Competition: The Armoury Expo 2: The Visit

The Armoury Expo 2: The Visit

Prompt: The Various Arms dealers and weapons manufacturers have been giving out invitations to select members of the Brotherhood, these invites are for the opening night of the arms and equipment show on Arx, The Armoury Expo 2: The Return. The biggest names in arms and equipment will be there and you have been one of the lucky few to receive and invite. the invite is for you and a plus one, so you may take a guest or significant other with you to the event, one arrival you will be treated to a VIP experience with all the things that billion credit companies can offer such guests.

Write a fiction that revolves around your visit to the opening night of the Expo, you can consider everything from what you wear, how you arrive, how you are treated etc. Include as much detail of the expo as you can and give us a feeling of your experience of such an event are you a fan of such things or is this not of any interest and you came just for the fancy food. Consider: what does the event look like? What items are on display? Who is there at the expo? Is this your first experience of such an event? Did you bring a +1? Do you make and purchases? etc...

How it will be graded: Grading will be based on the Fiction Rubric

Min word count: 500

Competition Information
Parent Competition
The Armoury Expo 2: The Return
Organized by
Krath Adherent Edema R'uh-Kalinor
Running time
2020-10-01 until 2020-11-01 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
6 subscribers, of which 2 have participated.
1st place
Sera Kaern
Sera Kaern
File submission
All's Fair in Love and War.pdf
1st place
Agate Gua'lara
Agate Gua'lara opted out of publishing her submission.
2nd place