Poggle the Lesser, then later by Galen Erso.

17: The transport of Boba Fett
A: The Slave I, a Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft.

18: This is the most common capital ship in the Imperial Navy
A: The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer.

19: How many Death Stars were made?
A: Two.

20: This ship first appeared in Episode V, as a ship that was bombing asteroids in search
of the Millenium Falcon.
A: Executor-class Star Dreadnought - The Executor.

No placement
Warlord Khryso Mallus
Subscription time
15 May 2020
Submission time
15 May 2020
Time taken
238 seconds (± 4 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Millenium Falcon
2. Y-Wing
3. AT-AT
4. Swoop Bike
5. Taun-taun
6. Bantha
7. TIE fighter
8. Red Five
9. Red Two
10. winning a game of sabacc against Lando Calrissian
11. X-wing
12. Gold Leader
13. AT-ST
14. Sail Barge
15. Alderaan
16. Galin Urso
17. Slave I
18. Star Destroyer
19. 2
20. TIE bomber

No placement
Daro Vane
Subscription time
12 May 2020
Submission time
12 May 2020
Time taken
495 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Millennium Falcon
2. Y-Wings
3. At-At
4. Snowspeeder
5. TaunTaun
6. Banta
7. TIE Fighter
8. Red 5
9. Rogue Leader?
10. Sabacc against Lando
11. X-Wings
12. Red Squadron
13. AT ST
14. Sail Barge Skiff
15. Alderaan
16. Geonosians- Poggle the Lesser
17. Slave 1 firespray
18. Star Destroyer
19. 2
20. TIE Bomber

No placement
Agate Gua'lara
Subscription time
06 May 2020
Submission time
06 May 2020
Time taken
2716 seconds (± about 1 hour)
Agate Gua'lara opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Sera Kaern
Subscription time
11 May 2020
Submission time
11 May 2020
Time taken
437 seconds (± 7 minutes)
Textual submission

1. What is the Millenium Falcon
2. Y-wing bombers
3. The PDT-8
4. The T-47 Airspeeder
5. The Taun-Taun
6. The Bantha
7. The TIE fighter
8. Red 5
9. Red 2
10. He won it by cheating against Lando Calrissian in a card game.
11. X-Wing starfighters
12. Gold leader
13. The AT-ST
14. The Khettana Sail-Barge
15. Alderaan
16. Galen Erso and Director Krennic, though it was originally developed by the Geonosians
17. Slave-1
18. The Imperial Star Destroyer
19. Two.
20. The TIE bomber.

No placement
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Subscription time
06 May 2020
Submission time
06 May 2020
Time taken
1026 seconds (± 17 minutes)
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Tomora Nay'ek
Subscription time
09 May 2020
Submission time
09 May 2020
Time taken
669 seconds (± 11 minutes)
Textual submission

1: This YT-1300 was made famous as Han Solo's ship.
* Millennium Falcon

2: What kind of ship did Gold Squadron fly?
* Y-Wings

3: What of troop transport did the empire use at the Battle of Hoth?

4: What kind of speeder was used in the defense of Echo Base?
* T-47 Airspeeder

5: Han Solo was quoted as saying "I thought that they smelled bad on the outside."
about this transport.
- Tauntauns

6: This transport was used by the Sand People and were rode in single file to hide their
* Banthas

7: This was the standard fighter of the Empire
* TIE Starfighter

8: What was Luke's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin?
* Red 5

9: What was Wedge Antilles's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin and at the Battle of Endor?
* Red Leader

10: How did Han Solo aquire the Millenium Falcon?
* Won it from Lando Calrissian playing Sabacc

11: What kind of ship did Red Squadron fly at the Battle of Yavin?
* X-Wing Starfighter

12: What the Millenium Falcon's designation at the Battle of Endor?
* Gold Leader

13: This walker had the unfortunate nickname of "Chicken Walker"

14: What was the transport called that Jabba rode in when he was going to have Luke
thrown into the Sarlacc Pit?
* Sail Barge (Khetanna)

15: What was the name of the first world destroyed by the Death Star.
* Alderaan

16: Who developed the plans for the Death Star?
* Wilhuff Tarkin

17: The transport of Boba Fett
* Slave I (Firespray-31)

18: This is the most common capital ship in the Imperial Navy
* Imperial Star Destroyer

19: How many Death Stars were made?
* Two

20: This ship first appeared in Episode V, as a ship that was bombing asteroids in search of the Millenium Falcon.
* TIE Bomber

No placement
Cymbre Kall
Subscription time
21 May 2020
Submission time
21 May 2020
Time taken
844 seconds (± 14 minutes)
Cymbre Kall opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Subscription time
10 May 2020
Submission time
10 May 2020
Time taken
513 seconds (± 9 minutes)
Textual submission

1) Millennium Falcon
2)X wing starfighter
4) Snowspeeder
7)TIE fighter
9)Red Leader
10)Game of Sabbac w/ Lando
11)X Wing Starfighter
12)Gold Leader
14)Sail Barge
16)Galen Erso
17) Slave I
18)Star Destroyer
20)TIE bomber

No placement
Subscription time
22 May 2020
Submission time
22 May 2020
Time taken
1059 seconds (± 18 minutes)
File submission
Answer to DJB transport trivia.docx
Textual submission

1. Millenium Falcon

No placement
Elyon de Neverse
Subscription time
21 May 2020
Submission time
21 May 2020
Time taken
1498 seconds (± 25 minutes)
Textual submission

1: This YT-1300 was made famous as Han Solo's ship - Millenium Falcon
2: What kind of ship did Gold Squadron fly? Y-wing
3: What of troop transport did the empire use at the Battle of Hoth? AT AT walkers (All Terrain Armored Transport)
4: What kind of speeder was used in the defense of Echo Base? T-47 airspeeder
5: Han Solo was quoted as saying "I thought that they smelled bad on the outside."
about this transport. tauntaun
6: This transport was used by the Sand People and were rode in single file to hide their
7: This was the standard fighter of the Empire TIE fighter
8: What was Luke's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin? Red Five
9: What was Wedge Antilles's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin and at the
Battle of Endor? Red Two
10: How did Han Solo aquire the Millenium Falcon? Win in sabbac
11: What kind of ship did Red Squadron fly at the Battle of Yavin? X-wing
12: What the Millenium Falcon's designation at the Battle of Endor?
13: This walker had the unfortunate nickname of "Chicken Walker" - AT ST
14: What was the transport called that Jabba rode in when he was going to have Luke
thrown into the Sarlacc Pit?
15: What was the name of the first world destroyed by the Death Star. Alderan
16: Who developed the plans for the Death Star? The Separatist
17: The transport of Boba Fett. Slave 1
18: This is the most common capital ship in the Imperial Navy Star Destroyer
19: How many Death Stars were made? two
20: This ship first appeared in Episode V, as a ship that was bombing asteroids in search
of the Millenium Falcon. Super Star Destroyer

No placement
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
Subscription time
17 May 2020
Submission time
17 May 2020
Time taken
333 seconds (± 6 minutes)
Textual submission

1: This YT-1300 was made famous as Han Solo's ship
millenium Falcon
2: What kind of ship did Gold Squadron fly?
Y Wings
3: What of troop transport did the empire use at the Battle of Hoth?
4: What kind of speeder was used in the defense of Echo Base?
Speeder bike
5: Han Solo was quoted as saying "I thought that they smelled bad on the outside."
about this transport.
6: This transport was used by the Sand People and were rode in single file to hide their
7: This was the standard fighter of the Empire
8: What was Luke's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin?
Red 5
9: What was Wedge Antilles's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin and at the
Battle of Endor?
Red 3
10: How did Han Solo aquire the Millenium Falcon?
Won from Lando in a Sabacc game
11: What kind of ship did Red Squadron fly at the Battle of Yavin?
X Wing
12: What the Millenium Falcon's designation at the Battle of Endor?
Rogue Leader
13: This walker had the unfortunate nickname of "Chicken Walker"
14: What was the transport called that Jabba rode in when he was going to have Luke
thrown into the Sarlacc Pit?
Sail Barge
15: What was the name of the first world destroyed by the Death Star.
16: Who developed the plans for the Death Star?
this is an iffy question as the movies and cartoons and books all had different ones, but in the AotC, the Geonosians are seen as the designers
17: The transport of Boba Fett
Slave 1 Firespray
18: This is the most common capital ship in the Imperial Navy
Star Destroyer
19: How many Death Stars were made?
per the movies, 2 - Per novels of legend, as many as 8
20: This ship first appeared in Episode V, as a ship that was bombing asteroids in search
of the Millenium Falcon.
TIE Bomber

No placement
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Subscription time
08 May 2020
Submission time
08 May 2020
Time taken
959 seconds (± 16 minutes)
Textual submission

1 - Millennium Falcon

2 - BTL-A4 Y-wing

3 - AT-AT

4 - T-47 airspeeder

5 - Tauntaun

6 - Banthas

7 - TIE Fighter

8 - Red 5

9 - Red 2 (Yavin), then Red Leader (Endor)

10 - game of sabaac with Lando

11 - A-wings, X-wings and Y-wings

12 - Gold Leader

13 - AT-ST

14 - LO-KD57 sail barge, the Khetanna

15 - Alderaan, though you could probably argue that Scarif was "destroyed" in the sense that it probably was rendered uninhabitable after the demonstration on the base there...

16 - Geonosians

17 - Slave I

18 - Star Destroyers of various models

19 - 2

20 - TIE Bomber

No placement
Fist Uji Tameike
Subscription time
21 May 2020
Submission time
21 May 2020
Time taken
650 seconds (± 11 minutes)
Textual submission

1: This YT-1300 was made famous as Han Solo's ship
Millennium Falcon

2: What kind of ship did Gold Squadron fly?
BTL-A4 Y-wing light bombers

3: What of troop transport did the empire use at the Battle of Hoth?
All Terrain Armored Transport

4: What kind of speeder was used in the defense of Echo Base?
T-47 airspeeders

5: Han Solo was quoted as saying "I thought that they smelled bad on the outside."
about this transport.

6: This transport was used by the Sand People and were rode in single file to hide their

7: This was the standard fighter of the Empire
Tie Fighter

8: What was Luke's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin?

9: What was Wedge Antilles's X-wing designation at the Battle of Yavin and at the
Battle of Endor?
Red Five

10: How did Han Solo aquire the Millenium Falcon?
Winning a game of sabacc

11: What kind of ship did Red Squadron fly at the Battle of Yavin?

12: What the Millenium Falcon's designation at the Battle of Endor?
Gold Leader

13: This walker had the unfortunate nickname of "Chicken Walker"
All Terrain Scout Transport

14: What was the transport called that Jabba rode in when he was going to have Luke
thrown into the Sarlacc Pit?

15: What was the name of the first world destroyed by the Death Star.

16: Who developed the plans for the Death Star?
Galen Erso

17: The transport of Boba Fett
Slave I

18: This is the most common capital ship in the Imperial Navy
Star Destroyers

19: How many Death Stars were made?

20: This ship first appeared in Episode V, as a ship that was bombing asteroids in search
of the Millenium Falcon.
Death Squadron

No placement