Competition: Into the Temple

Into the Temple

The ancient Selenian temple is a relic from the far distant past. It has stood for centuries, untouched due to the seals that have kept the temple closed.

What treasures could be found inside? What artifacts from the ancient Selenian culture are hidden in the temple, waiting to be discovered? Write up a description of at least one of the relics. How is it significant to Selenian history? What possible use could it have for us today?

This writeup is not intended to be a fiction. Instead, your focus should be upon being as descriptive as possible. You can write up multiple relics, but the first one on the document will be the one that is graded, so format appropriately!

The winners will be determined based upon the most interesting, creative and descriptive venues. The top three placements will be awarded third level crescents. In addition, all entries could potentially be added to the wiki.

Participation and placement will also result in earning points toward the parent competition:

  • 1st place will receive 3 points
  • 2nd place will receive 2 points
  • 3rd place will receive 1 points
  • Participation will earn 1 point.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
A Normal, Completely Uneventful Vacation
Organized by
Lucine Vasano, Dr. Rhylance
Running time
2020-09-25 until 2020-10-09 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Arcona
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
7 subscribers, of which 6 have participated.
Qyreia Arronen
File submission
Into The Temple, QA14369.pdf
1st place
Aedile Tali Sroka
Aedile Tali Sroka opted out of publishing her submission.
2nd place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
File submission
Selenian Relic.pdf
3rd place
Textual submission

Wrapped carefully within an old, now dusty cloth was a bracelet.
The bracelet would still shimmer when light hit it.
It was made out of gold.
Sculpted as leaves and beautiful flora that within the forests of Selen.
Within the middle of the bracelet there was a small insignia, that indicated it belonged to the Goddess Alla'su.

No placement
Mistress Aphotis
Textual submission

Strong's Pool Noodle:

The foam stick he uses to impress the Selenian ladies at the resort.

(In Memoriam: The pool noodle)

No placement
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Textual submission

### The Eye of Alla'su

A polished sphere of meteorite rests deep within the temple upon a chiseled pillar. Its diameter is 30.48cm, and it weighs 116.56 kgs. The dark greys are flecked with a chromatic array of space metals. Greens, blues, purples, oranges, and yellows flash fervently with the smallest beam of light. Deep in its center is three diamond-shaped ivory crystals. It is uncleared how these inclusions were inlaid as the tools the scientists reckon would be needed have only been invented in the last hundred years, let alone introduced to the Selen populace in more recet times. Yet, the inclusions do not appear naturally formed in the rock. These crystals appear to glow at the electric-magnetic energy of living beings' presence, some may argue the Force presence in lifeforms, as the glow was more vibrant Alaisy Tir'eivra had walked past.

Due to the events that transpired, scientists were not able to get proper machinery to lift and remove the heavy artifact. Observations were made of its location and theories built on what its cultural significance may have been. At the base of the pillar rested a raised block, upon which were several tools. A clay bowl stained red with what may be blood, farther testing would need to be done. In the center of the bowl was an upright dagger molded into the form and a hole punctured at its base. Aligned with the hole is a trench that would potentially allow any liquid draining off from the bowl and down into a hollowed-out floor. The limited light made it difficult to peer through the honeycomb carved grate, but it appeared to be filled with a dark, thick, coagulated fluid that gave of a very strong stale coppery smell. It is possible that the Ancient Selenians used this altar for sacrifices and viewed the eye as a vessel of the goddess' sight. Sacrificing under the eyes of Alla'su.

Any farther research would have to be done at another time. It is with my scientific expertise and experience that I recommend this site and location be left sealed for the safety of the relics and farther more the safety of the populace surrounding. If this excerpt is recovered, I plea thee to close the entrance and send my love and remorse to my family.

Dr. Ghisn Frinjsk

No placement