Competition: Who thought of it first? (Astronomical Edition)

Who thought of it first? (Astronomical Edition)

The Star Wars universe has had enriched by so many unique and creative minds over the years. This creativity can be broken up into three sections: GL, or George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars universe. The DU. or Disney Universe, the current story constructor of the Star Wars universe. The EU or the Expanded Universe, a contributor to the Star Wars lore. And as time has passed, all three have made their mark on the Star Wars universe as a whole. In this competition, you will be given a list of planets. You need to decide who was the contributor. Was it GL, the DU, or the EU? But be warned, some questions might trip you up. But for the most part, this will be an easy, simple, and fun comp. So good luck. If you have any questions or problems, please email me and I will try to get back to you.

Please Note: For the sake of simplicity, during this competition. Anything relating to the 2008 The Clone Wars T.V. Show, will be considered part of the DU.

Please do not subscribe until you are ready! You will be judged on accuracy as well as response time, based on when you subscribed and your final submission time. You will only see the clues upon subscription, so make sure to subscribe only when you are fully prepared to start. Ties will be broken by comparing both the time it took to subscribe and the time it took to submit. Good luck to all! And may the force be with you and serve you well.

Competition Information
Organized by
Xendar Thendaris
Running time
2020-11-21 until 2020-12-05 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
12 subscribers, of which 12 have participated.
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
Subscription time
30 November 2020
Submission time
30 November 2020
Time taken
221 seconds (± 4 minutes)
Textual submission

01: The planet Sullust. - GL
02: The planet Illum. - EU
03: The planet Ahch-To - DU
04: The planet Kashyyyk - GL
05: The planet Dathomir - EU
06: The planet Taanab - GL
07: The planet Exegol - DU
08: The planet Malastare - GL
09: The planet Jakku - DU
10: The Panna System - EU
11: The planet Kessel - GL
12: The planet Batorine - EU
13: The planet Abendeno - DU
14: The planet Benetage - EU
15: The planet Cato Neimoida - GL
16: The moon Dxun - EU
17: The planet Dantooine - GL
18: The planet Dromand Kass - DU
19: The planet Stewjon - GL
20: The moons Ashla and Bogan - EU

1st place
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Subscription time
05 December 2020
Submission time
05 December 2020
Time taken
771 seconds (± 13 minutes)
Textual submission

1. GL
2. EU
3. DU
4. GL
5. EU
6. GL
7. DU
8. EU
9. DU
10. GL
11. GL
12. EU
13. DU
14. EU
15. GL
16. EU
17. GL
18. EU
19. GL
20. EU

2nd place
Moff Alethia Archenksova
Subscription time
23 November 2020
Submission time
23 November 2020
Time taken
75 seconds (± 1 minute)
Textual submission

01: EU
02: EU
03: DU
04: EU
05: EU
06: GL
07: DU
08: GL
09: DU
10: DU
11: GL
12: EU
13: EU
14: EU
15: GL
16: EU
17: GL
18: EU
19: GL
20: EU

3rd place
A deleted dossier
Subscription time
27 November 2020
Submission time
27 November 2020
Time taken
145 seconds (± 2 minutes)
Textual submission


4th place
5th place
Sera Kaern
Sera Kaern
Subscription time
25 November 2020
Submission time
25 November 2020
Time taken
147 seconds (± 2 minutes)
Textual submission

1. GL
2. EU
3. DU
4. GL
5. EU
6. EU
7. DU
8. GL
9. DU
10. GL
11. GL
12. EU
13. GL
14. EU
15. GL
16. EU
17. GL
18. EU
19. EU
20. EU

5th place
Agate Gua'lara
Subscription time
24 November 2020
Submission time
24 November 2020
Time taken
1747 seconds (± 29 minutes)
Agate Gua'lara opted out of publishing her submission.
6th place
7th place
Daro Vane
Daro Vane
Subscription time
25 November 2020
Submission time
25 November 2020
Time taken
262 seconds (± 4 minutes)
Textual submission

1. GL
2. EU
3. DU
5. EU
6. DU
7. DU
8. EU
9. DU
10. EU
11. GL
12. EU
13. DU
14. EU
15. GL
16. EU
17. GL
18. EU
19. DU
20. GL

7th place
Colonel Len Iode
Subscription time
04 December 2020
Submission time
04 December 2020
Time taken
671 seconds (± 11 minutes)
Colonel Len Iode opted out of publishing his submission.
8th place
9th place
Dr. Rhylance
Dr. Rhylance
Subscription time
21 November 2020
Submission time
21 November 2020
Time taken
125 seconds (± 2 minutes)
Textual submission

01: The planet Sullust. GL
02: The planet Illum. EU
03: The planet Ahch-To DU
04: The planet Kashyyyk GL
05: The planet Dathomir GL
06: The planet Taanab EU
07: The planet Exegol DU
08: The planet Malastare GL
09: The planet Jakku DU
10: The Panna System EU
11: The planet Kessel GL
12: The planet Batorine EU
13: The planet Abendeno EU
14: The planet Benetage EU
15: The planet Cato Neimoida DU
16: The moon Dxun EU
17: The planet Dantooine GL
18: The planet Dromand Kass EU
19: The planet Stewjon EU
20: The moons Ashla and Bogan EU

9th place
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Subscription time
02 December 2020
Submission time
02 December 2020
Time taken
160 seconds (± 3 minutes)
Textual submission

01: The planet Sullust. - EU
02: The planet Illum. - GL
03: The planet Ahch-To - DU
04: The planet Kashyyyk - GL
05: The planet Dathomir - EU
06: The planet Taanab - GL
07: The planet Exegol - DU
08: The planet Malastare - EU
09: The planet Jakku - DU
10: The Panna System - EU
11: The planet Kessel - EU
12: The planet Batorine - EU
13: The planet Abendeno - EU
14: The planet Benetage - EU
15: The planet Cato Neimoida - GL
16: The moon Dxun - GL
17: The planet Dantooine - GL
18: The planet Dromand Kass -EU
19: The planet Stewjon - EU
20: The moons Ashla and Bogan - EU

10th place
Mistress Aphotis
Subscription time
03 December 2020
Submission time
03 December 2020
Time taken
341 seconds (± 6 minutes)
Textual submission

1 DU
2 EU
3 DU
4 GL
5 GL
6 EU
7 DU
8 EU
9 DU
10 EU
11 GL
12 EU
13 EU
14 EU
15 GL
16 EU
17 GL
18 EU
19 EU
20 GL

No placement
Alara Deathbane
Subscription time
02 December 2020
Submission time
02 December 2020
Time taken
431 seconds (± 7 minutes)
Textual submission

01: The planet Sullust. DU
02: The planet Illum. DU
03: The planet Ahch-To DU
04: The planet Kashyyyk GL
05: The planet Dathomir DU
06: The planet Taanab EU
07: The planet Exegol GL
08: The planet Malastare DU
09: The planet Jakku GL
10: The Panna System EU
11: The planet Kessel GL
12: The planet Batorine EU
13: The planet Abendeno EU
14: The planet Benetage EU
15: The planet Cato Neimoida GL
16: The moon Dxun EU
17: The planet Dantooine DU
18: The planet Dromand Kass EU
19: The planet Stewjon GL
20: The moons Ashla and Bogan GL

No placement
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Subscription time
21 November 2020
Submission time
21 November 2020
Time taken
147 seconds (± 2 minutes)
Textual submission

1 - GL ; 2 - GL ; 3 - DU ; 4 - GL ; 5 - EU ; 6 - GL ; 7 - DU ; 8 - EU ; 9 - DU ; 10 - GL ; 11 - GL ; 12 - DU ; 13 - EU ; 14 - EU ; 15 - DU ; 16 - GL ; 17 - GL ; 18 - EU ; 19 - DU ; 20 - GL

No placement