Create a custom Hearthstone "minion" card based on characters or character types that exist within the Star Wars Universe and/or the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. The card should have the look and feel of a real Hearthstone card except for the fact that it is based on abilities within Star Wars canon.
The website Hearthcards allows users to create custom Hearthstone cards. This competition requires the creation of a "spell" card but feel free to use the combination of card elements such as name, class, and rarity that best fits the ability being depicted.
Attach your saved card image in .PNG format. Do not post the temporary links as your submission. These last for only three days and may no longer be available by the time the competition is graded.
Submission of a card format other than "minion" will result in disqualification. Placement will be determined using the following:
1st place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
2nd place
Seer Xolarin
3rd place
Master Alaris Jinn