The sacking of Coruscant was one of the most pivotal moments in the war between the resurgent Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. For the purpose of this competition, you are to write a What If scenario about what would happen if your character was there and present. What would they do? Whose side would they fight on? Where would they be when Coruscant fell?
The outcome of this battle has already been decided but your actions are not. You must write a minimum of 500 words detailing your characters actions had they been present during the Sacking of Coruscant. Was your character a Sith sacking the temple or one of the guardians? Perhaps one of the Soldiers or Pilots on the ground and air fighting for their very lives. The choice is yours.
Fictions will be graded based on the voice fiction rubric, however, you are not required to adhere to your loadouts given the differences in technology though you must adhere to the technology of the time and the equipment available to your side of the conflict. The winner will be the story most adhering to the time period and the story.
For inspiration:
For those unaware of the conflict:
1st place
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
2nd place
Raistline Taldrya Majere
3rd place
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
4th place