Competition: Inquisitorial Intrigue

Inquisitorial Intrigue

The Sea Raven Raiders aren't the only threat to Kiast; Odan-Urr, in our efforts to protect our adoptive home, may have brought new dangers with us.

Intel says that the pirate fleet is being backed by a rogue Inquisitorius agent, a loyalist of Darth Praven who seeks to finish the former-Grandmaster's "purge" of the Jedi, and has begun working with elements within Kiast to drive a divide between us and the Vatali.

Before we continue our quest for the Light Of Ki'Asma, I want a volunteer to do an intel-gathering mission: find out anything you can about this rogue operative, using whatever methods and resources you deem appropriate.

  • Rules: Using one of the prompts above, write at minimum a 500 word fiction of your main or alt character on their mission. How much information they successfully retrieve is up to you. It might be a full face and name, or only a cryptic message of a shadowy face and codename. The real important thing is to have fun playing spy!

  • Grading: Grading will be done utilizing the Fiction Rubric.

  • The top three entries will be awarded Fifth Level Crescents, and the appropriate fiction points.

  • Submissions: Submissions should be via GDoc, PDF, Word, or via The submit text box below.

Good luck, everyone!

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Tython Squadron November Comps
Organized by
Major Jon Silvon
Running time
2020-11-09 until 2020-11-30 (22 days)
Target Unit
Battleteam Tython Squadron
Competition Type
Fifth Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

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