Weird occurrences are happening in and around the underwater Selenian city of Celeste. Ocean currents seem to be shifting. Strange storms are appearing out of nowhere. While no destruction has been noted within the underwater city itself, tensions are rising and fear is in the air.
For this flash game competition, you are the storm. Follow the provided link and take control of an electric storm as you lay waste to all around you. Accumulate the highest score that you can and once your game is over, submit a screenshot of the score. An example screenshot can be found HERE
Note, this is an HTML5 game that can be played on a PC or on a mobile device.
Placements will be based on who has the highest overall score with ties being broken by order of submission, ie: The first one to submit the score gets the placement.
1st place
Qyreia Arronen
2nd place
Reaper Heiken Akechi
3rd place
Kaled Atros