Competition: Brotherhood in Blood: a Vampire Story

Brotherhood in Blood: a Vampire Story

Wait, it’s not Halloween. Is it? No! Because the things that go bump in the night know no holiday limitations to their deeds, nefarious or otherwise! So, choosing one of the prompts below, play your character either as the vampire, the hunter, or the victim, using the prompts as themes for your fiction. You may put your character(s) in the setting of the intended prompt, or toy with the original plot using more familiar Star Wars and Brotherhood backdrops. You may use your main character, alt, or slotted NPC, but the story must focus on them. Other DB characters may also be included. If you use someone else’s, it’s just good manners to ask them first.

If you’ve been wanting to stretch your fangs or lock your crossbow strings, take your selection of prompts below; let the words and blood flow.


The Impaler. Voivode of Wallachia. Of all the various sobriquets, one stands out that has created one of the most iconic names in vampiric lore: Dracula. Immortalized as a creature of the night by Bram Stoker, his journey takes him from his isolated home to the more populous, blood-rich land of the solicitor that’s come to assist in the transition to his new abode. Or perhaps you’re more fond of Countess Elizabeth Bathory, the Hungarian noble famed for bathing in the blood of virgins brought to her castle. Or Carmilla, a predecessor and likely inspiration to Stoker’s blood-sucker.

Whichever your flavor, they all follow similar motifs, offering similar strengths and weaknesses to these undead lords and ladies. So where does your character fit in? The noble, using the mortals as a means to an end? The hapless victim to their ploy? Or the hunter, using wit, guile, and no small amount of bravery to tackle this centuries-old creature? Victorian attire optional.


Anne Rice’s classic tale of a vampire relaying his lengthy life story to a reporter is practically a genre in itself, spanning not only the nuances of vampiric lore, but telling the tale of transition across the decades as these beings adjusted to life in successive generations and through cultural shifts. And of course, with a little bloodletting along the way. It is also an earlier example of the concept of vampiric organization: covens, coalescing these nocturnals into a semblance of a society, however brutal and in varying degrees of actual governance over gangish violence. So, what is your interview like?


Vampire the Masquerade has become a genre unto itself, melding many of the most iconic aspects of various vampire lores and melding them into a game of political intrigue, sensuality, and bloody conflict. From the Camarilla to the Anarchs, the Ventrue to the Nosferatu, there’s a flavor for anyone and everyone that wants to capitalize on their favorite vampiric tendencies. But of course, as much as some of these groups tout their so-called Masquerade, mortals inevitably get dragged into the conflict, either unwittingly or as one that would cull these nocturnal nuisances in the worldwide game of power. Which path do you have ahead of you?

Millennial Grit

Remember the ‘90s and early Y2K? This was the era of the gritty vampires, coated in cigarette smoke and gasoline as much as they were in blood and sex appeal. From Dusk Til Dawn, Blade, and Underworld are just a few of the infamous titles of the day that followed vampires and hunters alike in fast-paced car chases, flashy gunfights, and slashing cuts from sword and overgrown fingernails alike. And so. much. leather. So tell us: where does your character fit in this chaos of overripe cabals and heart-pounding action? Or is their heart pounding… a little less than others?

The Other

The other bloodsucker genres not your thing? Well no worries! Choose your own, follow the lore, and let your imagination run amok. Even if they… sparkle. You will be required to give some form of lore reference material at the beginning of the text. More obscure material will require a URL to a reference site (ex. wiki).

Additional Essential Details

  • Please put your chosen prompt (eg. fiction theme) in either the file name or in the title of the story. If you chose Other, leave the best reference descriptor that you can.
  • Accepted submission formats are PDF or text-box submissions. Google Doc links and other file types will NOT be accepted. Seriously.
  • Grading will be done in accordance with the Fiction Grading Rubric, with Realism being weighed with following your prompt’s particular lore. Score ties will be broken by grader’s personal preference.
  • Adult content is permitted, but do NOT publish the submission if it includes such content. A friendly warning to the organizer wouldn’t hurt.
  • Second Level Crescents will be available to the top three placements, and Clusters of Ice will be applied in accordance with individual word counts.
Competition Information
Organized by
Qyreia Arronen
Running time
2021-01-24 until 2021-03-07 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Second Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice as per VOICE guidelines
25 subscribers, of which 10 have participated.
1st place
Essik Lyccane
Essik Lyccane
Essik Lyccane opted out of publishing his submission.
1st place
2nd place
Lucine Vasano
Lucine Vasano
Lucine Vasano opted out of publishing her submission.
2nd place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
File submission
Millenial Vampire Story.pdf
No placement
File submission
No placement
Sulon Tiful
File submission
Vampire in the Temple.pdf
Textual submission

I decided to use a ghost chasing theme for this vampire story and included another side character I made for my main one, as well as the R2 droid I recently bought from the item store.

No placement
Mauro Wynter
Textual submission


Mauro Wynter’s carriage arrived slowly to the entrance of the castle on a cold and rainy night. Transylvania was a terribly old and backward part of the crumbling Ottoman Empire. Or was it now part of Romania? The power politics of the great powers were a nuisance for scholars such as Mauro Wynter who was there on a mission to study the traditional folklore and the troubling cases that were being told of back in London. Wealthy minor nobles had made their way to the heart of London now that some liberties were allowed easing the flow of people and capital from the old backwaters to world capitals. And Wynter wanted to see for himself if the old folklore had any merit.

The aged count was known to be somewhat of a recluse. This was at odds with the suave and urbane Count Dracula that he had met in London last season. It was at the height of society season, before the gentry returned to their country seats. Naturally, Wynter did not come from one of the landed and ancient families of polite London society, he was a newly made man of letters that still had to make his mark and keep the patronage of his betters. What more refined way of coming back to society with stories of the primitive lands of Transylvania and Wallachia and the newly ‘freed’ Eastern Christians from the yoke of the Ottomans. What better yet than to come back with gossip on the Count that had stolen the fascination of London? What better way than to expose the man as a fraud and a charlatan.

The footman greated the carriage’s driver and stroke the main of the lead horse as he took the reins. The driver spoke to the footman in hushed tones as Wynter adjusted his riding clothes. His linens were terribly drafty and cold in the hinterland of the mountainous Carpathians. This was truly the land of the damned and ancient horrors, thought Wynter. He allowed the footman to help him down and grab his traveling bags. Before Wynter knew it his carriage was already gone. A chill rain down Wynter’s spine as he approached the castle’s doorway.

It was a monstrous castle, as old as the mountains themselves overlooking the castle. Pillars seemed to rise to the heavens made of crumbling stone. At the doorway the footman opened the terribly large and heavy door to reveal the host. It was the Count alright, but not as Wynter had remembered him. He was weathered, aged, and looked more like a corpse than a man. “Welcome to my home Mr. Wynter. I never imaged to see you so far away from Fleet Street. I must say I wasn’t expecting you but things are never what they seem here in Transylvania. Do you care to join me for a late supper?”

Wynter nodded slowly as he was escorted through a cavernous hall. Wynter sat with the Count as a small cadre of servants brought in serving bowls and many beakers and goblets. “Well then, shall we begin?”

No placement
Nightsister Sinya Ani
Textual submission


My Dearest Ador’a,

It’s been a long time since I’ve written to you. I don’t know if you’re going to receive this, or even where you are anymore. However, I had to talk to someone. I‘ve so much to tell you...I might as well start at the beginning.
I was out at a club about a month ago. It was a busy night and the dance floor was way too crowded for me. So, I went to the bar for a drink. That’s when I met him...and at first it was great. He has perfect blue skin and red eyes. He was so intoxicating I just knew he was special. We exchanged com frequencies before I left for the night.
But lately...I don’t know. There’s just something wrong. I don’t feel the same, like I’ve got a hunger that I just can’t satisfy. It started about a week ago. He Invited me to dinner and I took him up on it. He was charming, and there was just something about him. His red eyes...I just couldn’t turn away. Well, one thing led to another, and the next morning I woke up in a strange bite marks on my neck. I don’t remember what happened. I don’t know if I was too drunk, maybe passed out.
Whatever transpired, I just haven’t been the same since. I haven’t seen him again, but I can hear him in my thoughts. He plagues my dreams. It’s always the same. I’m standing in a courtyard surrounded by people. I don’t recognize anyone. He isn’t there, but he’s a voice in my head, telling me to feed.
At first, I was confused. I didn’t see food anywhere. But eventually, I understood. He wants me to feed on *them*! I always resist, because that’s just…wrong? But I find it less abhorrent every night. I think maybe tonight I’ll give in. What’s the worst that can happen? I mean it’s just a dream, right?
Anyway, I hope to see you again someday.

Forever yours,

No placement
Adept Xantros
Adept Xantros opted out of publishing his submission.
No placement
Warlord Khryso Mallus
File submission
Brotherhood in Blood Transylvanian.pdf
No placement