Strange things are happening in Celeste, and all available Arconans have been asked to help contain the situation. What is your character doing during the crisis?
Search and rescue: The most recent power outage was the largest one yet. Minor failures to the dome maintenance and life support systems has resulted in flooding in a few of the residential sectors. Repair crews are on the scene, but are reportedly overwhelmed by the damage. Your character opts to help contain the chaos.
Monster Hunt: The timing of the attacks and the geographic proximity to Atolli Island is not a coincidence. Your character suspects that the monsters that are prowling the streets of Celeste are the same ones that emerged from the temple. How do they go about preventing the same tragedy from occurring? Where does their hunt take them?
Something else: Your character is not the type to go hunting or pursue humanitarian efforts. What do they do instead? Do they visit the Museum of Selenian History? Or perhaps some looting on the high street?
Write a story about one of the above prompts. It should be at least 500 words long and feature either your main or alt character. Valid submissions accepted in .pdf, .doc and .docx formats. The fictions will be graded following the Voice Fiction Grading Rubric. Winning entries will be awarded Third Level Crescents and Clusters of Ice. Participation and placement will also result in earning points toward the parent competition:
1st place
Aedile Tali Sroka
2nd place
Mistress Aphotis
3rd place
General Stres'tron'garmis