Competition: Star Wars Movie Madness PT Characters (Easy)

Star Wars Movie Madness PT Characters (Easy)

Star Wars movies have always had a sense of adventure and fun, with many of the characters becoming cultural icons. This competition will be focusing on those icons. But watch out, some questions could have more than one answer to them. But for the most part, this will be an easy, simple, and fun comp. So good luck.

Please do not subscribe until you are ready! You will be judged on accuracy as well as response time, based on when you subscribed and your final submission time. You will only see the clues upon subscription, so make sure to subscribe only when you are fully prepared to start. Ties will be broken by comparing both the time it took to subscribe and the time it took to submit. Good luck to all! And may the force be with you and serve you well.

Competition Information
Organized by
Xendar Thendaris
Running time
2020-07-06 until 2020-07-20 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
32 subscribers, of which 31 have participated.
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Subscription time
08 July 2020
Submission time
08 July 2020
Time taken
316 seconds (± 5 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Palpatine
2. Darth Vader
3. Padme
4. Captain Panaka
5. Yoda
6. Dooku
7. Maul
8. Grievous
9. Jar Jar Binks
10. Watto
11. Obi-Wan
12. In canon Satine Kryze. In legends Siri Tachi
13. Tarfful
14. Zam Wessel
15. Dexter Jettster
16. The 501st
17. R2-D2
18. C3-PO
19. Sebulba
20. Jango Fett

1st place
2nd place
Nikora Rhan
Nikora Rhan
Subscription time
20 July 2020
Submission time
20 July 2020
Time taken
539 seconds (± 9 minutes)
Nikora Rhan opted out of publishing her submission.
2nd place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
Subscription time
09 July 2020
Submission time
09 July 2020
Time taken
125 seconds (± 2 minutes)
Textual submission

1: Sidious

2: Anakin Skywalker

3: Padme Amidala

4: Panaka

5: Yoda

6: Dooku

7: Maul

8: General Grievous

9: Jar jar Binks

10: Watto

11: Obi-wan Kenobi

12: Satine Kryze

13: Chewbacca

14: Zam Wessel

15: Dexter Jettster

16: 501st Legion

17: R2-D2

18: C-3PO

19: Sebulba

20: Jango Fett

3rd place
Warlord Khryso Mallus
Subscription time
11 July 2020
Submission time
11 July 2020
Time taken
205 seconds (± 3 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Sheev Palpatine
2. Anakin Skywalker
3. Padme Amidala
4. Captain Panaka
5. Yoda
6. Count Dooku
7. Darth Maul
8. General Grievous
9. Jar Jar Binks
10. Watto
11. Obi-Wan Kenobi
12. Dutchess Satine
13. Chewbacca and Tarful
14. Zam Wessel
15. Dexter Jettster
16. 501st Legion
17. R2-D2
18. C-3PO
19. Sebulba
20. Jango Fett

4th place
5th place
Subscription time
16 July 2020
Submission time
16 July 2020
Time taken
278 seconds (± 5 minutes)
Textual submission

1: Sheev Palpatine

2: Anakin Skywalker

3: Padme Amidala

4: Quarsh Panaka

5: Yoda

6: Count Dooku

7: Darth Maul

8: General Grievous

9: Jar Jar Binks

10: Watto

11: Obi-Wan Kenobi

12: Satine

13: Chewbacca

14: Zam Wesell

15: Dexter "Dex" Jettster

16: 501st

17: R2-D2

18: C3-P0

19: Sebulba

20: Jango Fett

5th place
Master Bentre Stahoes
Subscription time
06 July 2020
Submission time
06 July 2020
Time taken
289 seconds (± 5 minutes)
Textual submission

1: Palpatine

2: Darth Vader

3: Padme Amidala

4: Captain Panaka

5: Yoda

6: Count Dooku

7: Darth Maul

8: General Greivous

9: Jar Jar Binks

10: Watto

11: Obi-Want Kenobi

12: Satine Kryze

13: Chewbacca

14: Zam Wessel

15: Dex

16: 501st

17: R2-D2

18: C3P0

19: Sebulba

20: Jango Fett

6th place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Subscription time
17 July 2020
Submission time
17 July 2020
Time taken
322 seconds (± 5 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Darth Sidious
2. Anakin Skywalker
3. Padme Amidala
4. Quarsh Panaka
5. Yoda
6. Dooku
7. Maul
8. Grievous
9. Jar Jar Binks
10. Watto
11. Obi-Wan Kenobi
12. Satine Kryze
13. Chewbacca
14. Zam Wessell
15. Dexter Jettster
16. 501st Legion
17. R2-D2
18. C3-PO
19. Sebulba
20. Jango Fett

7th place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Subscription time
15 July 2020
Submission time
15 July 2020
Time taken
350 seconds (± 6 minutes)
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var opted out of publishing her submission.
8th place
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Subscription time
09 July 2020
Submission time
09 July 2020
Time taken
379 seconds (± 6 minutes)
Textual submission

1: This character was the mastermind behind the Clone Wars and Order 66.

2: This character went from being the galaxy's greatest hero, to it's most infamous villain.
Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader

3: This character was queen of Naboo at 14, then became a senator. She died after giving birth to twins.
Padme Amidala

4: He was the chief protector of the queen of Naboo, then later became a moff in the Galactic Empire.
Quarsh Panaka

5: This diminutive Jedi Master was considered to be one of the most powerful Jedi of all time.
Master Yoda

6: This Jedi turned Sith was that helped incite the Clone Wars, was from a wealthy family from Serenno.
Count Dooku

7: This Zabrak was first introduced in the Phantom Menace.
Darth Maul

8: This four-armed Cyborg was originally a Kaleesh warrior named Qymaen jai Sheelal.

9: This accident-prone clutz-bucket from Otoh Gunga, later became a general and a senator for Naboo.
Jar Jar Binks

10: According to this Toydarian, he claimed that Mind Tricks don't work on him, that only money did.

11: This Jedi, was one of the few to have dueled with more than one Sith (During his lifetime, it was three)
Obi-Wan Kenobi

12: Obi-wan may have looked the other way when his former padawan got married. Who was Obi-wan romantically involved with?
Duchess Satine Kryze

13: This Wookie helped a Jedi master escape from Kashyyk during Order 66.

14: This Clawdite bounty hunter tried to assassinate the senator from Naboo, only to fail and pay for that failure with her life.
Zam Wessell

15: This Besalisk cook was a friend to a certain Jedi Master, and helped him identify where a certain saberdart came from.
Dexter Jettster

16: This real-life organization was inducted into Star Wars canon in Episode III as clones wearing blue stripes on their armor and being known as "Vader's Fist"

17: This little droid fixed the queen of Naboo's starship after it ran the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo.

18: This droid ran around in Episode I with his wiring exposed.

19: This Dug was known to be a notorious cheat when it came to pod racing.

20: This character was the template for the Clone Army.
Jango Fett

9th place
10th place
Lord Halcyon
Lord Halcyon
Subscription time
16 July 2020
Submission time
16 July 2020
Time taken
384 seconds (± 6 minutes)
Textual submission

1: Palpatine

2: Anakin Skywalker

3: Padme Amidala

4: Panaka

5: Yoda

6: Count Dooku

7: Darth Maul

8: General Grievous

9: Jar-Jar Binks

10: Watto

11: Obi-Wan Kenobi

12: Satine

13: Chewbacca

14: Zam Wesell

15: Dexter Jettster

16: 501st Legion

17: R2-D2

18: C-3PO

19: Sebulba

20: Jango Fett

10th place
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Subscription time
16 July 2020
Submission time
16 July 2020
Time taken
2243 seconds (± 37 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Sheev Palpatine.
2. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader.
3. Padme Amidala.
4. Quarsh Panaka.
5. Yoda.
6. Count Dooku.
7. Darth Maul.
8. General Grievous.
9. Jar Jar Binks.
10. Watto.
11. Obi-Wan Kenobi.
12. Duchess Satine.
13. Chewbacca.
14. Zam Wesell.
15. Dexter Jettster.
16. 501st Legion.
17. R2-D2.
18. C3PO.
19. Sebulba.
20. Boba Fett.

No placement
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Subscription time
13 July 2020
Submission time
13 July 2020
Time taken
461 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Textual submission

1: Emperor Palpatine

2: Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader

3: Padme Amidala

4: Quarsh Panaka

5: Yoda

6: Count Dooku

7: Darth Maul

8: General Grievous

9: Jar-Jar Binks

10: Watto

11: Obi-wan Kenobi

12: Satine Kryze

13: Tarfful and Chewbacca

14: Zam Wesell

15: Dexter Jesttster

16: 501st Legion

17: R2-D2

18: C-3P0

19: Sebulba

20: Jango Fett

No placement
Agate Gua'lara
Subscription time
09 July 2020
Submission time
09 July 2020
Time taken
2364 seconds (± 39 minutes)
Agate Gua'lara opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Dr. Aru Law
Subscription time
08 July 2020
Submission time
08 July 2020
Time taken
1582 seconds (± 26 minutes)
Textual submission

1 - Emperor Palpatine
2 - Anakin Skywalker
3 - Padme Amidala
4 - Quarsh Panaka
5 - Yoda
6 - Dooku
7 - Darth Maul
8 - Grievous
9 - Jar Jar Binks
10 - Watto
11 - Obi-Wan Kenobi
12 - Satine kryze
13 - Chewbacca
14 - Zam Wessel
15 - Dexter Jettster
16 - 501st Legion
17 - R2D2
18 - C3PO
19 - Sebulba
20 - Jango Fett

No placement
Fist Uji Tameike
Subscription time
09 July 2020
Submission time
09 July 2020
Time taken
251 seconds (± 4 minutes)
Textual submission

1: This character was the mastermind behind the Clone Wars and Order 66.
A. Darth Sidious

2: This character went from being the galaxy's greatest hero, to it's most infamous villain.
A. Darth Vader

3: This character was queen of Naboo at 14, then became a senator. She died after giving birth to twins.
A. Amidala

4: He was the chief protector of the queen of Naboo, then later became a moff in the Galactic Empire.
A. Captain Panaka
5: This diminutive Jedi Master was considered to be one of the most powerful Jedi of all time.

6: This Jedi turned Sith was that helped incite the Clone Wars, was from a wealthy family from Serenno.
A. Count Dooku

7: This Zabrak was first introduced in the Phantom Menace.
A. Darth Maul

8: This four-armed Cyborg was originally a Kaleesh warrior named Qymaen jai Sheelal.
A. General Grevious

9: This accident-prone clutz-bucket from Otoh Gunga, later became a general and a senator for Naboo.
A. Jar Jar Binks

10: According to this Toydarian, he claimed that Mind Tricks don't work on him, that only money did.
A. Watto

11: This Jedi, was one of the few to have dueled with more than one Sith (During his lifetime, it was three)
A. Obi-Wan Kenobi

12: Obi-wan may have looked the other way when his former padawan got married. Who was Obi-wan romantically involved with?
A. Satine Kryze

13: This Wookie helped a Jedi master escape from Kashyyk during Order 66.
A. Chewbacca

14: This Clawdite bounty hunter tried to assassinate the senator from Naboo, only to fail and pay for that failure with her life.
A. Zam Wesell

15: This Besalisk cook was a friend to a certain Jedi Master, and helped him identify where a certain saberdart came from.
A. Dex

16: This real-life organization was inducted into Star Wars canon in Episode III as clones wearing blue stripes on their armor and being known as "Vader's Fist"
A. 501st Legion

17: This little droid fixed the queen of Naboo's starship after it ran the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo.
A. R2-D2

18: This droid ran around in Episode I with his wiring exposed.
A. C3-PO

19: This Dug was known to be a notorious cheat when it came to pod racing.
A. Sebulba

20: This character was the template for the Clone Army.
a. Jango Fett

No placement
Colonel Len Iode
Subscription time
09 July 2020
Submission time
09 July 2020
Time taken
470 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Colonel Len Iode opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Malisane Sadow
Subscription time
09 July 2020
Submission time
09 July 2020
Time taken
1153 seconds (± 19 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Sheev Palpatine

2. Anakin Skywalker.

3. Amidala

4. Quarsh Panaka

5. Yoda

6. Count Dooku

7. Darth Maul

8. General Grievous

9. Jar Jar Binks

10. Watto

11. Obi Wan Kenobi

12. Satine Kryze

13. Chewbacca

14. Zam Wessel

15. Dexter Jettster

16. 501st Legion

17. R2D2

18. C3PO

19. Sebulba

20. Jango Fett

No placement
Tyga Orn Nilim
Subscription time
12 July 2020
Submission time
12 July 2020
Time taken
1156 seconds (± 19 minutes)
File submission
DJB Star Wars Movie Madness PT Characters Quiz.doc
No placement
Ghost Edgar Drachen
Subscription time
09 July 2020
Submission time
09 July 2020
Time taken
438 seconds (± 7 minutes)
Textual submission

1) palpatine
2) Anakin Skywalker / Vader
3) PADME Skywalker
4) Captain Panaka
5) Yoda
6) Count Dooku
7) Darth Maul
8) Gen Grevius
9) Jar jar Binks
10) Watto
11) Obi Wan
12) Duchess Satine Kryze
13) Chewie
14) Zam Wesell
15) Dex
16) 501St
17) r2d2
18) C3PO
19) Sulbuba
20) Jango Fett

No placement
Tassk Adroc
Subscription time
12 July 2020
Submission time
12 July 2020
Time taken
440 seconds (± 7 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious
2. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
3. Padme Amidala
4. Quarsh Panaka
5. Yoda
6. Count Dooku
7. Darth Maul
8. General Grievous
9. Jar Jar Binks
10. Watto
11. Obi Wan Kenobi
12. Satine Kryze
13. Chewbacca
14. Zam Wessel
15. Dexter
16. 501st Legion
17. R2-D2
18. C-3PO
19. Sebulba
20. Jango Fett

No placement
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
Subscription time
12 July 2020
Submission time
12 July 2020
Time taken
863 seconds (± 14 minutes)
Textual submission

1: This character was the mastermind behind the Clone Wars and Order 66.
Darth Sidious aka Palpatine

2: This character went from being the galaxy's greatest hero, to it's most infamous villain.
Anakin Skywalker

3: This character was queen of Naboo at 14, then became a senator. She died after giving birth to twins.
Princes Amidala

4: He was the chief protector of the queen of Naboo, then later became a moff in the Galactic Empire.

5: This diminutive Jedi Master was considered to be one of the most powerful Jedi of all time.

6: This Jedi turned Sith was that helped incite the Clone Wars, was from a wealthy family from Serenno.

Count Dooku

7: This Zabrak was first introduced in the Phantom Menace.

Darth Maul

8: This four-armed Cyborg was originally a Kaleesh warrior named Qymaen jai Sheelal.

9: This accident-prone clutz-bucket from Otoh Gunga, later became a general and a senator for Naboo.
Jar Jar binks

10: According to this Toydarian, he claimed that Mind Tricks don't work on him, that only money did.

11: This Jedi, was one of the few to have dueled with more than one Sith (During his lifetime, it was three) Obi Wan

12: Obi-wan may have looked the other way when his former padawan got married. Who was Obi-wan romantically involved with? Duchess Satine

13: This Wookie helped a Jedi master escape from Kashyyk during Order 66.

14: This Clawdite bounty hunter tried to assassinate the senator from Naboo, only to fail and pay for that failure with her life. Zam Wessel

15: This Besalisk cook was a friend to a certain Jedi Master, and helped him identify where a certain saberdart came from. Dex

16: This real-life organization was inducted into Star Wars canon in Episode III as clones wearing blue stripes on their armor and being known as "Vader's Fist" 501st Legion

17: This little droid fixed the queen of Naboo's starship after it ran the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo. R2-D2

18: This droid ran around in Episode I with his wiring exposed. c3-p0

19: This Dug was known to be a notorious cheat when it came to pod racing.

20: This character was the template for the Clone Army.
Jango Fett

No placement
Sera Kaern
Subscription time
13 July 2020
Submission time
13 July 2020
Time taken
393 seconds (± 7 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Darth Sidious aka Sheev Palpatine
2. Anakin SKywalker
3. Padme Amidala
4. Quarsh Panaka
5. Yoda
6. Count Dooku
7. Darth Maul
8. General Grievous
9. Jar Jar Binks
10. Watto
11. Obi Wan Kenobi
12. Satine Kryze
13. Chewbacca
14. Zam Wesell
15. Dex Jester
16. 501st Legion
17. R2-D2
18. C-3PO
19. Sebulba
20. Jango Fett

No placement
Natro Liwep
Subscription time
15 July 2020
Submission time
15 July 2020
Time taken
1037 seconds (± 17 minutes)
Textual submission

1: This character was the mastermind behind the Clone Wars and Order 66.

2: This character went from being the galaxy's greatest hero, to it's most infamous villain.

3: This character was queen of Naboo at 14, then became a senator. She died after giving birth to twins. Padme

4: He was the chief protector of the queen of Naboo, then later became a moff in the Galactic Empire. Tarkin

5: This diminutive Jedi Master was considered to be one of the most powerful Jedi of all time. Yoda

6: This Jedi turned Sith was that helped incite the Clone Wars, was from a wealthy family from Serenno. Count Dooku

7: This Zabrak was first introduced in the Phantom Menace. Darth Maul

8: This four-armed Cyborg was originally a Kaleesh warrior named Qymaen jai Sheelal. Grievous

9: This accident-prone clutz-bucket from Otoh Gunga, later became a general and a senator for Naboo. Jar Jar Binks

10: According to this Toydarian, he claimed that Mind Tricks don't work on him, that only money did. Watto

11: This Jedi, was one of the few to have dueled with more than one Sith (During his lifetime, it was three) Obi-Wan Kenobi

12: Obi-wan may have looked the other way when his former padawan got married. Who was Obi-wan romantically involved with? Satine

13: This Wookie helped a Jedi master escape from Kashyyk during Order 66. Chewie

14: This Clawdite bounty hunter tried to assassinate the senator from Naboo, only to fail and pay for that failure with her life. Zam Wessell

15: This Besalisk cook was a friend to a certain Jedi Master, and helped him identify where a certain saberdart came from. Dex

16: This real-life organization was inducted into Star Wars canon in Episode III as clones wearing blue stripes on their armor and being known as "Vader's Fist" 501st Legion

17: This little droid fixed the queen of Naboo's starship after it ran the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo. R2-D2

18: This droid ran around in Episode I with his wiring exposed. C-3PO

19: This Dug was known to be a notorious cheat when it came to pod racing. Sebulba

20: This character was the template for the Clone Army. Jango Fett

1: This character was the mastermind behind the Clone Wars and Order 66.

2: This character went from being the galaxy's greatest hero, to it's most infamous villain.

3: This character was queen of Naboo at 14, then became a senator. She died after giving birth to twins. Padme

4: He was the chief protector of the queen of Naboo, then later became a moff in the Galactic Empire. Tarkin

5: This diminutive Jedi Master was considered to be one of the most powerful Jedi of all time. Yoda

6: This Jedi turned Sith was that helped incite the Clone Wars, was from a wealthy family from Serenno. Count Dooku

7: This Zabrak was first introduced in the Phantom Menace. Darth Maul

8: This four-armed Cyborg was originally a Kaleesh warrior named Qymaen jai Sheelal. Grievous

9: This accident-prone clutz-bucket from Otoh Gunga, later became a general and a senator for Naboo. Jar Jar Binks

10: According to this Toydarian, he claimed that Mind Tricks don't work on him, that only money did. Watto

11: This Jedi, was one of the few to have dueled with more than one Sith (During his lifetime, it was three) Obi-Wan Kenobi

12: Obi-wan may have looked the other way when his former padawan got married. Who was Obi-wan romantically involved with? Satine

13: This Wookie helped a Jedi master escape from Kashyyk during Order 66. Chewie

14: This Clawdite bounty hunter tried to assassinate the senator from Naboo, only to fail and pay for that failure with her life. Zam Wessell

15: This Besalisk cook was a friend to a certain Jedi Master, and helped him identify where a certain saberdart came from. Dex

16: This real-life organization was inducted into Star Wars canon in Episode III as clones wearing blue stripes on their armor and being known as "Vader's Fist" 501st Legion

17: This little droid fixed the queen of Naboo's starship after it ran the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo. R2-D2

18: This droid ran around in Episode I with his wiring exposed. C-3PO

19: This Dug was known to be a notorious cheat when it came to pod racing. Sebulba

20: This character was the template for the Clone Army. Jango Fett

No placement
Subscription time
13 July 2020
Submission time
13 July 2020
Time taken
793 seconds (± 13 minutes)
File submission
DJB 1.docx
No placement
Cymbre Kall
Subscription time
15 July 2020
Submission time
15 July 2020
Time taken
456 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Cymbre Kall opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Warlord Robert Sadow
Subscription time
08 July 2020
Submission time
08 July 2020
Time taken
1047 seconds (± 17 minutes)
Textual submission

1: Palpatine/Darth Sidious
2: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
3: Padme Amidala
4: Quarsh Panaka
5: Yoda
6: Count Dooku
7: Darth Maul
8: General Grievous
9: Jar Jar Binks
10: Watto
11: Obi Wan Kenobi
12: Satine Kryze
13: Chewbacca….and Tarfful
14: Zam Wesell
15: Dexter Jettster
16: 501st legion
17: R2-D2
18: C-3PO
19: Sebulba
20: Jango Fett

No placement
Boss Ragnar Kul
Subscription time
14 July 2020
Submission time
14 July 2020
Time taken
496 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Textual submission

1) Emperor Palapatine
2) Anakin Skywalker
3) Padme Amidala
4) Typho
5) Yoda
6) Count Dooku
7) Darth Maul
8) General Grievius
9) Jar Jar Binks
10) Watto
11) Obi Wan
12) Padme Amidala
13) Chewbacca
14) Zam Wessell
15) Dexter Jettster
16) 501st Legion
17) R2-D2
19) Sebulba
20) Jango Fett

No placement
Mistress Aphotis
Subscription time
15 July 2020
Submission time
15 July 2020
Time taken
37 seconds (± 1 minute)
Mistress Aphotis opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Dr. Rhylance
Subscription time
07 July 2020
Submission time
07 July 2020
Time taken
547 seconds (± 9 minutes)
Textual submission

1 Shiev Palpatine
2 Anakin Skywalker
3 Padme Amidala
4 Search ResultsQuarsh Panaka
5 Yoda
6 Count Dooku
7 Darth Maul
8 General Grevious
9 Jar Jar Binks
10 Watto
11 Obi Wan Kenobi
12 Satine Kryze
13 Tarfful and Chewbacca
14 Zam Wessel
15 Dexter
16 501st
17 R2D2
18 C3PO
19 Sebulba
20 Jango Fett

No placement
Ghost Luka Zarkot
Subscription time
17 July 2020
Submission time
17 July 2020
Time taken
754 seconds (± 13 minutes)
Textual submission

1: General Palpatine

2: Aniken Skywalker

3: Amadala

4: Bail Organa

5: Yoda

6: Count Dooku

7: Darth Maul

8: General Grievous

9: Jar Jar Binks

10: Watto

11: Obi Wan Kenobi
12. Princess Amadala

13: Tarrful

14: Zam Wesell

15: Dex

16: 501st Legion

17: R2D2

18: C3PO

19: Subulba

20: Jango Fett

No placement
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Subscription time
19 July 2020
Submission time
19 July 2020
Time taken
166 seconds (± 3 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Palpatine
2. Anakin Skywalker
3. Padme Admidala
4. Panaka
5. Yoda
6. Count Dooku
7. Maul
8. General Grievous
9. Jar Jar Binks
10. Watto
11. Obi-wan Kenobi
12. Satine Kryze
13. Chewbacca
14. Zam Wessell
15. Dexter Jettster
16. 501st Legion (bad guys doing good for life <3)
17. R2-D2
18. C3P0
19. Sebulba
20. Jango Fett

No placement