This year Overwatch has added a NEW brawl to add into the mix for the Winter Wonderland Event. It is called Freezethaw Elimination. It is a 4v4 brawl match. To win you have to eliminate the other team. EXCEPT with a twist!
Instead of dying, players "eliminated" will be frozen solid in blocks of ice. As a teammate you can run up to them and thaw them out, but be careful to not get frozen as well! Which ever team freezes everyone on the enemy team wins! Don't let the enemy thaw out their teammates.
To play this mode got to the Arcade>Winter Brawls>4v4 Freezethaw Elimination.
Winners will be selected by most Enemies Frozen.
In case of a tie will be broke by most Teammates Thawed.
Every participant has to submit their own screenshot. You may group with other DJB members if you wish or just yourself.
Here is an example of the required screenshot.
Now get out there and freeze some enemies!
1st place
Imperial Kah’ri Marru