Competition: [Vizsla] Golan III - Name The Station

[Vizsla] Golan III - Name The Station

Name Clan Vizsla’s new Golan III and provide a 250-500 word explanation of why you chose that name. Is it named after a historical Mandalorian, a key ally, or even a location of a Clan Vizsla battle?

Entries will be graded on 1) Is the name relevant and cool? 2) Does the submitted backstory make sense with the name? 3) Does the name tie into any Vizsla historical events? 4) Is it cool, again.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
[Clan Vizsla] Golan III
Organized by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Running time
2020-08-20 until 2020-09-27 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Clan Vizsla
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
8 subscribers, of which 6 have participated.
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Textual submission

Sundari Station

The Golan III platform should be named Sundari Station. Sundari was the domed capital city of Mandalore. It fits the Mandalorian theme we are going for and also fits given the isolated nature of a domed city and a space station from the planet they are associated with. Sundari Station also rolls off the tongue easily due to alliteration and is easy to remember.

Sundari was associated with both the New Mandalorians under Duchess Satine and both variations of Death Watch (the group under Pre Vizsla and Darth Maul). Given that we have Battle Teams in the form of Saxon and Death Watch (both of whom had owned the city at one point) the city name is relevant to us as Clan Vizsla.

While it is clearly relevant the main question asked in the competition was “is it cool?”
Well, I for one would certainly say so. Sundari was the site of multiple arcs during the Clone Wars TV show.

Obi-Wan Kenobi had ventured there to meet with his former/almost lover Duchess Satine Kryze. While officially peaceful, evidence had been uncovered that Mandalore may be involved in an attack on a Republic capital ship. They were believed to potentially be aiding the Confederacy of Independent Systems, so Obi-Wan was sent to investigate. While on planet Satine made it clear that much of Mandalore followed her non violent neutral ways, but there was a splinter group who followed the old Mandalorian warrior ways. This is when we are first introduced to Deathwatch and their leader Pre Vizsla.

Later on, long after Vizsla’s death the Siege of Mandalore would occur, part of it within Sundari. The siege of Mandalore definitely fits the cool factor given that it was the most awaited part of the Final Season of TCW. It was a visually appealing battle with jetpack mandalorians and ships clashing in the skies and in the city below while Ahsoka Tano and Darth Maul dueled in the throne room.

Sundari Station is alliterative, and fits the history and cool factor Clan Vizsla is looking for.

1st place
Tribune Kanal O'neill
Textual submission

Scaly Rancor Station

2nd place
3rd place
Vynn Salm
Vynn Salm
File submission
The Mythosaur.pdf
Textual submission

The Mythosaur

I know it sounds like a cop-out but hear me out. It is a name appropriate for the size and ferocity of the Golan III battle station. In Mandalorian lore they are the beasts the size of a small city that were considered one of the most ferocious enemies in Mandalorian history. Perhaps also the most recognized and used symbol in all of Mandalorian history is the depiction of the Mythosaur skull. Their bones were used for everything including weapons. The breastbone was made into the mask that was past down as the visible sign of Mandalore the leader of all the Mandalorian clans. As a clan of Mandalorians and mercenaries, it is a way to honor the past and evoke a sense of the roots of clan Vizsla. Even those who have forgotten the might of the Mandalorians know the symbology behind the name and symbol. Even among the remaining Mandalorians, the Mythosaur is revered and this station deserves a name befitting it’s size, strength and owners. In the Mandalorian show itself the Ugnaught Kuiil stated the Mandalorians used to ride the Mythosaurs. Which was not denied by the actual Mandalorian leaning towards that is either fact or at least a myth Mandalorians want to be perpetuated. While not exactly I direct link to Clan Vizsla since the last known Mythosaur has been dead for thousands of years there is no denying its mark on the entire Mandalorian culture. So how cool would it be for Clan Vizsla to ‘ride’ the Mythosaur once again as the name of our now fully operational battle station?

3rd place
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
Textual submission

The Mythosaur

The Golan III Space Defense Platform Mythosaur is named after the legendary creatures that once roamed the planet Mandalore. These gigantic lizard-like creatures were considered the apex predator of Mandalore until the arrival of the Taung, the ancient war-driven simians who would later become the Children of Mandalore. Nothing else on the entire planet compared to the Mythosaur in sheer size and strength, with many sources citing them as being the size of small cities.

Hunting the Mythosaur was revered as the ultimate test in skill and bravery in battle. The Taung would ride on their backs, craft powerful martial weapons out of their bones and would eventually go on to hunt them into extinction. A ceremonial crown was once crafted out of their bones, and this served as a symbol of the Mand’alor’s right to rule the Clans of Mandalore.

Other symbols of the legendary Mythosaurs included mighty axes carved from their sternums, and sigils of their skulls would adorn the armor of the strongest warriors. These skull symbols would still represent the Mand’alor, their planet, and their people into the modern age.

In much the same way as the enormous lizards would dominate the landscape of Mandalore, our Golan III Space Defence Platform Mythosaur governs the space around Zsoldos, providing protection and security to our allies, refuge and trade for our planet, and an insurmountable challenge for our enemies. As the apex predator of our solar system, naming our Space Defense Platform after the legendary Mythosaur is the greatest symbol of our formidable strength and indominable will.

3rd place
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
File submission
No placement
Maenaki Delavi'in
Maenaki Delavi'in opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement