Competition: Star Wars Movie Madness PT Animals & Transports (Easy)

Star Wars Movie Madness PT Animals & Transports (Easy)

Some Star Wars transports have become as iconic as the characters that control them. Star Wars had a sense of adventure and fun, with many of the transports becoming cultural icons. This competition will be focusing on those icons. But watch out, some questions could have more than one answer to them. But for the most part, this will be an easy, simple, and fun comp. So good luck.

If you have any the questions or problems, please email me and I will try to get back to you.

Please do not subscribe until you are ready! You will be judged on accuracy as well as response time, based on when you subscribed and your final submission time. You will only see the clues upon subscription, so make sure to subscribe only when you are fully prepared to start. Ties will be broken by comparing both the time it took to subscribe and the time it took to submit. Good luck to all! And may the force be with you and serve you well.

Competition Information
Organized by
Xendar Thendaris
Running time
2020-08-15 until 2020-08-29 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
16 subscribers, of which 13 have participated.
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Subscription time
25 August 2020
Submission time
25 August 2020
Time taken
1861 seconds (± 31 minutes)
Textual submission

1: That was the name of the squadron that flew against the droid control ship in Episode 1?
Bravo Squadron

2: What was the transport of Jango Fett?
Slave I

3: What was the name of General Grievous's flagship?

4: What was the name of the Republic that transported Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to the Trade Federation ship in
orbit over Naboo?
Radiant VII

5: What is the nickname of the Trade Federation droid starfighters?

6: What is the name of the arachnid droid that first appeared at the Battle of Geonosis?
OG-9 homing spider droid

7: What kind of ship was used by Count Dooku to escape from Geonosis?
Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop

8: What class of transport was seen at the end of Episode II?
Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry

9: The Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor was also known by what other name?
Jedi Starfighter

10: This creature first attacked a Geonosisan picador. It then attacked Padme Amidala. (Bonus who had one for a
pet and what was its name?)
Allana Solo, Anji

11: Jar-Jar Binks seemed to find the wrong side of these creatures on Tattooine.

12: The Aggressive ReConnaissance -170 Starfighter was also known as?

13:These animals were kept as guard animals for certain Tusken Raider settlements as seen in Episode II.

14: These animals from Kamino were used as transportation.

15: Name the two animals that Anakin Skywalker directly interacted with in Episode II.
Reek, kouhun

16: What kind of ship did Padme pilot in Episode II?
H-type Nubian yacht

17: This little piece of equipment helped Obi-Wan Kenobi to get to the planet Kamino.
hyperdrive docking ring

18: This wheeled tank droid first appeared in Episode II at the Battle of Geonosis.
IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank

19: This monster vehicle first appeared on Kashyyyk in Episode III.
Not sure which one you mean - NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer and HMP droid gunship both have their first appearance in the franchise in Ep III and are at Kashyyyk

20: What creature was Obi-Wan riding when Palpatine ordered the execution of Order 66?
varactyl (named Boga)

1st place
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Subscription time
29 August 2020
Submission time
29 August 2020
Time taken
280 seconds (± 5 minutes)
Textual submission

1) squad seven
2) Slave I
3) Invisible Hand
4) Radiant VII, consular-class
5) Vulture droid
6) DSD-1 dwarf spider droid
8) Solar sailer
9) Jedi Starfighter
10) Nexu
11) Eopie
12) ARC-170
13) Massiff
14) Aiwha
15) Reek, shaak
16) H-type nubian yacht
17) Homing beacon
18) Hailfire-class droid tank
19) Juggernaut
20) Varactyl

2nd place
Krath Adherent Edema R'uh-Kalinor
Subscription time
20 August 2020
Submission time
20 August 2020
Time taken
1601 seconds (± 27 minutes)
Textual submission

1: Bravo Flight
2: Slave 1 (Firespray Class)
3: The Malevolence
4: Consular-class cruiser, Radiant VII
5: Vulture
6: DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid
7: Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop]
8: Acclamator-class assault ship
9: Jedi Starfighter
10: Nexu/Nexus, Allana Solo
11: Dug
12: ARC fighter
13: Massiff
14: Aiwahas
15: Reek, Orray
16: J type Star Skiff
17: Hyperdrive docking ring
18: IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank
19: NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer
20: Boga

3rd place
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
Subscription time
17 August 2020
Submission time
17 August 2020
Time taken
2545 seconds (± 42 minutes)
Textual submission

1: Bravo Squadron.
2: A Firespray-31-class Interceptor named Slave I.
3: The Subjugator-class heavy cruiser named Malevolence.
4: A Consular-class space cruiser named the Radiant VII.
5: Vulture Droids.
6: DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid.
7: A Punworcca 116-class Interstellar Sloop.
8: Acclamator-class assault ships.
9: Also known as the Jedi Starfighter.
10: The creature is a Nexu. Allana Solo kept one as a pet.
11: That would be an eopie.
12: The ARC-170 Starfighter.
13: Tusken Raiders used Massiffs as guard animals.
14: Aiwha were used as mounts by the Kaminoans.
15: A Reek and a Nexu.
16: A H-type Nubian Yacht.
17: Not sure if you mean a hyperspace transport ring, a saberdart or a star map.
18: The IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank.
19: The NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcer first appeared at Kashyyyk.
20: A varactyl named Boga.

4th place
Dr. Giyana Jurro
Subscription time
16 August 2020
Submission time
16 August 2020
Time taken
924 seconds (± 15 minutes)
Dr. Giyana Jurro opted out of publishing her submission.
5th place
6th place
Sera Kaern
Sera Kaern
Subscription time
16 August 2020
Submission time
16 August 2020
Time taken
1031 seconds (± 17 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Bravo Flight
2. Slave 1
3. The Invisible hand
4. Radiant VIII, a consular class Republic cruiser
5. Vulture Fighters
6. Homing spider droids
7. A solar sailer
8. The LAAT assault/attack carrier
9. The Jedi Starfighter
10. A nexu
11. Eopie
12. The ARC-170 starfighter
13. The Massiff
14. The Aiwha
15. A Rheek (which he rode in the Geonosian Arena) and a Shaak, which he was trampled by on Naboo
16. The N-1 Starfighter at the beginning of the movie.
17. A Kamino saberdart'
18. IG-227 Hailfire class droid tank
19. NR-N99 Persuader Class Droid Tanks
20. A varactyl.

6th place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
Subscription time
15 August 2020
Submission time
15 August 2020
Time taken
485 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Textual submission

1: Bravo
2: Slave I
3: Invisible Hand
4: Radiant VII
5: Vulture droids
6: OG-9
7: Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop
9: Delta-7 jedi starfighter
10: Nexu;
11: Eopie
12: Snoopscoot
13: Massiff
14: Aiwhas
15: Reek, Nexu
16: H-type Nubian yacht
17: Saberdart
18: NR-N99 Persuader
19: HAVw A6 Juggernaut
20: Varactyl

7th place
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
Subscription time
15 August 2020
Submission time
15 August 2020
Time taken
1059 seconds (± 18 minutes)
Textual submission

1: That was the name of the squadron that flew against the droid control ship in Episode 1? Bravo Squadron
2: What was the transport of Jango Fett? Slave 1
3: What was the name of General Grievous's flagship? Invisible Hand
4: What was the name of the Republic that transported Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to the Trade Federation ship in orbit over Naboo? Radiant vII
5: What is the nickname of the Trade Federation droid starfighters? Vulture
6: What is the name of the arachnid droid that first appeared at the Battle of Geonosis?Og-9 spider droid
7: What kind of ship was used by Count Dooku to escape from Geonosis? Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop or solar sailer
8: What class of transport was seen at the end of Episode II? Acclamator
9: The Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor was also known by what other name? Jedi Starfighter
10: This creature first attacked a Geonosisan picador. It then attacked Padme Amidala. (Bonus who had one for a
pet and what was its name?) Acklay
11: Jar-Jar Binks seemed to find the wrong side of these creatures on Tattooine. Dug
12: The Aggressive ReConnaissance -170 Starfighter was also known as? Arc
13:These animals were kept as guard animals for certain Tusken Raider settlements as seen in Episode II. Massiff
14: These animals from Kamino were used as transportation. Aiwha
15: Name the two animals that Anakin Skywalker directly interacted with in Episode II. Shaak and Reek
16: What kind of ship did Padme pilot in Episode II? Nubian Royal Starship
17: This little piece of equipment helped Obi-Wan Kenobi to get to the planet Kamino. Tracking dart
18: This wheeled tank droid first appeared in Episode II at the Battle of Geonosis. Hellfire droid
19: This monster vehicle first appeared on Kashyyyk in Episode III. At-At
20: What creature was Obi-Wan riding when Palpatine ordered the execution of Order 66? Varactyl

8th place
9th place
Orv Dessrx
Orv Dessrx
Subscription time
16 August 2020
Submission time
16 August 2020
Time taken
2611 seconds (± 44 minutes)
File submission
Textual submission

1: That was the name of the squadron that flew against the droid control ship in Episode 1?

Bravo Squadron

2: What was the transport of Jango Fett?

Slave I

3: What was the name of General Grievous's flagship?


4: What was the name of the Republic that transported Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to the Trade Federation ship in
orbit over Naboo?

Radiant VII

5: What is the nickname of the Trade Federation droid starfighters?

Depends on when. The initial one: Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I. Advanced Droid Starfighter is the follow-up version.

6: What is the name of the arachnid droid that first appeared at the Battle of Geonosis?

DSD1 dwarf spider droid

7: What kind of ship was used by Count Dooku to escape from Geonosis?

Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop (Dooku's solar sailer)

8: What class of transport was seen at the end of Episode II?

Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship

9: The Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor was also known by what other name?

Delta-7 Jedi Interceptor

10: This creature first attacked a Geonosisan picador. It then attacked Padme Amidala. (Bonus who had one for a
pet and what was its name?)

A Nexu owned by the Archduke Poggle the Lesser

11: Jar-Jar Binks seemed to find the wrong side of these creatures on Tattooine.

Sebulba, a Dug

12: The Aggressive ReConnaissance -170 Starfighter was also known as?

ARC-170 starfighter

13:These animals were kept as guard animals for certain Tusken Raider settlements as seen in Episode II.


14: These animals from Kamino were used as transportation.


15: Name the two animals that Anakin Skywalker directly interacted with in Episode II.

Kouhuns and a Reek

16: What kind of ship did Padme pilot in Episode II?

J-type 327 Nubian Royal Starship

17: This little piece of equipment helped Obi-Wan Kenobi to get to the planet Kamino.

a Kamino saberdart

18: This wheeled tank droid first appeared in Episode II at the Battle of Geonosis.

IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank

19: This monster vehicle first appeared on Kashyyyk in Episode III.

HAVw A6 Juggernaut

20: What creature was Obi-Wan riding when Palpatine ordered the execution of Order 66?

A varactyl

9th place
10th place
Cymbre Kall
Cymbre Kall
Subscription time
29 August 2020
Submission time
29 August 2020
Time taken
2541 seconds (± 42 minutes)
Cymbre Kall opted out of publishing her submission.
10th place
Mistress Aphotis
Subscription time
20 August 2020
Submission time
20 August 2020
Time taken
134 seconds (± 2 minutes)
Mistress Aphotis opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Subscription time
15 August 2020
Submission time
15 August 2020
Time taken
451 seconds (± 8 minutes)
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Agate Gua'lara
Subscription time
15 August 2020
Submission time
15 August 2020
Time taken
5171 seconds (± about 1 hour)
Agate Gua'lara opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement