It is said that to be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain forever a child. To that end, you have been tasked with accessing the archives and answering a series of questions about the CIS and the groups individual that made up the group.
The winner will be determined by most correct answers with ties broken by who has the shortest time between subscription and submission. Good luck.
As with all non-lore focused competitions in this event, please type the name of the faction representative(Ghaarm for Saraask'ar, Krullok for Valneikian Hive, Djeri for Hyperdyne Industries or Rosa for the underworld) you would like your entry to count as a vote for in the submission box. If you write your entry in the submission box, write the faction name above your submission.
1st place
A deleted dossier
2nd place
TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia
3rd place
Chronicler Arcadia “Caid” Skålson