Competition: The Cupid's Arrow of Star Wars

The Cupid's Arrow of Star Wars

Feb 14th. Valentines Day in our universe. A day in which relationships are celebrated. While there is no similar form of celebration in the Star Wars Universe. In this competition, we will be looking a look at those who were hit by Cupid's arrow. Fair Warning! Most of these questions have two answers! But hopefully, it will be a fun competition. So good luck. If you have any questions or problems, please email me and I will try to get back to you.

Please do not subscribe until you are ready! You will be judged on accuracy as well as response time, based on when you subscribed and your final submission time. You will only see the clues upon subscription, so make sure to subscribe only when you are fully prepared to start. Ties will be broken by comparing both the time it took to subscribe and the time it took to submit. Good luck to all! And may the force be with you and serve you well.

Competition Information
Organized by
Xendar Thendaris
Running time
2021-02-14 until 2021-02-28 (15 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
13 subscribers, of which 10 have participated.
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Subscription time
23 February 2021
Submission time
23 February 2021
Time taken
4908 seconds (± about 1 hour)
Textual submission

1. Mala Tinero, Iella Wessiri

2. Faaaaaaaaaaaaalse.

3. Canon - Nakari Kelen (from the terrible opening book for the nu-Canon stuff). Non-canon - lots and lots... too many to list, but notable are Callista and Mara Jade.

4. Anything that moved. Seriously. Is there any version of him that doesn't hit on every character on screen/page? There's also the confirmation that he is written to be pansexual as of the Solo movie.

5. Which version of offspring? Ben: Rey Non-canon: Jaina - Jagged Fel, Jacen - Tenel Ka Djo, Anakin - Tahiri Veila

6. Kento Marek, Ranik Solusar, Nejaa Halcyon, Revan, Anakin Skywalker, maybe Leia if you consider her a Jedi. Ki-Adi-Mundi was polygamously married. Others would fall under what we'd consider common-law, such as Kit Fisto/Aayla Secura.

7. Qi'ra

8. Tahl

9. Satine Kryze per canon. Cerasi, Lena Cobral, and Siri Tachi per non-canon.

10. Canon, doesn't look like it. Non-canon: Thalassa Motti, Natasi Daala

11. Cammie and Fixer

12. Arguably true. It's heavily implied that he had mistresses/concubines, but most of those rumours seem to be disproven.

13. Non-canon, Boba Fett married Sintas Vel

14. Yes - wife Mallatobuck, son Luumpawaroo

15. Darth Talon

16. Darman Skirata

17. Cliegg Lars

18. Zorii Bliss, Poe Dameron

19. Owen Lars

20. PT - Anakin/Padme; OT - Han/Leia; ST - terribly written Ben/Rey even though the first movie heavily points at Rey/Finn

1st place
2nd place
Subscription time
15 February 2021
Submission time
16 February 2021
Time taken
79854 seconds (± about 22 hours)
Cello opted out of publishing his submission.
2nd place
Jael Valsi Chi'ra
Subscription time
25 February 2021
Submission time
25 February 2021
Time taken
2279 seconds (± 38 minutes)
Jael Valsi Chi'ra opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place
Mistress Aphotis
Subscription time
17 February 2021
Submission time
17 February 2021
Time taken
1491 seconds (± 25 minutes)
Textual submission

1 Iella Wessiri Antilles
2 False
3 yes, Mara Jade
4 Hes pansexual (attracted to any gender identity)
5 Kylo seemed very interested in Rey
6 Anakin
7 Qi'ra
8 Tahl was his girlfriend
9 Duchess Satine
10 Lady Thalassa Tarkin
11 Camie Camie and Biggs Darklighter
12 Sly Moore is the rumored lover, or one of them anyway
13 Amaiza Foxtrain was an ex of Dengar
14 Mallatobuck (his wife), Lumpawarrump (his son) and Attichitcuk, Chief of the Kaapauku Tribe (his father)
15 Darth Talon was on concept art with Maul
16 Cut Lawquane did but he was a deserter
17 Cliegg Lars
18 Poe and Zorii Bliss
19 Beru Whitesun Lars married Owen Lars
20 PT: Anakin and Padme, OT: Han Solo and Princess Leia, ST: Rey and Kylo Ren

4th place
5th place
Ellac Conrat
Ellac Conrat
Subscription time
24 February 2021
Submission time
24 February 2021
Time taken
967 seconds (± 16 minutes)
Textual submission

01: Who was Wedge Antilles was romantically involved with? Mala Tinero.

02: True or False. Han Solo was Leia Organa's only romantic interest? True

03: Did Luke ever have romantic notions about anyone? Yes.

04: Lando was somewhat particular about his choice of his love interests. who was he interested in? Kaasha Bateen.

05: Who did the offspring of the Solo's have feelings for. Rey.

06: What Jedi got married? Anakin Skywalker.

07: What was the name of Han's romantic interest before Leia? Qi’ra.

08: Did Qui-Gon Gin ever have a girlfriend? Yes.

09: Who caught Obi-Wan's eye? Duchess Satine.

10: Did Tarkin ever have any romantic attachments? Yes.

11: What were the names of the couple that were friends of Luke? Han Solo and Leia Organa.

12: Palpatine never seemed to be interested in anything other than power. But, was that really so? Yes.

13: Did any of the bounty hunters that Darth Vader summoned aboard the Executor ever marry? Yes.

14: Did Chewie ever have a family? Yes.

15: It was rumored that George Lucas wanted this female sith lord to team up with Darth Maul. Darth Talon.

16: Did any of the clones ever make any romantic attachments? Yes.

17: In Episode II. Who did Shmi Skywalker marry? Cliegg Lars

18: In Episode IX, what characters were implied to have had a previous relationship. Poe and Zorii

19: Who did the character with the last name of Whitesun marry? Owen Lars.

20: Who were the main couples in the PT, OT, and ST? Anakin and Padmé, Han and Leia, Rey and Ben.

5th place
Warlord Kai Movar
Subscription time
18 February 2021
Submission time
18 February 2021
Time taken
518 seconds (± 9 minutes)
File submission
Comp Answers.txt
Textual submission

01: Who was Wedge Antilles was romantically involved with?
Iella Wessiri

02: True or False. Han Solo was Leia Organa's only romantic interest?

03: Did Luke ever have romantic notions about anyone?
Yes, Mara Jade and Callista I think her name was.

04: Lando was somewhat particular about his choice of his love interests. who was he interested in?
Everyone, he was pansexual.

05: Who did the offspring of the Solo's have feelings for.
Jaina married Jagged Fel and Jacen married Tenel Ka Chume'Ta Djo. No idea if this is what you wanted!

06: What Jedi got married?
Naughty ones like Anakin

07: What was the name of Han's romantic interest before Leia?

08: Did Qui-Gon Gin ever have a girlfriend?
Yes, Tahl

09: Who caught Obi-Wan's eye?

10: Did Tarkin ever have any romantic attachments?
Yes, Thalassa.

11: What were the names of the couple that were friends of Luke?
Don't know

12: Palpatine never seemed to be interested in anything other than power. But, was that really so?
No, not at the end of his life.

13: Did any of the bounty hunters that Darth Vader summoned aboard the Executor ever marry?

14: Did Chewie ever have a family?

15: It was rumored that George Lucas wanted this female sith lord to team up with Darth Maul.
Darth Talon

16: Did any of the clones ever make any romantic attachments?

17: In Episode II. Who did Shmi Skywalker marry?
Cliegg Lars

18: In Episode IX, what characters were implied to have had a previous relationship.
Didn't watch it.

19: Who did the character with the last name of Whitesun marry?
Owen Lars

20: Who were the main couples in the PT, OT, and ST?
Anakin and Padme, Han and Leia, and the ST sucks.

6th place
7th place
Tassk Adroc
Tassk Adroc
Subscription time
19 February 2021
Submission time
19 February 2021
Time taken
1119 seconds (± 19 minutes)
Textual submission

9.Satine Kryze
10.Wife Thalassa Motti
11.Leia and Han
12.Yes, all offspring were clones
15.Darth Talon
17.Cliegg Lars
18.Poe and Finn
19.Owen Lars
20.Anakin/Padme, Han/Luke/Leia, Rey/Ben

7th place
Boss Ragnar Kul
Subscription time
14 February 2021
Submission time
14 February 2021
Time taken
334 seconds (± 6 minutes)
Textual submission

1) Baron Soontir Fell's sister
2) False
3) Yes
4) The droid and he had a wife
5) Jagged Fel and Tahiri Vel
6) Luke and Mara, Tionne and Kam
7) Quira
8) Yes
9) Satine
10) Ysanne Isard
11) Wormy and Tinker
12) No he had a son
13) Yes Fett
14) He was married and had a son
15) Lumiya
16) Yes
17) Barru
18) Poe and Zorri
19) Beru Lars
20) Han and Leia

8th place
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Subscription time
17 February 2021
Submission time
17 February 2021
Time taken
307 seconds (± 5 minutes)
Textual submission

2 False
3 Yes
5 Rey
6 Kit Fisto, Anakin Skywalker
9 Satine Krayze
14 yes
16 yes, one had children with a Twi'lek
20 Anakin and Padme, Han and Lei, Ben and Rey

9th place
10th place
Dr. Aru Law
Dr. Aru Law
Subscription time
23 February 2021
Submission time
23 February 2021
Time taken
205 seconds (± 3 minutes)
Textual submission

1 -
2 - False
3 - Yes
4 - Himself
5 - Each other
6 - Ki Adi Mundi
7 - Kira
8 - Yes
9 - Satine
10 - No
11 -
12 - No
13 - Yes
14 - Yes
15 - Ventress
16 - Yes
17 - Ben
18 -

10th place